1. Officer Reports
  • Martin Doherty – Chair

Election, short bill, and a discussion on mental health, Make sure to rsvp to the multicultural retreat

make sure to stay involved in the code revision

  • Quailan Homann – Vice Chair

Make sure to submit some bills

  • Brendan Phillips – Secretary

give me your emails if this is your first time

  • Serena Peter – Student Rights Committee Associate Senator

several general funding bills passed, all the bills that passed full senate. Amended SSRR to include some on standing boards.

  1. Discussion: Mental Health

Marty: The student code gives rights the job of dealing with mental health. We just did an overhaul of the student code and we don’t need to make very many changes. We need to provide some context with mental health

lance Watson: last code revision it was brought forth that there were concerns about mental health

code revision in the past student affairs proposes changes, small or large and then rights committee decides what they like and don’t like and then it is sent to full senate. The full senate and the chancellor must approve the changes that are made to the code. Changes were made to the code after senate approval. What you see in the code is not necessarily what was passed in committee or senate. If there are changes, how can we work with general council.

Mattie: we wanted off-campus jurisdiction, but the room was packed, the issue was marginalized. There were many issues with the specific language. Mental health is a real issue on campus and the committee should look into it

Jasmine: its also important to think about ptsd and also the effects of domestic violence. I have experienced that. Teachers are not helpful and sometimes ignore those issues.

The language is very vague and needs to be clarified. We can’t help some students.

Mattie: Someone not in senate edited the document after it was approved.

Nelly: Wording needs to be made to clarify the burden to prove mental illness.

Jasmine: Some people were confused about the language regarding disciplined for a mental health issue. Some people use mental health as an excuse

The issue of disciplining students should be separate from this clause about mental health protection.

The language is still Extremely vague and contradictory.

Graham: there is general consensus that this needs to be changed, have there been specific issues with this clause.

There have been issues regarding mental health and housing

move bill 2018-060 to top of the agenda

  1. Elections
  2. Election Code Subcommittee (2)

The sub-committee is biannual.


Jasmine Filmore

Nelly Kassebaum

Mitch Reinig

Floor closed for nominations

Jasmine- ablehawks and allies.

Has discussed changes needed in the code about those with access needs. I feel strongly that I can handle revisions to help those with accessibility needs. Need to consider the effects of domestic violence and the effect on students in the classroom and living with that. Only deaf-blind individual at KU. Can provide specific experience dealing with blindness and deafness

Nelly- Junior, off-campus senator. Learned the elections code. Campaign manager. This document was very cluttered. There are a suggestions I have about editing the code. I would like to see more information regarding electronic voting and specifics laid out.

Mitch- Holdover senator. This committee is really important and this influences who gets on senate. Been involved in two different elections, and has some ideas regarding what to change to help. Very passionate about this committee. Whats one thing you want to change? Two things, coalition system and (missed).


Floor closed for discussion

Subcommittee representatives-

Jasmine Fillmore

Mitch Reinig

  1. Approval of Minutes

minutes approved

  1. New Business


Nore: promotes Indian classical music, try to put on one event a semester. Performances are different than what you normally get. Cool event for South Asian and not South Asian.

What will the 2000 be used for paying the musicians and the sound people.

Where are the people from? Touring already in the U.S. From India.

Flying in from somewhere else in the U.S.

Noah: how many people attended last year?


Should there be a ticket charge?

Its more of a volunteer event. Cant get funding from us if there is a ticket price

called to question

Bill 2018-060 passed.

  1. Announcements

Civic engagement board events this weekend

Veterans day 5k coming up- make good decisions

ablehawks and allies are in need of more members- technically don’t have enough members to form a group, would like more people to come

adjournment moved

  1. Adjournment

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