Course Description:

This course is designed to provide the Iron Worker student with training in the 10OSHA guidelines.

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to enable a student towork safely on construction sites.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Apply Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines when working on construction sites.


Target Audience:

This course is mandatory for all apprentices.

Length of Course:

This course is designed to be offered for a minimum of 10 hours of classroom instruction. Hands-on lab or shop training can be utilized in this course as well.It is recommended that classroom and hands-on lab or shop sessions be combined where appropriate. When appropriate, more class sessions may be held for shorter periods of time in order to provide the student with sufficient opportunities to learn the content.

Course sessions may be conducted during evenings in blocks of 3 or 4hours or may be conducted over a two-day period with no day having more than 7.5 hours of training. Given the time required for students to master these skills, it is recommended that all day courses include classroom sessions of no more than a 3 to 4-hour block in the morning and a 3 to 4-hour block in the afternoon.

Location of the Course:

All classes will be held at the facilities used by the local union.Hands-on activities may be held in the classroom or in a lab or work area.

Instructor Information:

The instructor for this course will be an experienced Iron Worker qualified to teach this safety course (i.e., has completed this course and has applied the course information on the job)and who has been trained as an instructor. The instructor must have completed the OSHA 500 course and have a current course completion certificate.

Course Materials:

  • 10-hour OSHA Modules (Smart Mark) and supporting audio-visuals

A Word about Safety

The importance of safety will be addressed and reinforced in all hands-on activities in the classroom, in the shop, and on the job site.

Course Assignments:

There are assignmentsthat will be completed as part of the course. Students will complete these assignments prior to and/or during course sessions as determined by the instructor.

Course Grading Criteria:

To successfully complete this course, the student must complete all of the assignments, demonstrate the required skills in the lab or shop and pass the knowledge tests.

Course Attendance:

All course sessions are mandatory and while missed time can be made up, missing a course session will affect your ability to successfully complete this course. Speak with the instructor to arrange make-up time if necessary.

Course Schedule:

NOTE: The following Course Schedule is set up for blocks or classes 3 hours in length. If your course sessions are more or less than 3 hours, you will need to adjust the number of sessions accordingly.


Session 1Introductions

Review of the course syllabus including the course objectives

Discussion of in class and outside assignments

Introduction to OSHA

Lecture and discussion

Electrical safety subpart-K

Lecture and discussion

Session 2Fall protection subpart-M

Lecture and discussion

Scaffold safety subpart-L

Lecture and discussion

Material handling subpart-H

Lecture and discussion

Tool safety subpart-I

Lecture and discussion

Session 3Personal protective equipment subpart-E

Lecture and discussion

Stairways and ladders subpart-X

Lecture and discussion

Hazard communications subpart-D

Lecture and discussion

Confined spaces subpart-C

Lecture and discussion

Summary and Test