S.P. Cramer & Associates, Inc.
986 Willow Brook Lane
Redding, California 96003
530-222-2080 530-222-2142 (FAX)
TO: Calaveras River HCP Meeting File and Meeting Participants (see below).
FROM: Michele Simpson
DATE: June 4, 2004
SUBJECT: Notes from June 3, 2004 meeting regarding Pre-season Monitoring/Operations Planning and Coordination.
Participants: J.D. Wikert (FWS); Ian Drury (CDFG), Leslie Pierce (DWR), Trevor Kennedy (FFC); and Michele Simpson (SPC).
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss plans for monitoring and operations during the upcoming fall and winter in order to improve activity coordination and communication.
1. Instream Structure Evaluation (Leslie)
· DWR will continue flow measurements and structure surveys at instream structures in the Old Calaveras channel and Mormon Slough during irrigation releases this summer and during rain fall events in the fall and winter.
· Structure surveys will begin this summer at structures where DWR has access.
2.. Monitoring for Bellota Ladder Project (Trevor)
· FFC plans to conduct upstream salmon migration monitoring in order to evaluate the ladder.
· Based on previous observations, Trevor anticipates could tag up to 75 fish but could also be very few.
· J.D. suggested that it might make more sense to use the PIT tag technology and coordinate with SPC regarding implementation.
· Could prioritize structures receiving antennas such as Caprini, Budiselich and Bellota in order to evaluate migration opportunities over these structural impediments.
· Trevor will coordinate with SPC regarding potential PIT tag evaluation.
3. Fish Stranding Survey (Trevor)
· FFC plans to document stranding events again this fall.
· Any future stranding surveys will depend on funding.
4. Limiting Factors Study (Trevor)
· FFC does not have a scope developed for Phase 2 yet.
· Trevor will present to group as soon as scope is developed.
5. Outmigration sampling (Michele)
· SPC will continue to conduct outmigration sampling using a rotary screw trap at Shelton Road, as in previous years.
· Not sure whether will start monitoring in December or January.
6. Vaki scanner (Michele)
· SPC plans to use a Vaki scanner to monitor upstream migration at the Bellota ladder this year.
· Dependent on whether the equipment remains available for the entire duration of possible upstream migration (may need to be used as replacement for Stanislaus equipment).
· SPC plans to place the Vaki in the upstream ladder as soon as the ladder is opened and flows are anticipated to reach levels that can provide potential passage.
7. PIT Tag (Michele)
· SPC identified that, due to permitting issues, the PIT tag evaluation would be on hold until an additional seining trial is conducted in the fall and issues associated with the laboratory portion of the study are resolved.
· Ian indicated several things could be done to help permitting including (1) continue to complete different aspects of Phase 1, (2) make sure the PIT tag monitoring plan, as revised, has been reviewed and approved by the CRFG, and (3) commitment to conduct the PIT tag study in the HCP.
· SPC and fish agencies will go through the Pit tag study plan and make modifications, then send a revised document to the CRFG for review and discussion.
8. Otolith/Tissue sampling (Ian)
· CDFG may continue their otolith/tissue sampling in the Calaveras.
· Dependent on funding and at what locations in the valley more data are needed.
9. Mudsnail (Ian)
· Region 2 is going to include in permits that certain protocols be followed to minimize transporting/transferring mud snails to other areas.
· Baseline monitoring will be required on a case-by-case basis.
10. Fish Rescues (Ian)
· In the event that fish are found stranded, CFDG should be contacted immediately and CDFG will either rescue the fish or will authorize others to conduct rescue operations.
11. CALFED PSP (J.D. and Ian)
· The CALFED PSP is scheduled to be released sometime between September 30 and November.
· It will be a limited PSP designed to provide funding for monitoring programs that address monitoring needs of previously funded CALFED projects.
· Any projects proposed for the Calaveras River will be sent to the CRFG for review prior to submittal.
· One idea was for DWR to submit a proposal to CALFED to set up a flow/temperature gaging station network in the lower river.
12. HCP
· The group briefly discussed the distribution schedule of additional chapters of the HCP to the fishery agencies.
13. Potential Flow Study
· The group discussed the possibility of proposing a flow study similar to last year to evaluate fish passage using CVPIA b(3) water.
· Three things would be needed in a flow proposal (1) well defined purpose for the flow release, (2) justification for the magnitude and duration of the release, (3) assurance that SEWD’s current and/or future water allocation is not affected by the transfer.
· Issues surrounding how the water transfer may affect, or be affected by, water rights and/or contracts on the Calaveras River are unclear.
· Suggested that a water rights specialist could explain the intricacies of the water rights/contracts to the group which would help the group to understand the potential limitations of using b(3) water to conduct a flow study.
Action items:
1. FFC will coordinate with SPC regarding potential PIT tag evaluation of adults.
2. SPC will send most recent copy of PIT tag study plan to fish agencies within the next week or two for review and discussion. SPC will coordinate with fish agencies regarding the plan and make suggested revisions, then submit revised plan to the CRFG for review.
3. SPC will check on the distribution schedule for HCP sections.
4. Ian and SPC will follow up on the water rights/contract issue for the Calaveras River.