News YOU Can Use #1 2015July 29, 2015
News YOU Can Use #1 2015
Dear CICs (if your role has changed, please reply to remove your name from the communication database),
Welcome to the new school year! Throughout the school year I will communicate important information via emails titled News YOU Can Use. These emails are important because they will include reminders and action items to be completed. Generally anything that I ask you to push out to mentors and beginning teachers will be pre-scribed so that all you need to do is include names of who will receive the information.
Start a CIC email folder to store as your documentation of the emails you have sent out. For example a mentor may say at the end of the year that they never received any information, then you will have your folder of emails to refer to.
CIC Assignment
A CIC should have a caseload of no more than 10 teachers (caseload of new teachers = beginning teachers with 0 years of experience + any teachers arriving from Spain for the 2015-16 school year). Only when there are more than 10 teachers, should a second CIC be appointed. Then the caseload should be divided between the two CICs. If you become aware that there is a second CIC at your campus, please verify with your principal that the eligibility requirement of more than 10 new teachers is met. Then determine which new teachers will be assigned to each CIC.
CIC make up training – Disregard next section if you attended the CIC Overview training (you only attend one overview)
Here are three final training options for CICs that have not attended any of the scheduled CIC Overview trainings. These new dates are not available on eTRAIN. Please use this DOODLE document link below to indicate the date of training you will attend. (Select one.) Credit will be received after successfully signing in/out at the end of the training.
If you were not the CIC last year, training is 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM. If you were the CIC last year, join the training at 12:30 - 3:30 PM.
Sign up using this Doodle link to select a make-up date to attend
There are many details to review regarding theCIC responsibilities including organizing a campus orientation and assigning mentors happens before school starts. Because of the many details involved in successfully implementing theCIC role in support of beginning teachers, attending an overview is required for full stipend payment and strong program implementation.
Campus Orientation Dates
All campuses should have already allocated time in pre-service or week one of in-service for the campus orientation for teachers new to your campus. The CIC is responsible for organizing and facilitating the orientation, with administrative support. Principals were initially asked to select between August 3rd and 4th for their Campus Orientation. Because the rescheduled PLS conflicts with these dates you can identify a date that works best for your campus. All Campus Orientations should have occurred by August 14th.
Orientation options
- Monday or Tuesday Aug. 3rd or 4th before New Teacher Academy (NTA). Gives the CIC an opportunity to discuss selection of choice sessions offered during NTA that align to campus programming
- Week of Aug. 10th second best as an option
- Deadline Aug. 14th
Documents from the training
The following documents were discussed during training and have been added to the Campus Orientation File located on the website: Scroll down to CIC Corner>click on Campus orientation file. (Do not click on CIC Lists at the top of the page)
- Aug. 7 Choice Sessions: CIC should review list and recommend sessions for new hires to attend during NTA that best align to your campus programming. They are categorized by elementary, secondary, general and special pops.
- Orientation Check-list: This is a list of topics that will be on the survey monkey which should be completed by beginning teachers after the campus orientation*
- Process to ID BTs and Assign Mentors: This is a form to give your principal when interviewing to help identify when a beginning teacher is hired
- Email to buddy mentors: This is a letter that can be used to inform to buddy mentors
For those CICs who have not attended training yet, pay attention to the information below regarding Campus Orientation (CO) preparation.
The first task for the Campus Induction Coordinator is to plan a campus orientation. Welcoming the new hires into a positive, collaborative work environment is a very important task. In working with new hires, they have indicated that before school starts they want an opportunity to learn about basic logistical information, meet key staff members (especially the mentor), hear general administrative expectations, learn about available campus instructional support, and have an opportunity to ask general questions.
A Campus Orientation Module has been created that includes resources necessary to plan and implement a relaxed and fun campus orientation. Please go to the following webpage to download the materials in the module. down to CIC Corner>Click on Campus Orientation File.There are several documents in this file. The first document called Campus Orientation at a Glance is a quick checklist of things to do. If you watch the NTA Orientation Video, it will introduce all the other resources I have provided.
*Survey to be completed by beginning teachers (BTs) at the end of the orientation
At the end of the CO provide time for the BTs to complete the survey at the link below. The topics on the survey are available for you to review on the website above titled “Orientation Check-list.” Make sure that you provide the opportunity to complete the survey because it will serve as a record of completing the campus orientation requirement.
Assign mentors ASAP
Assign and introduce mentors to the eligible new hire immediately. This pre-service period is an important time for beginning teachers support to learn about the culture and policies of the campus, district and community (mentor assignment discussed in this week’s Academic memo).
. Eligible teachers for mentors:
- Teachers that have 0 years of teaching experience as teacher of record
- Teachers from Spain hired for the 2015 school year
- Teachers hired during the spring 2015 semester or late fall 2014 (Nov. or Dec.).
Report Mentor/Mentee Relationship in the Mentor Activity System (MAS) beginning August 24th
Principals or their identified Campus Induction Coordinator (CIC) are responsible to report all campus mentor/mentee relationships in MAS. Note: The faculty roster found in MAS is populated from PeopleSoft. New hire names will appear on the roster as they are processed by HR. If you do not yet see the new hire’s name, check back in 2-3 days.
Important - Just to clarify - mentor assignments should be made ASAP even if you can not formally enter the mentor/mentee relationships into MAS.)
Availability of the required online courses required to be completed by ALL mentors each year they are a mentor
Transition to HUB took place over the summer. Setting up participation registration in these courses is not yet complete. I will keep you updated with course availability. August 10th is the targeted date.
Save the date - September CIC TOT – Training location request
Attendance at the September TOT is a requirement for CICs with a caseload of 4 or more teachers. Plan to attend one of the following days, Sept. 8, 9, or 10 4:30 PM - 7:30 PM. Registration will be available Aug. 10th PD1018.
If you would like to volunteer your campus to host a training, let me know. The following is needed:
- A large room to hold 60-70 people
- Projector
- Screen
- Tables and chairs