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Physical Science Chapter 10 Study Guide

1. What happens to an element after alpha decay? ______

·  What is alpha decay? ______

·  How can you tell by the resulting transmutation if radioactive decay is alpha? ______

·  When is alpha decay dangerous to people? ______

2. What is beta decay? ______

·  What 2 particles are released when the neutron breaks down? ______, ______

·  How can you tell by the resulting transmutation if radioactive decay is beta? ______

·  When is beta decay dangerous to people? ______

3. What kind of particle is gamma radiation? ______

·  What does it take to stop gamma rays? ______

4 List 4 ways you are exposed to radiation. ______, ______

______, ______

5. What are two ways to detect radiation? ______, ______

·  How does a Geiger counter work? ______

·  Who would use a badge? ______

6. What is half-life? ______

·  How much variation in half-life is in 2 samples of the same material? ______

·  Are chemical reactions as uniform in terms of rate? ______

7. Iodine 131 has a half-life of 8.00 days. A sample weights 120 grams at the beginning of a test.
How much will be left in 8 days? ______16 days? ______24 days? ______

·  What percentage is left for each of above? 8 days? _____ 16 days? _____ 24 days? ____

8. What is the half-life of carbon-14? ______How old can it date? ______

·  Why can’t it date older? ______

·  What radioisotope would you use to date rocks? ______

9. What fuel does a nuclear power plant use to produce power? ______

·  Water is used 2 different ways, how? ______

·  (2nd way) ______

10. Name 3 types of pollution produced by nuclear power plants and the dangers of each.

·  ______---______

·  ______---______

·  ______---______

11. What is transmutation? ______

·  Who did the first transmutation? ______

·  What has to happen? ______

·  Is it a chemical or nuclear reaction? ______

12. What are transuranium elements? ______

·  Can they be made from other elements? ______

13. Who developed E=MC2? ______

·  What is E? ______What is C? ______What is M? ______

14. What country developed the atomic bomb? ______

·  What country was the first to explode one? ______What year? ______

·  What country was the first to bomb another country with one? ______

15. What is fission? ______

·  Are we using it for energy?______What percentage? ______

16. What is fusion? ______

·  Are we using it for energy?______

·  Why or why not? ______

·  Why is plasma important for it? ______

17. What does a particle accelerator do? ______

·  Where is the big one in the U.S.? ______

18. What is the “strong force? ______

·  Is it powerful in large or small atoms? ______

19. What are electrical forces in an atom? ______

·  Is it powerful in large or small atoms? ______

·  Which is more stable, large or small atoms? ______Why?______

20. What temperature is required for fusion to occur? ______

·  Where does it happen naturally? ______

21. What are 3 steps in the operation of a Geiger counter? ______, ______, ______