April 2016

Safeguarding checklist 2016/17

Dear colleagues

The purpose of this new checklist, which is designed to build on the safeguarding checklists from previous years, will help your PCC to talk about its safeguarding work and assess where there is already good practice, and identify where further work or advice is needed. With every PCC undertaking this between April and the end of August 2016 we will be able to track how safeguarding is embedded in our churches and identify where we can support further. This information will also feed into our diocesan training plans.

The checklist will …

Help you check what you need to have in place to be a safe church.

Help you check out where you have areas of good practice already.

A ‘comments?’ part in each section to help you comment on strengths, or identify where you may need further work or follow up.

Highlight areas in which the diocesan safeguarding teamcan support you.

Clarify what information your benefice/church may need to provide for us centrally at Church House – or hold locally.

Improve awareness of what safer recruitment needs to be in place

Ensure lists of volunteers and paid staff are up to date and help identify what training and support is available,or may be required.

Please note that your completed checklist needs to sent to us by 31 August 2016. We are sending this hard copy, but it is also available on our website, so you can save and complete it as a Word Document.

If you have any questions or would like advice please get in touch. Please docheck our website for a range of resources and templates that you might find helpful, as you work through the checklist.

Safeguarding checklist for benefices and parishes 2016 – 2017

Benefice/Parish / Name
Incumbent / Name
Date of this completed checklist

Parish safeguarding policy/policies

The PCC has a current safeguarding policy for children/for adults which has been approved by the PCC in the last year / YES NO
When were the policy/policies approved? / Date

Reviewing the policy/policies

The incumbent, our clergy and Readers and those working with children/ adults at risk (vulnerable adults) and Nominated People are aware of their safeguarding roles.
Comments? / YES NO
Everyone on the PCC (and/or DCC) is aware of their role in safeguarding?
Comments? / YES NO
Each time we develop a new activity or project we update our policy/policies as appropriate?
Comments? / YES NO
Each time a new activity is planned we ensure we carry out a risk assessment?
Comments? / YES NO

Nominated safeguarding people

The benefice/parish has a Nominated Person for Children
If you have a Nominated Person for both Adults and Children tick yes
Comments? / YES NO
The parish has a Nominated Person for Vulnerable Adults (adults at risk)
If you have a Nominated Person for both Adults and Children tick yes
Comments? / YES NO
The details of our Nominated Person(s) are advertised on our notice board and people know how to contact them if they have a concern?
Comments? / YES NO
Our Nominated Person/people are in contact with the diocesan safeguarding office who have their name(s) and email/contact details?
If you have new safeguarding nominated people, please can you let us know so we can be in touch with them directly. / YES NO
If you have DCCs or other arrangements which share safeguarding responsibilities please can you let us know who/what they are? / Details


The diocesan safeguarding office will ensure that parish clergy, Readers & clergy with PTO have attended one of our safeguarding workshops.
The diocesan team will ensure we liaise with benefices/parishes to confirm where safeguarding training is required for specific roles in churches – such as worship leaders, pastoral workers, youth, children and family workers etc. (See Page 11/12) / Diocesan Team
Diocesan Team
Benefice/parish Nominated Person(s) have been able to attend a diocesan safeguarding workshop? / YES NO
Please give the date of your Nominated Person(s) training? (This is so we can manage our new schedule of introductory, refresher, and networking training). This can also be added to the list on page 11. / Date

PCCs and Safeguarding arrangements

The PCC (and/or DCC) have safeguarding as a regular agenda item so any safeguarding issues can be discussed? / YES NO
People in our church(es) are generally aware of their role in safeguarding?
We do this by …… comments? / YES NO
Children and vulnerable adults/at risk are aware of who they can talk to?
We do this by ……comments? / YES NO
There is a display of the current safeguarding policy and sources of support (eg Childline or NSPCC poster; or Action against elder abuse or other appropriate vulnerable adult resource).
If you have other resources you advertise that you would recommend please do let us know here….. / YES NO
Any external bodies hiring or using church premises understand that they have the responsibility for safeguarding their own activities and events?
How do they know? For example do you build into hall/premises hire arrangements?
Comments? / YES NO
Children and young people
The PCC is clear about:
a) What activities take place for children
b) What safeguarding arrangements there are/are included in the safeguarding policy
c) Where risk assessments are needed/are in place
d) Who are specifically involved in the range of employee and/or volunteer activities and roles? (see also Safer Recruitment practices below and p10/11)
Comments? / YES NO
For Vulnerable adults/adults at risk
The PCC is clear about:
a) What activities take place for vulnerable adults/adults at risk
b) What safeguarding arrangements there are/are included in the safeguarding policy
c) Where risk assessments are needed/are in place
d) Who are specifically involved in the range of employee and/or volunteer activities and roles? (see also Safer Recruitment practices below, and p10/11)
Comments? / YES NO

Safer Recruitment Practices

The PCC and Nominated Person/people are aware of their responsibilities within the national Safer Recruitment guidance?
Comments? / YES NO
The PCC has at least one person nominated to be their Evidence Checker who follows up online DBS processes in line with the Diocese and CCPAS processes?
Comments? / YES NO
The Nominated Person/incumbent holds a Confidential Declaration form for appropriate people where their role is not eligible for a DBS along with eg application form, references etc, appropriately filed/stored?(see also pages 9/10)
Comments? / YES NO
The Nominated Person/incumbent maintains a current list of those active in a role with a DBS disclosure so that 5yr rechecking can take place?(see also pages 9/10)
Comments? / YES NO
New in 2016
The benefice/parish should ensure that historic personnel files and data are all properly archived and are not destroyed.
Comments? / Make a note of where old records are stored
New in 2016 – and thereafter annually
The Incumbent/Nominated Person have an agreed list of those employed and volunteers (see also page 9/10for a record document).
Please keep this list stored safely so you can refer to it when we are able to notify you about relevant training or other safeguarding developments.
(It is likely that the list will be updated throughout the year as new events happen, new volunteers or employees take up roles with you, or others leave). / Please complete the attached form and store it safely so you can refer to it regularly.

Insurance arrangements

The PCC and Nominated Person/people are aware of their insurance processes and that there is appropriate insurance in place for children and young people.
Diocesan information for PCCs
For PCCs who have their insurances with Ecclesiastical they have confirmed that the Public Liability (Third Party) insurance will protect the interests of the PCC if found legally liable for an incident leading to accidental bodily injury or illness as a result of abuse. Where parishes are insured with another company the position of that company should be clarified including confirmation of the scope of cover.
Policies of insurance require all reasonable care to be taken and with regard to Safeguarding within the Church, this would mean adopting good practice based upon current and ongoing guidance issued by the House of Bishops’ and the Diocese.
Where a PCC has any questions about their level of insurance cover they should contact their insurance provider for guidance. / YES NO

Reviewing and Planning

Yes’s and No’s, and Comments?

The PCC/Nominated Person/people can now review this checklist together and look at areas going well (the Yes’s) – and where there are areas to work on and develop (the No’s) and look at the Comments? within each section, to see where there might be a need for more advice, further resources, or others support needed.

This is work in progress, so there are bound to be gaps and things to follow up over the year.

The areas we feel we are confident in are:
The areas we feel we are less confident in are:
The areas or issues we feel less confident in and that require further work and development are set out below. (Please continue on further pages as necessary?)
What the comment is / What do we need to do? / Who will follow it up? / By when?

(Continue on further pages as needed)

Once completed save this checklist pages 2-7 and return it to us by 31 August 2016. Hard copy or email is fine. Send to or call her on 01452 835558.

Pages 10 onwards are for your own parish records, systems and processes.

Thank you!

Thank you for your time and discussions on this, we appreciate that it will have taken some time to work through and are hugely grateful for all you do.

Safeguarding is a core part of who we are and what we do in our churches. It is a very live issue and there are many challenges we need, and will need, to respond to within a changing church and national agenda – we will keep you informed as things progress.

Please do continue to use it as part of your PCC work in keeping safeguarding on your agenda.

Please can you complete the checklist pages 2-7 and return it to us by 31 August 2016. Hard copy or email is fine. Send to or call her on 01452 835558.

Page 10 onwards is for your own parish records, systems and processes.

If you have any questions about this checklist or need any advice please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Judith Knight Becca Faal:

01452 83552601452 835516

Example Page forSafer Recruitment Checklist

The four examples below are designed to help you complete the grid attached on page 10/11.

Please note that the diocesan team will follow up personally with all clergy, chaplains, clergy with permission to officiate, Readers, Cathedral and diocesan staff; curates and those in training colleges.

Benefices/parishes and Gloucester Cathedral are responsible for ensuring that their lists of volunteers and paid staff are regularly updated and that safer recruitment processes are always undertaken (see page 10/11 for a record document). The attached Safer Recruitment Personnel File Cover Sheet and Fact Sheet may be of assistance here too (see page 12/13)

Benefices/parishes are responsible for ensuring that volunteers and paid staff undertake the appropriate level of training and have the appropriate level of support in place for their roles. Throughout the year the diocesan team will be putting together a new schedule of training and learning and we will liaise with your incumbent/nominated person regarding your list (p10/11) so together we can follow up who needs what.

Name of the Individual and their role / How frequently do they do their role? / Paid or Vol? / DBS date and reference number / Safer Recruitment/
Confidential Declaration / Info/follow up
Example 1
Becca Knight
Children’s Club activity leader / Every fortnight / V / 00099988877
Didn’t write down date, need to check with Kate to complete our records. / Confidential Declaration in file.
There is a job description for Volunteer leaders on file. / Attended Diocesan training April 2015
Would like to do more in children’s mental health
Example 2
Judy Peake
Messy Church helper / Once a month / V / 1112223334
5yr recheck is due in June 2016 / No Confidential Declaration, we need to follow this up asap
There also isn’t a list of activities a helper would be doing? / Hasn’t had any safeguarding trainingyet, but is always supervised.
Will check activity list when we review the new messy church plans after Easter and will add this to everyone attending safeguarding training by the diocese.
Example 3
Katie Faal
Lunch Club assistant / Once a month / Paid / No DBS required / Confidential Declaration in file
File contains application form and references. / Catering qualification only
PCC will ensure all lunch club assistants have basic safeguarding training in 2017
Example 4
Steve Robb
Family and youth worker / 4 days a week +one evening / Paid / 44455556667
3.6.2014 / No Confidential Declaration on File which contains one reference, no CV or application form. / Attended diocesan training in September 2012
Personnel file to be completed by Incumbent asap

Safer Recruitment and training log

Benefice/Parish / Name
Incumbent / Name
Name of person holding this information (eg incumbent, Nominated Person) / Name
Name of the Individual
What is their role? / How frequently do they do their role? / Paid or Voluntary? / DBS date and reference number
(check when 5yr recheck is due) / Safer Recruitment
Confidential Declaration
Date / Any Info/follow up?
Name of the Individual.
What is their role? / How frequently do they do their role? / Paid or Voluntary? / DBS date reference number / Confidential Declaration / Info/follow up

Personnel File Cover Sheet – Safer Recruitment

This template can be adapted for/used for any volunteer or paid member of staff.

All personnel files should be kept securely.

Name of Benefice/Church
Name and address of Individual volunteer/employee
What role will they be doing? (Title)
What tasks will they be undertaking? (Role description or task list)?
CV/Application form enclosed
Keep the original of any application form or CV you accept.
References taken up (give dates and ensure the references are in the file)
Ensure that references are taken and keep the originals in the file.
Confidential Declaration/DBS check undertaken
Keep a record of the DBS date and reference number and a date when the 5yr recheck is due
If in the Online Update Service make a note
If a Confidential Declaration ensure this is kept on file
Start Date
End of probationary period if applicable
Any payroll or budget details?
(Keep details of salary, pension etc in the file)
Details of sickness absence
(Keep details in the file of any dates of absence especially if they are paid members of staff)