Sacred Heart Parish “A Tithing Parish” Dover, New Jersey
Daily Scriptures &
August 23-30, 2015
ordinary time
Jos24: 1-2a, 15-17, 18b; Eph 5:21-32; Jn 6: 60-69
5:00 pm (Saturday) Ann & Sam
8:00 am Andrew Zaycer
10:00 am For the People
11:30 am Helen Taylor
7:00 pm Milton Taylor
MONDAY – St. Bartholomew, Apostle
Rv 21:9b-14; Jn 1:45-51
7:00 pm Florence D’Agostino
TUESDAY - St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz, Priest
1 Thes 2:1-8; Mt 23:23-26
8:30 am Special Intention of Jack Toohey
1 Thes 2:9-13; Mt 23:27-32
8:30 am Special Intention of Harvey
THURSDAY - St. Monica
1 Thes 3:7-13; Mt 24:42-51
8:30 am Special Intention of Jill Bagonis, Robert Liguori, Steven Jablonski
FRIDAY – St. Augustine, Bishop &
Doctor of the Church
1 Thes 4:1-8; Mt 25:1-13
8:30 am Joseph Pugliese
SATURDAY - The Passion of St. John
the Baptism
1 Thes 4:9-11; Mk 6:17-29
8:30 am Lucila Monsalve
ordinary time
Dt 4: 1-2, 6-8; Jas 1: 17-18, 21b-22, 27; Mk 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23
5:00 pm (Saturday) Angela & Nicola
8:00 am Eva Kurash
10:00 am Helen Taylor
11:30 am For the People
7:00 pm Milton Taylor
/ /
To all our visitors this weekend.
Volunteers Needed For Religious Education
We are looking for Catechists for the 2015-2016 Religious Education program. Perhaps you are considering teaching our faith to the young, or you have been asked but are undecided? May I offer you the following:It’s our job, Jesus sent us to “go and teach all nations.”
If you are considering this special ministry, please call the Parish Office to discuss the ministry in detail. The Parish Offices - 973-366-0060.
Sacred Heart Bereavement Ministry
The Bereavement Ministry will resume its monthly meetings on September16 at 9:00 am, in the Rectory. Anyone interested in helping assist the family of the deceased, and the priest, during the preparation of the funeral Mass, is cordially invited to join the Bereavement Ministry. For further information watch your bulletin. Messages can be left for Mrs. Lydia Regelski the Coordinator at 973-366-0060.
Altar Flowers
Each weekend we have flowers at our altar. If you would like to make a donation toward the purchase of the flowers, we will publish the name of your intention (much the way we do at Christmas and Easter) in the bulletin. Questions? Please call Patty at the Parish Office (973)-366-0060, for more information.
A New R.C.I. A. Year
We extend an open invitation to anyone who may be thinking of becoming a Catholic or would just like information about Catholic teachings. Each year our parish sponsors a Rite of Christian Initiation program beginning in the Autumn, to prepare adult candidates for entrance into the Catholic Community. The RCIA program is open to all unbaptized inquirers, to members of other Christian denominations, and to baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation. RCIA is also open to any Catholic who is returning to the practice of their faith. Please call the Parish Office, 973-366-0060, to leave your name. Watch the Bulletin for date and time.
Music Notes
Hello! The summer is coming to an end and we are getting ready for the new choir season! Rehearsals for both our children's and adult choirs will resume onWednesday, September 9. The children meet from 6-7 pm andthe adults from 7-8 pm. We are always looking for new members for our choirs! If you are an adult and you love to sing come join us! If you have a child who would like to join the children's choir please see me or Dawn Olivares after 10:00 am mass.
“God’s Plan for Giving.....Tithing A Way of Life”
The Collection totals for Sunday, August 16, 2015
Last Year’s total at this time
This Week in Our Parish August
TUESDAY – August 2511:30 am Leisure Club Meeting – Rectory
Conference Room
SATURDAY – August 29
9:00 am CONFESSIONS – Church
Parish & Community Bulletin Board:
Baptism PreparationThe great sacrament of Baptism makes us a child of God, welcomes us into the Kingdom of Heaven and enables us to avoid evil, among other things. What a great gift. In order to partake of this Sacrament a parent must be a parishioner and attend a preparation class. Class is offered once a month and registration is required to take the class. Please call the office at 973-366-0060 or Alice McKeever at 973-663-0201 or e-mail to register.
Tricky Tray
Knights of Columbus Council 514 is holding a Tricky Tray on Friday, September 11 at St. Clement Church, 154 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Rockaway. Doors open at 6:00 pm; first drawing at 8:00 pm. Admission includes a sheet of tickets, coffee, tea and dessert. Bring a canned food item for the food pantry and get five additional tickets (additional tickets for sale). Advanced payment is $15.00; at the door is $20.00. For reservations call Russ Hrdy at 973-769-9389.
Save the date!
Next meeting for altar servers will be held on
Saturday, August 29th, at 11 a.m. in the Church.
We invite all who already are altar servers and
the new ones who would like to become them!
See you on Saturday and enjoy your vacations!
The Lord
With Gladness!”
(Ps 100, 2)
For more information please contact deacon Chris (
First Reading: Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b
Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel and told them if it did not please them to serve God, then they must decide who they would serve. The people claimed that God had brought them out of slavery and protected them on their journey. Therefore, they would serve, the Lord their God, and no one else.
Second Reading: Ephesians 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32
Husbands and wives should love one another as Christ loved the Church. They should nourish and care for each other as Christ cared for the church. Through the union between the two, they become one.
Gospel: John 6:60-69
Many of Jesus' followers were still disturbed by his teaching of the living bread, which they could not yet fully understand. Jesus explained that the Spirit gives life, and flesh is unimportant. Some of the disciples decided to leave. Jesus asked if the Twelve also wanted to leave. Although they do not completely understand yet, they have enough faith in Jesus to stay because they believe he is God's holy one.
Helping Hands Ministry
Helping Hands are available to help! Please give Gale Colucci a call at 973-476-3906. All calls are confidential.
Second Sunday of each month is Food Pantry Sunday. Please bring your non-perishable items to Mass that weekend and place on the altar steps.Missing Bingo?
Join your friends at St. Clement Pope & Martyr Parish, 154 Mount Pleasant Ave, Dover, on Thursday nights at 7:30 pm doors open at 5:30 pm. For further information call 973-366-7095.
Have you taken a photo of a parish event and would like to share it? Send it to our or our website events’ follow-ups or to Sam Leeper, our Parish photographer, .
Welcome All Senior Citizens
We invite all senior citizens to be part of this enjoyable group of people to socialize and engage in a very vital part of our church.
We have various informative speakers, we enjoy a Christmas and Spring Luncheon along with other entertaining events throughout the year.
Our meetings are held the second and Fourth Tuesday of each month at 11:30 am with coffee/cake in the Sacred Heart Rectory Meeting Room.
Hoping to see you all our next meeting(8/25/15)! Yearly dues are $15.00(used for donations to our church at Christmas & Easter). Interested? Please call Rita Nadilo, Entertainment Director at 973-361-0598. / - / Weekly Reflections
“HIS WORD TODAY” by Rev. William J. Reilly
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 23, 2015
“If it does not please you to serve the Lord, decide today whom you will serve, the gods your fathers served beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites…As for me and my household we will serve the Lord.”… “This saying is hard; who can accept it?’… ‘Does this shock you?...But there are some of you who do not believe…For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.’”
We make countless decisions every day. What will I wear, what route will I take, what do I wish to eat. They are routine decisions. Joshua calls our attention to decide what God we will serve, as well as how we will serve Him.
He spoke about the pagan gods, yet we are confronted by gods or idols, such as money, prestige, reputation or material things. They secretly occupy our time and attention. Today the word of God can shake us, or in the words of Jesus ‘shock’ us.
Isn’t it about time to take stock of our lives and ask what we can do to draw closer to our God? If we are honest, don’t we get caught sometimes only going through the motions? Does my prayer life, my worship and my service reflect a decision made from my heart and not just my head? Joshua told his followers to decide then and there and not put it off. The Lord looks for my decision today.
Prayer for Those Suffering
Religious Persecution
Good and gracious Father, whose own Beloved
Son suffered violence and death for the salvation of the world,
Listen graciously to our cry for all who are
being persecuted for their faith.
In your great mercy, comfort them with the Holy Spirit.
Give them strength in the face of hostility
and courage in the face of trial.
Open the eyes of those who raise their hands in
violence to see others as their brothers and
sisters, children of the one Father of all.
By your grace, turn their hearts from hatred to love.
Through the powerful intercession of the
Immaculate Queen of Peace, may justice
and peace prevail so that all may have the
freedom to worship you, the one true God and him whom
you have sent, Jesus Christ, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen
September 4th 2015
Adoration- FIRST FRIDAY@ 6:00 pm
Contact Information: John Wiggins- (973)580-9204
*Bring your friends, all are welcome, and be ready to have fun in the name of the Lord!*
Registration for next year’s classes has begun for Grades 1 through 10. All parents who want their children to continue Religious Education next year PLEASE come to the Rectory and register them. To make certain there is room for your child, PLEASE DO NOT WAIT until after the Summer. You can register for next year’s classes Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm.
The fee for 2015-2016 will be $50.00 per student, for the first 2 students in the household. This fee includes the cost of the textbook. If there are any questions, please call 973-366-0060.
Below is a check list of things you should bring with you when you come to registration:
· Birth Certificate
· Baptismal Certificate (if celebrated anywhere other than Sacred Heart, Dover)
· Communion Certificate (if celebrated anywhere other than Sacred Heart, Dover)
· Completed Registration form
· Check made payable to Sacred Heart Church in the amount of $50.00 for each student.
All children who have received their First Holy Communion: Please come to the rectory office and pick up your certificate. This is your proof that you celebrated the sacrament!
All Confirmation candidates: PLEASE have your sponsors paperwork (including their signed Sponsor’s Affidavit) returned to the Parish Office ASAP. Confirmation will be celebrated on September 10 at 7:30 pm.
Sacred Heart School Rockaway, NJ
Making a difference....One student at a time
Academic Excellence....Faith Filled Environment
Family Atmosphere....Small Classes....Individualized Attention
Doesn't your child deserve the best!
Please call for more information or a tour:
Sr. Marie @ 973-627-7689 or
Must be 5 by December 1st for full day kindergarten
Save the Date: Open House on Monday, August 24th
The Dover American Legion
Is looking for people that
We will be holding an
On Sunday September 27, 2015 from
10:00am till 4:00pm
We supply the tables and do all the advertising.
8ft tables are $20.00, plus a deposit of $10.00
For a total of $30.00 with a
**refundable $10.00 deposit on each table.
We are asking that this be true Yard/Rummage sale material such as, Antiques, knick knacks, basic yard sale merchandise.
(Sorry no crafts, no large items, and no New Merchandise Vendors).
It is time to clean out those attics, basements and garages, and make some extra cash!
For more information please contact:
Carol Jae @ 973-713-6272
(if no answer leave message)
Cut off time to reserve tables is September 20,2015
** $10.00 will be refunded after sale and your area is clear of debris.
/ / How Can We Serve You?
Cómo Podemos Servirles?
q New Registration
Nueva Registración
q Address Change
Cambio de Dirección
q I want to receive collection envelopes
Yo quiero recibir los sobres para la donación
q I am registered with the parish but do not receive envelopes
Estoy registrado en la Parroquia, pero no he recibido mis sobres.
q Other/Otro
- Please cut out this form and place it in the collection or Rectory mail slot.
- Favor de cortar este formulario y ponerlo en la colecta o el buzón de la Rectoria.
For all those who have recently died: Mary Ellen Minahan
For those who are ill:
Dominick Bella; Natalie Bruning; Maureen Coleman; John Dodge; Robert & Margaret Esposito; Peggy Frazer; Deacon Hank Hyle; Jerry & Roseanne Jones; Kelly; Madeline Nicole Laba; Rusty McKenna; Kelly; Joan Mills; Solange Menna; Lou Mizzoni; Tina Peña; Lucia Pintos; Sondra Poolas; Antoinette Porzilli; Betty Ruiz; Catherine Ruiz; Samantha Saltarelli; Travis Savoy; Dr. Anthony Scillia; Denise Sloan; Margarita Suarez; Bill Wiggins; Jordan Yaros; Kathy Yermal; Santiago Zapata; Deacon Dick Zeich & wife, Gerry.