Appendix 5 Safety Manual Quiz
- Who is responsible for health and safety in the department?
- Safety Officer
- Vice Chancellor
- Head of Department
- Students
- All of the above
- Which groups of personnel require safety induction and training?
- Research staff
- postgraduate staff
- Visitors and contractors
- General staff
- Anyone (staff or visitor)working in the department
- All of the above
- When do contractors NOT need a safety induction?
- When they will be working unsupervised for less than one day in a laboratory
- When they will be working unsupervised for less than one hour
- Answers (a) and (b)
- Contractors must always receive a safety induction
- The safety induction for contractors requires, at a minimum:
- Information on local emergency procedures and hazards
- The same induction given to staff in that area
- Contractor induction CD training
- No induction is required for technicians on regular service visits
- Non-compliance with the safety requirements may result in:
- Formal advice to supervisor of non compliant person
- A written warning
- Exclusion from the equipment/lab involved
- Exclusion from all chemical engineering laboratories
- The Safety Regulations in the Safety Manual cover (select all that apply):
- Laboratory procedures
- Emergency Procedures
- Bullying
- Threats to personal safety
- All of the above
- Staff or students who may be exposed to raw sewerage in their work environments
- MUST receive a Hepatitis B inoculation prior to beginning work
- Are strongly advised to receive a Hepatitis B inoculation prior to beginning work
- Should receive a Hepatitis B inoculation sometime during the project
- MUST receive a Hepatitis B AND a tetanus inoculation
- After hours work is defined as work undertaken on campus outside the normal working hours of:
- 8.00 am – 6.00 pm any day of the week
- 8.30 am – 5.30 pm Monday to Friday only
- 9.00 am -5.30 pm Monday to Friday
- 8.45 am - 5.00 pm Monday to Friday, excluding university holidays
- “Low Risk” does not require additional procedures for after-hours work. Which activities are regarded as low risk work? (select all that apply)
- Lectures and tutorials
- Desk work in an office
- Desk work in a laboratory
- Desk work in a lab where there is no lab work underway
- Use of low risk laboratory equipment e.g. microscopes
- If your mobile phones rings while you are in a laboratory, you should:
- Answer only if there are no flammable materials stored nearby
- Answer only if it is safe to remove your dusk masks or chemical shield
- Answer only after taking off your gloves
- Terminate the call or answer it outside, after removing gloves
- Mobile phones are not permitted in the laboratories
- What PPE is mandatory for all the personnel entering / working in the laboratory
- Dark goggles and dust masks
- Safety glasses, fully enclosed footwear and lab coat
- Dust masks and disposable shoe covers
- Safety glasses and shoe covers
- Lab coat and steel capped shoes
- Safe work practices involve (select incorrect)
- Washing hands after work and before leaving laboratory
- Pipetting materials using mouth
- Disposal of gloves immediately after the work is finished
- Never use laboratory apparatus without prior instructions
- Unattended experiments
- Do not require a permit
- Require a permit
- Require a permit and risk assessment
- None of the above
- Hazardous substances and Dangerous Goods
- Mean the same thing
- Means nothing
- Hazardous substances harm health while dangerous goods potentially hazardous to people and property.
- Hazardous substances harms people and property while dangerous harm health
- Materials Safety Data sheets are required only for
- Hazardous goods
- Dangerous goods
- Laboratory soap solutions
- Answers (a) and (b)
- All of the above
- While storing dangerous goods:
- One has to check if they are compatible with each other
- Must be accompanied by risk assessments
- Must be checked using segregation table
- All of the above
- Substances prepared and stored in the laboratory
- Must be labeled
- Must be labeled and entered in the laboratory hazard register
- Not to be recorded in laboratory hazard register.
- Do not need to be labeled
- None of the above
- In the event of a chemical exposure to the eyes
- Immediately use saline solution from the first aid kit to flush the affected area
- Seek the area first aider and obtain MSDS to give to medical centre
- Immediately flush the eye with running water for 15 minutes
- Seek the area first aider and notify the safety officer
- When the first tone of the fire alarm sounds
- Evacuate the area
- Seek advice from the building warden
- Collect essential items and evacuate on second alarm tone
- Continue working until floor wardens advise that evacuation is required
- In case of a large spill of Dangerous Goods
- Raise alarm and evacuate in the safest route
- Isolate hazard if safe to do so
- Clean up if safe to do so
- All of the above
- Waste chemicals should be
- Stored in labeled containers
- Can be mixed and stored provided they are in the fume cupboard
- Stored in labeled containers and disposed of by Chemsal
- Disposed ofdown the sink, provided they are heavily diluted
- General safety documentation required in a laboratory are:
- Risk assessments and safe work instructions
- Training records
- Laboratory safety inspections
- All of the above
- What is the correct procedure for ordering chemicals
- Phone supplier and order with credit card
- Follow procedural flowchart as laid out in the Safety Manual
- Order via Internet
- Fill out requisition form and hand it to Chemical Store Manager
Department of Chemical Engineering Safety Manual
Version 7.0