Saddleback College Classified Senate
Minutes of March 7, 2012
AGB President’s Conference Room
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Don Mineoat 12:17PM.
Approval of Agenda
A motion to approve the agenda with an additional item was made by Jan Mastrangelo.
The motion was seconded by Russ Hamilton.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of February 22, 2012 was made by Russ Hamilton.
The motion was seconded by Brad McReynolds.
Motion carried.
Officers Reports
President – Don Mineo reported that changes in fees will commence with the 2012 summer session. There will also be changes in class withdrawal dates and limitations in repeating classes.
President Elect – Mike Sauter had no report.
Past President – Russ Hamilton had no report.
Treasurer – Brad McReynolds reported that two conference reimbursement requests were approved at the Executive Council meeting.There have also been a total of six requests from employees who wish to attend the upcoming 4CS workshop.
Secretary – Alan Cherry had no report.
At Large – Lori Parra was absent.
At Large – Dennis Stachelski reported that he was serving on the nominating committee for the outstanding classified employee award. The committee was dissolved however after a week.
Action Items
Webmaster – Don Mineo announced that Jan Mastrangelo has resigned her position as Classified Senate Webmaster due to assuming the role of CSEA chapter President. Catherine Ayad has agreed to take over those duties.
BP4210 & AR4210 – Chancellor Poertner stated that he no longer wants the process of determining the Employee Outstanding Service Awards as defined in BP4210 and AR4210 performed at the district level. He has left the decision to the presidents of each college. Don Mineo stated that he has emailed the Chancellor to the fact that there has been no official change to those policies. In the interim, he has also emailed President Burnett that the nominating committee is still in place and waiting to review the nominations of submitted candidates.
Student Services Reorganization – Copies of the proposed reorganization were supplied. This proposal has not been submitted to the Board of Trustees yet. There are purportedly issues that have not yet been addressed. More supporting data is still being sought.
Staff Development – Two requests for reimbursement were submitted that had been previously denied.
A motion to approve the requests was made by Jan Mastrangelo.
The motion was seconded by Russ Hamilton.
Motion carried.
Old Business
Classified Day – Mike Sauter reported that the Classified Day signups reached their limit. The center may be able to accommodate more individuals.
Budget Update – Information to a link was provided for community college budget updates.
Senate Bylaws – Discussion was brought forth about including staff development funding and other issues as additions to the proposed bylaw changes. No decision was reached about incorporating those statements or making them separate policies.
College Efficiencies – Efficiencies will now be included under program reviews. Departments/Divisions will be responsible for creating their own efficiency proposals.
Technology Plan – The current technology plan was written based on items that have already occurred. Future technology plans will be covered under program reviews. Statements have been made that there are omissions in the current plan.
ATEP Mission and Vision Statement – President Burnett has approved the proposal that ATEP should not have a mission and vision statement.
New Business
Little Hoover Report – Informational links were provided to report regarding student success.
Board of Trustees – The Board of Trustees approved both the Basic Aid Process changes and the new salary structure for managers.
Consultation Council – Mike Sauter reported on discussions regarding the President’s chat to be held on March 21st and the Foundation Gala to be held on March 31st. Don Mineo reported on discussions regarding the lack of enforcement of non-smoking areas, the school mascot, and the examination of other college policies.
Committee Reports
Academic Senate – Marlene Sais reported that discussions centered around the Academic Vice President, the renaming of the Library, and the Commencement Committee.
4CS – Russ Hamilton reminded everyone about the workshop to be held on campus March 8th. There will also be a California Community College Classified Senate board retreat held over the weekend on campus.
The meeting was adjourned by Don Mineo at 1:41 PM.
Senate Members Present:
Don Mineo, President / Catherine Ayad / Craig ConnorMike Sauter, President Elect / Grisel Heredia / Jan Mastrangelo
Russ Hamilton, Past President / Marlene Sais / Tracy McConnell
Brad McReynolds, Treasurer / Cathy Beres / Linda Wood
Alan Cherry, Secretary / Suzanne Anderson / Linda Davies
Dennis Stachelski, At Large / Rosann Rios