I. Fundamentals of Safety Assessment* / II. Assessment of Engineering Aspects Important to Safety* / III. Deterministic Safety Assessment* / IV. Probabilistic Safety Assessment*
Essential Safety Assessment Knowledge
A – Introduction to Safety Assessment
  1. Fundamental Safety Principles and overview of IAEA Safety Standards
  2. Safety Requirements: Safety Assessment GSR Part 4 and Design Safety SSR-2/1
  3. Basic Safety Concepts
  4. Scope of Safety Assessment
For additional training in nuclear safety fundamentals, please refer to the IAEA Basic Professional Training Course on Nuclear Safety (BPTC) at:
/ A – Overview of Engineering Aspects
  1. Implementation of defence in depth
  2. Operational experience
  3. Radiation protection
  4. Classification of structures systems and components
  5. Equipment qualification
  6. Aging and wear-out mechanisms
  7. Human factors in NPP design and operation
  8. Protection against internal fire and explosions
  9. Protection against internal hazards other than fire and explosions
  10. Protection against earthquakes
  11. Protection against external events excluding earthquakes
/ A – Overview of Deterministic Safety Assessment (DSA)
  1. Deterministic Safety Assessment
  2. Scope of Deterministic Analysis
  3. Overview of DSA Applications
  4. Licensing Analyses
  5. Development of EOPs and SAMGs
  6. Safety Analyses in Support of Periodic Safety Reviews
  7. Shut-down and Low Power Analyses
  8. Analyses in Support of Modifications and Life Extension
/ A – Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA)
  1. Basic Risk Concepts and Techniques
  2. General Objectives and Scope of PSA
  3. Overview of Level 1, 2, and 3 PSAs
  4. Level-1 PSA organization, management and tasks outline
  5. Level 2 PSA Process - Major Tasks & Interfaces and Project Arrangements
  6. Role of PSA concepts in Risk Informed Regulations
  7. Safety Assessment and Verification with Level 1 PSAs
  8. Overview of PSA Applications and Regulatory Use of PSAs
  9. Living PSAs and Risk Monitors

B - Fundamentals of Safety Analysis
  1. Scope of safety analysis
  2. Preparing for safety analysis
  3. Criteria for Judging Safety and Acceptance Criteria
  4. Overview of Deterministic Safety Analysis Methods
  5. Overview of Probabilistic Safety Analysis Methods
  6. Use of Computer Codes
  7. Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis
  8. Use of Data from Operating Experience
  9. Interpretation of Results
  10. Quality Assurance (find new title)
  11. Integrate Risk Informed Decision Making
/ B – Safety Assessment of the Design of the Main Systems
  1. Reactor Core
  2. Reactor coolant system and associated systems
  3. Reactor containment systems
  4. Emergency power systems
  5. Fuel handling and storage systems
  6. Supporting and auxiliary systems
  7. Instrumentation and control systems
Safety Systems / B - Design Basis Analysis - System
  1. Intro to Design Basis Analysis: Scope, Objectives, Methodology
  2. Identification and Grouping of Initiating Events
  3. Acceptance Criteria
  4. Basic Code Modelling
  5. Code Verification and Validation
  6. Separate Effects Tests Modelling
  7. Integral Effects Tests Modelling
  8. Nuclear Power Plant Modelling
  9. Conservative approach
  10. Best Estimate plus Uncertainty
  11. Sensitivity Analysis
  12. Fundamentals of Conservative vs. Best Estimate Analysis
  13. Uncertainty Evaluation
  14. Applications
/ B - Level 1 PSA
  1. Analysis of Initiating Events
  2. Accident Sequence Modelling
  3. System Analysis and Fault Tree Development
  4. Reliability and Statistical Data Analyses
  5. Analyses of Dependencies including Common Cause Failures
  6. PSA Quantification and Analysis of Results
  7. Overview of PSA Software
  8. Human Reliability Analysis
  9. Fire Risk Analysis
  10. Flood Risk Analysis
  11. PSA of Internal Hazards
  12. Overview of PSA for External Hazards Including Introduction to Seismic PSA
  13. Applications

C –Design Basis Analysis - Fuel Behaviour
  2. Reactivity coefficient
  3. Shutdown margin
  4. Enrichment
  5. Crud deposition
  6. Strain level
  7. Oxidation
  8. Hydride concentration
  9. Internal gas pressure
  10. Thermal mechanical loads
  11. PCI
  12. Fuel fragmentation (RIA)
  13. Cladding embrittlement/PCT
  14. Cladding embrittlement / Oxidation
  15. Blow down /seismic loads
  16. Assembly hold-down force
  17. Coolant activity
  18. Gap activity
  19. Source term
  20. Applications
/ C - Level 2 PSA
  1. Overview of Severe Accident Phenomena
  2. Sample Calculations of Severe Accident Progression
  3. Containment Designs and Structural Performance
  4. Probabilistic Event Progression Modelling
  5. Probabilistic Analysis Interfaces
  6. Format and Content of Typical Level 2 PSA Results.
  7. Applications

D – Design Extension Conditions
  1. Intro to Design Extension Conditions – overview of severe accidents
  2. In vessel severe accident progression and phenomena
-Thermal hydraulics
-Oxidation of core materials
-Loss of core geometry
-Melt progression with and without reflooding
-Corium characteristic and crust-melt interface
-Heat transfer in corium pools
  1. Core degradation experimental programmes
  2. Modelling of in vessel accident progression with computer codes
  3. Lower head behaviour and failure
  4. High pressure accidents – phenomena and analyses
  5. Hydrogen release and behaviour – generation, distribution, mixing and combustion
  6. Direct containment heating
-DCH phenomena
-Vessel failure modes
-Phenomena in containment
-Experimental data base
  1. Steam explosions – phenomena, and modelling
  2. Ex vessel debris formation and coolability
  3. Corium spreading
-phenomena, experiments
-analytical models
  1. Corium concrete interaction
  2. Fission Product Release and transport
-FP chemistry and aerosols
-FP behaviour in RCS
-Release of FP to the containment and transport
  1. FP modelling
  2. Determination of the Source Term
  3. Severe accident management
-objectives and scope
-severe accident management techniques
-development of SAMGs
  1. Applications
/ D - Level 3 PSA
  1. Basic Structure and Methodology of Level 3 PSA
  2. Release Categories and Frequencies
  3. Atmospheric Dispersion
  4. Evaluation of Consequences
  5. Modelling of Health Effects
  6. Codes used in Level 3 PSA
  7. Uncertainty Analyses and Problems
  8. Applications

Practical Applications Skills
A – Crosscutting Topics
1. Integrated Risk-Informed Decision Making (IRIDM)
  • Relation between DSA and PSA
  • IRDM Framework
  • Integrated use of DSA and PSA
  • IRDM and regulatory applications Integrated use of DSA and PSA
  • IRDM and regulatory applications
2. Periodic Safety Review
  • Periodic Safety Review within the Regulatory Framework
  • Methodology and Guidelines used for Performing PSR
  • PSR Conduct
  • Current Experience with PSR
3. Design Safety Reviews – evaluation of Safety Cases
  • Generic Reactor Safety Review
  • Review od safety documentation against IAEA standards and other relevant criteria
4.Regulatory Review
5.Integrated Management Systems / A - Design Basis Analysis
  1. Typical architecture of thermal-hydraulic system codes
  2. Modelling principles using thermal-hydraulic system codes
  3. Description of thermal-hydraulic system codes structure and syntax
-Heat structures
-Balance of plant
-Neutron kinetics
-Time step control
-Output files
-Post processing
  1. Component models of thermal-hydraulic system codes
-General - volume, junction, pipe, branch, cross flow
-Specialized – valve, pump, accumulator, pressurizer, separator, ECC mixer, turbine
  1. Special process models of thermal-hydraulic system codes
-Hydrodynamic –critical flow, pressure drop, stratification, counter-current flow limitation, interphase mass transfer
-Heat transfer – critical heat flux, radiation, wall heat transfer
  1. Development of input models (from analytical and basic experiments and separate effects experiments through integral experiments to NPPs)
  2. Scaling, verification, validation
  3. NPP Accident Analyses
  4. Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty evaluation
/ Level 1 PSA
  1. Use of PSA Codes
  2. Evaluation of Uncertainties
  3. Presentation of Results

B – Design Extension Conditions (Syllabus currently under preparation)
  1. Modelling of in-vessel phenomena
  2. Modelling of ex-vessel phenomena and containment performance
  3. Fission Product Transport
  4. Determination of Source Term
/ Level 2 PSA
(Syllabus currently under preparation)
  1. Building interface to Level 1 PSA
  2. Estimation of Plant Damage States
  3. Severe Accident Modelling (from Beyond design Basis analysis Module)
  4. Containment performance analysis (CET and quantification)
  5. Source term Analysis

Level 3 PSA
(Syllabus currently under preparation)

* Modules may contain exercises and quizzes as additional training aids