Last date for receipt of complete application: 8 May 2014
SECTION 1: The Innovation
1.1 / Name of Innovation1.2 / Type of Innovation / Product / Service / Process / Other
1.3 / Describe the Innovation (max 500 words)
1.4 / When did you first begin work on your innovation?
1.5 / Why do you believe that your product/process is an innovation (max 100 words)
SECTION 2: Impact
2.1 / What social need does the innovation address? (faced by low-income women, youth, people with disabilities and/or people in rural areas) (max 100 words)2.2 / What is the extent of the social need addressed by the innovation in South Africa?
2.3 / If you were to win the R1 million prize, what impact would your innovation solution have on the extent of the social need addressed by your innovation? (max 100 words)
SECTION 3: Viability
3.1 / What steps have you taken to develop and/or commercialise your innovation solution?Conducted market research? / Y/N / Secured a patent? / Y/N / Developed a prototype? / Y/N / Sold to a few customers? / Y/N
3.2 / The SAB Foundation Innovation Awards are designed to be awarded to those innovations that are sustainable over time. This usually implies income generation of some kind. How is your innovation solution sustainable? (max 100 words)
3.3 / What evidence do you have that your innovation solution will work? (max 100 words)
3.4 / Indicators of Success: what information do you use, or intend to use, to measure the success of your innovation solution? You should describe, in specific and measurable terms, what you would measure to demonstrate that your innovation has fulfilled a social need evidenced by your target beneficiary group/s. (max 100 words)
3.5 / If you were to win the award, please outline briefly your plan for up-scaling and/or commercialising your innovation by completing the Activity Based Budget below. Insert additional rows or columns as needed. (max 100 words)
SECTION 4: Applicant’s Details
4.1 / Name4.2 / Race
4.3 / Gender
4.4 / ID Number
4.5 / Physical Address
4.6 / City
4.7 / Landline Number
4.8 / Mobile Number
4.9 / Email Address
4.10 / How did you hear about the SAB Foundation Innovation Awards
4.11 / Are you entering as an individual, a team or an organisation?
4.12 / Have you and/or your team/organisation entered into any other competitions or awards processes? If so, please name these and state how you fared.
4.13 / Business Partner details (Name)
4.14 / If an organisation, please complete below details
4.14.1 / Name of organisation
4.14.2 / Brief description of organisation
4.14.3 / Address
4.14.4 / Contact Details
4.15 / Ownership Details (Please complete details in block below. Insert additional rows or columns as needed.)
Name / ID Number / Gender (M/F) / Disabled (Y/N) / % Shareholding
No application will be accepted without copy of RSA ID book or signed acceptance
No supporting documentation other than the two items listed below will be accepted.
Attachments / Tick if attachedCompulsory: copy of RSA ID book
Optional: picture of your innovation solution. You may attach ONE photograph only (file size of 1mg or smaller)
This is not a promotional competition as defined in the Consumer Protection Act 68, 2008.This innovation competition (“Innovation Competition”) is run by The SAB Foundation (“SABF”) and is open to all persons of 18 years or older and lawfully resident in South Africa, except the employees and their immediate families of SABF, The South African Breweries (Proprietary) Limited (“SAB”) SAB’s advertising and promotion agencies, associated companies, and outlet owners and staff serviced by SAB. All participants (“Entrants”) must submit a copy of their South African Identity Document with their entries.
These rules may be amended by notification at any time during the Innovation Competition, and will be interpreted by SABF only. Participation by all Entrants constitutes acceptance of these rules. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
This Innovation Competition begins on 24 March 2014 and ends at midnight on8 May 2014.
Entries may be submitted by email to , or in person or by courier to C/O Mariska Henning, The SAB Foundation, 65 Park Lane, Sandton 2146, or by mail to C/O Mariska Henning, The SAB Foundation, PO Box 782178, Sandton 2196. SABF shall not be deemed to have received your entry until and unless you receive confirmation ofreceipt thereof from SABF. Only ONE application per innovation will be accepted. No application will be accepted withoutSA ID book.
To participate in Phase 1, Entrants are called on to submit their innovation (which can be either a product or a process innovation) which demonstrates an innovative solution to the pressing challenges facing:
- Women;
- The Youth;
- Persons with Disabilities; or
- Persons in Rural Areas.
Entrants must complete the accompanying Application Form, and their submission should not be longer than 6 A4 pages, excluding any accompanying documentation and the Participation Rules. Entrants must provide all accompanying documentation to explain their innovation, and shall be permitted to do this at the initial submission only. No submission may be changed or amended, once submitted.
Entrants may enter as individuals on their own, or as members of a team, in which case 1 individual team leader shall participate. If a team is chosen as the winner or a runner-up, the award will go to the whole team, not the individual team leader.
SABF promotes and supports effective participation of black people (as defined by the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act) in the economy and will therefore in its sole and absolute discretion give special consideration (but by no means the only consideration) to the ethnicity, gender, age and disability status of Entrants. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the special consideration given will not exclude those Entrants who do not fall within the category of “black people”.
SABF will at its sole discretion select the top innovations, and progress these to Phase 2 of this Innovation Competition. SABF will contact the successful Entrants by e-mail and transport these Entrants to Johannesburg to attend a workshop and a final award ceremony, to be held in August and October 2014 respectively (subject to change). Unsuccessful Entrants may not be contacted.
The main award is a grant of R1 000 000.00 (one million Rand) to the winner, with runner up grant awards of R500000.00 (five hundred thousand Rand) and R350000.00 (three hundred and fifty thousand) respectively. Provided that the winner and the runners-up will be required to enter into a grant agreement with SABF which will stipulate the exact terms of use of the grants, and which in principle will be the commercialisation of the innovation. SABF further reserves the right to not award the grants under circumstances where the judges, in their sole discretion, are of the opinion that the innovations do not meet the required standard. SAFB reserves the right to amend the grant amounts.
All submissions shall be non-confidential, and if marked “Confidential”, will not be read and will be rejected. SABF shall not intentionally disclose any of the submissions save where it is entitled to do so in terms of these rules.
Entrants warrant that they own all intellectual property which may attach to their innovations. SABF shall not own any submissions at any time during this Innovation Competition, but shall not be obliged to return any submissions to any entrants and shall not be liable for any loss of submissions.
Neither the acceptance nor selection of any submission, or the awarding of a grant to the winner and runners-up, will be deemed to be an endorsement by SABF, SAB or its associated companies (directors, officers or employees) (“SAB Group”). Under no circumstances may any Entrant purport to have the SAB Group’s recommendation or endorsement without SABF’s prior written consent.
SABF may make media announcements / publications of the names / photographs of the winner and the runners-up, provided that it will do so only with the express consent of the winners and the runners-up. SABF reserves the right to carry out audits in respect of all Entrants to verify their eligibility.
All Entrants, the winner and the runners-up indemnify SABF, SAB its associated companies (directors, officers and employees) and agents, against any / all claims for any loss or damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise, arising from any cause whatsoever from their participation in any way howsoever in this Innovation Competition.
This Innovation Competition shall be governed by the laws of South Africa.
By entering this Innovation Competition, Entrants acknowledge that SABF shall have the right to run a credit and/or and criminal check on Entrants, and by signing these Participation Rules as provided for below, give SABF their consent to do so.
I, the entrant, confirm that I have read, understand and will abide by these Participation Rules.
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SAB Foundation Innovation Awards 2014 [page 1]