“A Day to Remember”
SabbathThis lesson is based on Matthew 27:62-66.*
As you read this lesson, decide what you think were the feelings of the people who knew about Jesus’ death. Contrast the feelings of Pilate, the inhabitants of heaven, the disciples, the people who had plotted Jesus’ death, and the doubters and believers in Jerusalem.
If you want to read “A Day to Remember” orally, or produce it as a program, assign the parts of the story to various readers. You will need a small choir to sing and do some of the crowd parts.
You will need readers for these parts (listed in order of their first speech):
Narrator 1Observer 1Local resident
Narrator 2Observer 2Priest 1
Angel 1CrowdPriest 2
Angel 2MotherPriest 3
Angel 3FatherChief priest
Disciple 1Tourist 1Messenger
Disciple 2Tourist 2Choir
Narrator 1:At last Jesus was at rest. As the setting sun ushered in the Sabbath, the Son of God lay in Joseph’s tomb. His work was completed, His hands folded in peace. He rested through the sacred hours of the Sabbath day.
Narrator 2:In the beginning the Father and Son had rested upon the Sabbath after their work of creation.
Narrator 1:Now Jesus rested from the work of saving the world.
Narrator 2:There was grief among those who loved Him on earth.
Part One: Heaven
Narrator 1:There was joy in heaven.
Angel 1:Creation will be restored!
Angel 2:God’s people on earth will be redeemed.
Angel 3:No more sin! Jesus has completed His work.
Part Two: The Disciples
Narrator 2:But on earth, the hopes of the disciples perished.
Disciple 1:When I saw His closed eyelids and drooping head. . .
Disciple 2:And His hair – matted with blood. . .
Disciple 1:His hands and feet, pierced by the nails. . .
Disciple 2:It’s hard to believe that He is really dead.
Disciple 1:Why, I never believed that He would die – the He could die!
Disciple 2:And what do we do now?
Disciple 1:I don’t know. I just don’t know.
Disciple 2:If only He knew how much we need Him!
Part Three: The Temple
Narrator 1:This was a never-to-be-forgotten Sabbath for everyone in Jerusalem.
Narrator 2:When the sun set that preparation evening, the trumpets sounded, signaling the beginning of the Sabbath.
Narrator 1:The Passover was observed as it had been for centuries.
Narrator 2:While the One the Passover was all about lay in a tomb.
Narrator 1:At the Temple, the people filled its courts.
Narrator 2:The high priest was there.
Observer 1:Doesn’t he look splendid in his elegant robes?
Observer 2:It’s good to be back in Jerusalem – to see the white-turbaned priests.
Observer 1:I’ve always enjoyed the trumpets and the singing at Passover time.
Observer 2:But what is going on in front of the sacred chambers?
Crowd:(interrupting and speaking simultaneously) What happened? The veil-look, it’s torn. You can see right into the sacred audience chamber of God! They say it happened yesterday – at the time of the earthquake. Very mysterious! Frankly, I’m scared!
Part Four: At A Home in Jerusalem
Narrator 1:When the veil was torn and the people could look right into the Most Holy Place, they were filled with dread.
Narrator 2:From the Crucifixion to the Resurrection, many sleepless eyes searched the prophecies.
Mother:Father, what are you doing? It’s past midnight!
Father:Go on to sleep. I’m going to stay up for a while.
Mother:What are you doing, Father?
Father:I’m searching the prophecies.
Mother:(pausing – then thoughtfully) You’ve been thinking today too.
Father:Not just thinking. I’m convinced. We killed an innocent One – the only innocent One who has ever lived.
Mother:You. . .you think He was. . .
Father:I. . .I think. . .I will never again slay a Passover lamb. The true Lamb of God has been slain.
Part Five: In the Temple Courts
Narrator 1:In the courts of the Temple, the name of Jesus was on many lips.
Tourist 1:Where is Jesus of Nazareth?
Tourist 2:I am looking for the Healer. Is that who you mean?
Tourist 1:Yes, yes! His name is Jesus. And I have brought my child. . .
Tourist 2:And I. . .I have my wife. (whispering) I fear it’s leprosy.
Tourist 1:(backing away) Oh!
Tourist 2:Never fear! I left her at the edge of town. But where is the Healer? I hear He even heals lepers! My wife will be so happy. . .
Tourist 1:(turning to the crowd) Who can tell us of Jesus of Nazareth?
Crowd:We want Christ the Healer!
Local But haven’t you heard?
Crowd:(speaking various lines simultaneously) Unclean! Unclean! Where is Jesus of Nazareth? I was sure I’d find Him in the Temple today. Tell us: Where is the Healer?
Narrator 2:When the people learned that Jesus had been put to death, they began to ask questions. They recalled His words, and read the Scriptures.
Narrator 1:The revenge that the priests had thought would be so sweet was already bitterness to them.
Priest 1:Do you remember that He said He had power to lay down His life and to take it again?
Priest 2:He said, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.”
Priest 1:Do you suppose He meant, well. . .that He was talking about Himself?
Priest 2:Don’t worry’ everyone mocked Him when He said that.
Priest 1:But today everyone is asking for Him. And I’m shaking like a leaf.
Priest 2:Go home and get some rest.
Priest 1:There is no rest for me!
Priest 3:Come, quickly! There’s to be a meeting of the priests.
Priest 2:Now? Why?
Priest 3:Oh, it’s about the body of Christ. We don’t want it to be stolen. Think of the story His disciples could make up if they could get His body from the tomb.
Priest 1:But today? It’s the Sabbath.
Priest 3:Hush! Don’t tell anyone. Just come.
Part Six: At the Council of the Chief Priests
Chief Priest:. . .and we have voted to send this message to Pilate: “Sir, this deceiver said while He was alive, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ Command, therefore, that the tomb be fastened securely until the third day, lest His disciples steal away His body and declare that He is alive.”
Messenger:Pilate is agreeable. He says, “Make it as sure as you can.” He will provide a guard of one hundred soldiers around the tomb. And he has sent his seal. We are to place it on cords across the stone at the opening of the tomb.
Narrator 2:So weak men counseled and planned. But by their action God was glorified. There would be a hundred soldiers to tell the story that Christ had risen. Pilate’s official seal had been placed on cords tied about a great stone in front of the tomb. No one would dare break that seal.
Choir:(speaking in unison) “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed. . . He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision” (Psalm 2:1-4).
Choir:“Were You There When They Laid Him in the Tomb?”