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Saddle Lake Early Childhood Center Parent Handbook

Box 130 Saddle Lake, AB T0A 3T0

Phone: (780) 726-2885 Fax: (780) 726-3989Email:

License / Program ID #: 20003096

SLECC Director: Candace Giant

We would like to thank you for choosing our center and welcome you and your child to our program.We hope this handbook answers your questions and gives you information necessary to feel comfortable and confident in allowing us to care for your child. We hope that you and your child/ren will have a positive experience while enrolled here at the Early Childhood Center.

We look forward to being involved in your child’s growth!

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The Saddle Lake Early Childhood Centre recognizes that each child is developing physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and creatively at his/her own pace, and that all of these areas are related to and dependant on one another and are of equal importance in the child’s development. The Center is committed to reflecting the Cree culture and traditions and ensuring that all children, including those with special needs, are nurtured in learning and developing essential skills, with opportunities to stimulate their natural curiosity and eagerness to learn.


Play is the most important element in our program. Through play, children learn what no one can teach them. They are able to develop skills such as independence, resourcefulness, curiosity, creativity and responsibility. Play is a child’s work!

Our center provides age- appropriate areas for dramatic play, arts and crafts, science and nature and discovery, sensory exploration and block play, shelf toys, puzzles, fine motor and books. Our gross motor activities and outdoor play provide opportunities for running and jumping and the development of gross motor skills.During free play the children can choose their own activities according to their interests. Special field trips and community visitors will be offered.


Our staff are trained, qualified professionals with a certificate or a diplomain Early Childhood Development, as well as First Aid and CPR Certified. Our center supports staff training and development as an opportunity for improving current work performance, providing enrichment, and preparing individuals to meet future organizational needs.You will also find the supervisor, who ensures the smooth running of the daily program at each center. The supervisor is there to assist and advise staff as well as to help the parents with any questions or concerns.

Classrooms Available

  1. Babies: 3 months to 12 months
  2. Infants: 12 months to 19 months
  3. Toddler 1:19 months to 28 months
  4. Toddler 2: 28 months to 36 months
  5. Preschool 1: 3 years to 4 years
  6. Preschool 2:4 to 5 years

*all classrooms are available full -time only (minimum of 3 days per week)

We look forward to being involved in your child’s growth!

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Emotional Development and Child Guidance

Child guidance is maintained through careful, active supervision, setting clear limits and giving age appropriate explanations. Teachers approach discipline in a positive manner, using praise and attention to encourage desirable behaviors. Teachers treat each child as a unique individual and are fair, firm and consistent. We encourage children to accept the consequences of their behavior and we engage in problem solving alternatives where age appropriate. Children are not ridiculed or embarrassed and are not shouted at.

Our approach for guiding children’s behavior will stress prevention through room arrangement and programming suited to the needs of the children as a group and as individuals. When the need for guidance arises, the following will be implemented: Intervention, Redirection or Distraction, Active Listening, Shadowing. (Toddlers), Time Away (Older children) *In time away- the child chooses to go to a quiet area in the room or playground away from the place where the problem occurred. The caregiver may sit with the child until he/she chooses to rejoin others positively.

We look forward to being involved in your child’s growth!

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Health and Safety

Sending a sick child to daycare jeopardizes not only that child’s health, but also that of the others in the centre. It is imperative therefore, that parents/guardians plan for alternative care for their sick child/ren.Parents/guardians are encouraged to keep the centre informed and up-to-date about any concerns they may have with respect to their child’s health.

Children showing signs of a communicable disease such as pink eye, head lice, vomiting, 3 or more bouts of diarrhea within a 1 hour period, fever, severe coughing bouts, fluiddrainage from the nose/ ears, undiagnosed rash/skin disease, open wounds, must be kept at home until a doctor’s note is provided. Should a child become ill during the day he/she will be supervised away from the other children and the Supervisor will use their discretion in deciding if the parent should be contacted and if the child is sent home. Should the child need to be sent home it is the parent’s responsibility to pick up their child or to make arrangements for them to be picked up. Our centre is not equipped to attend to the needs of a sick child.

Please notify the center if your child has been exposed to any communicable disease whether or not they are showing any symptoms. A sign will be posted to report any communicable disease to the parents.

After a busy morning of exercise and activities the preschool and toddler children rest on their cots for approximately 1 to 2 hours. The kindergarten children may have a “quiet time” if they are not in need of a rest or their parents request that they do not rest. “Quiet time” will consist of children being engaged in a quiet activity within a calm environment.

Accidents and young children seem to go together. Children often fall and always seem to have bumps and scrapes. If your child gets hurt at the center a written report will be completed and shown to you for you to sign in acknowledgment and this will then be placed in your child’s file. If there is a serious accident that results in the need for medical attention, the center will contact you and arrangements will be made for you to pick up your child or meet the staff at the emergency facility. If you cannot be reached, we will contact your emergency contact.

Upon registration an emergency contact, other than the parents – MUST be given on the enrollment form. In an emergency staff will always attempt to contact the parents first.

A random fire drill is conducted as part of our program. In the event of a building fire/ evacuation our designated area is the complex foyer as stated on the posted Fire Drill procedures.

We ask that you assist us in providing a safe environment for the children by ensuring that your child does not bringmoney, balloons (either inflated or deflated), toys with small pieces or anything which may be a hazard to the young children at the center.Thank You.

Diapering &Toileting

It is the parent’s responsibility to provide the daycare with at least a 1- week supply of diapers and wipes for their child, also if they use diaper rash creams. We do not supply any of the mentioned items. If your child is in potty training, please provide several sets of clothing & clean underwear. Consistency with potty training has to start at HOME if you want to have your child trained at daycare.


Only prescribed medicationmay be administered by the staff. A medication form must be completed by the parent or guardian before medication may be dispensed, and the staff administering the medication must sign the form after giving the medication. All medication must be brought in the original container labeled with:the doctor’s name, the name of the medication, the child’s name, date of issue start & finish date, and the amount, storage instructions ( i.e …refrigerated) All medications and forms must be kept up to date to ensure they will be administered upon request.

Weather Conditions

In summer when the outdoor temperature is at 30°C or higher, children’s outdoor play will be restricted. In the event that the humidex is at 40°C or higher, outdoor play will be cancelled.In winter when outdoor temperatures are at -15° C and below, children will remain indoors andparticipate in gross motor activities.

Meals & Nutrition

Wholesome, nutritious breakfasts, lunches and snacks are provided for the children. Menus for the programs provided with lunch are posted on the Parent Information Boardor on the kitchen door. Special needs and allergies should be discussed with the Supervisor prior to enrollment. Please do not send candy, gum and other junk food to the program with your child. Think healthy. Even though the center provides afternoon snacks you may choose to send a nutritious snack or breakfast with your child if they are big eaters. All containers, bottles, cups and other items MUST be labeled with your child’s full name.

All infants under the age of 6 months must be held when given their bottles. Older infants are fed blended food and are properly secured in high chairs when eating. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the caregivers of their child’s eating habits. Parents must provide formula for their child (ready-made), jarred foods (if needed) and pabulum.


Birthdays- A special cake is prepared for children by the kitchen staff when a birthday occurs. We enjoy celebrations.

Clothing and Possessions

Playing and learning is hard dirty work. Here are some clothing tips to help your child play and learn:

  • make sure your child knows it is ok to get dirty. Children often refuse to take part in a messy activity because they are afraid they will get dirty.
  • dress your child in comfortable, washable clothes
  • make sure your child has a change of indoor and outdoor clothing in their cubby at all times, in case of accidents. Please label all clothing.
  • outdoor play is an important part of our program, we are required to have the children play outdoors once per day, thus clothing for all weather conditions should be at the center, such as winter/sun hats, coats, snow/splash pants, winter/rubber boots, mitts, neck warmer, (scarves are not permitted) etc.
  • please help keep your child safe by removing strings from your child’s clothing (jackets/hoods etc.) to prevent choking/ strangulation.
  • label all clothing so they can be easily identified, all items without a label will be placed in the “lost and found” and after a period of time unclaimed items will be donated.
  • -send your child with clothing that encourages independent dressing and are easily laundered
  • SHOES- children must wear shoes to all programs (no slippers, boots, etc). It is recommended that running shoes be worn for your child’s safety on our equipment. Your child may leave an extra pair of shoes in their classroom. Children will have their own “cubby” space in which to keep their personal belongings. A storage box with the child’s picture will be in the “cubby” to assist them in independently locating their space. Please assist us in keeping this space clean and tidy.

We ask that very special home toys and toys with weapons are kept home to prevent them from getting broken or lost. The staff or the center will not be responsible for ensuring that toys are not lost or damaged if you chose to send toys to the center.

Each child has their own cubby with their “masterpieces” for you to take home often. Projects too large to be filed will be placed in a container on or near the cubbies. Please watch for these and do not allow your child’s work to pile up. Take it home to enjoy with them. They are very proud to share.

Hours of Operation

The center operates Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the exception of Pay Day Fridays we close the center at 4:00 pm. Children must not arrive at the center BEFORE 7:30 a.m. A late fee charge ofone dollar per minute per childmust be paid to the staff on duty if you arrive after 5:00 p.m. to pick up your child.The center will be closed on statutory holidays as well as band holidays.

Arrival and Departure

Children must be brought directly to the classroom in the morning and their outdoor clothing removed and shoes put on by the parent. Under NO circumstances should a child be sent into the center alone and expected to find their classroom. Parents must ensure that a staff member is aware of the child’s arrival. Make your presence known to the teacher, if your arrival hasn’t been acknowledged. We ask that everyone remove footwear at the building’s entrance to assist us in keeping the environment clean, children play, crawl and sit on the floor. Please use the front door to enter and exit the building rather than the playground entrance. PLEASE SIGN YOUR CHILD IN AND OUT ON A DAILY BASIS.

Cut off time is 9:00 am. Your child will be refused if you are late. If you are going to be a few minutes late (with a reasonable excuse), please call in to the office before 9 am and we can let the caregivers know that your child will be here for breakfast.Children must be picked up by 5:00 p.m. or late charges apply.

If anyone other than the person authorized on your application will be picking up your child, please give written notice, if possible or call the center. In the event of custodial disputes we must have legal documentation regarding child custody arrangements.Parents/guardians will be asked to fill out an information update form every 6 months. We remind parents of the extreme importance in notifying the daycare of any changes in information pertaining to their child as it occurs.

The center assumes no responsibility for children once they are picked up by a person authorized by the parent (i.e. relative, an emergency contact, child care provider, etc.) Anyone other than the parent picking up the child must be at least 16 years of age.

Enrollment & Discharge

Many children are able to enter a childcare facility with little or no complications. However, this transition can be difficult for some children. Our staff will do everything they possibly can to help both the child and the parent/guardian overcome the anxiety of separation. It has been our experience that children will quickly calm down and begin to explore their environment once the parent has left. If at all possible we strongly encourage parents to set up some visitation times prior to the child’s first day, to assist the child in becoming familiar with the environment and staff. There is no fee for these visits as long as the parent or other adult remains with the child at the center. We also welcome parents’ calls at any time throughout the day to discuss their child’s day and to assist in reassuring the parent their child is adjusting.

An enrollment package must be completed and returned and the first month daycare fee paid prior to the child attending, & previous outstanding daycare fees must be paid in full.

A child will be terminated from the center when:

1)The child does not attend regularly. Children must make a minimum of 25 hours per week. Exceptions will be made due to illness, bereavement, and extenuating circumstances. Parents are responsible for notifying the center when their child will be absent.

2)FEES ARE OUSTANDING BY TWO WEEKS. If we do not receive a FULL payment within 5 business days of written notification, your child’s space will be offered to the next child on the waiting list.

3)Parents who do not require space for the summer months will be allowed continuous enrollment, providing prior arrangements have been made with the program manager.

4)Both parents/ the parent is no longer employed or in school.

5)Parents do not adhere to the guidelines, policies, or regulations of the daycare center.

Daycare Fees

It is important that Daycare fees are paid on time to ensure that the program is able to provide quality service and maintain full operation. Daycare fees are due on the 1st of every month. Payments in the FULL amount due are required. A written notice is handed out to the parents, as to what the amount owing is. We will not tolerate late payments. Your child may be automatically suspended till payment has been made.Payments can be made to the program manager or the office support staff.

Fees are $225.00 for the first child and $200.00 for any additional children. Fees can be paid by cash, cheque or debit/visa. Please retain your invoice as your tax receipt. A fee of $10.00 will be charged for the service of having an invoice re-issued.

Two weeks written noticeis required when you wish to withdraw your child from a program, you will be billed for the month if notice is not provided.If your child is absent or sick you will be billed according to your child’s regular scheduled days. If your child is absent from the center for more than two weeks, and you do not pay for such time, you will lose your child’s space in the program.