Rydal Day Nursery

11 Albert Road,


North Somerset

BS21 7RP

Telephone: 01275 342352

Opening Times and Fees from September 2017

We offer the 15 hours universal funding to all eligible 3 year olds and from September we are offering the 30 hours funding stretched throughout the year. We do not offer Term Time only places

We are all ready signed up and ready to receive Tax Free Child Care

Our core session times are 8.30 – 4.30 pm, when claiming funding we claim for 3 hours morning and 3 hours afternoon (max 6 hours claimed / day), we offer in addition to our core opening times earlier start time, 8am for Breakfast Club and Tea Time Club with collections at 5.30 or 6.00 pm, (5.30pm on a Friday) so we can tailor to your families needs.

Welcome Fee

Each child will be expected to pay a £50.00 non-refundable Welcome Fee. This fee is payable when you return your child's registration fee and does not relate to the Free Early Education Entitlement.

The welcome fee ensures your child receives the following:

A home visit before they start with two members of the Rydal Team

A Rydal T-shirt to wear in their sessions

A bespoke Rydal Day Nursery Learning Diary

A personalised name card

At Rydal we are delighted when we are chosen to be your child's nursery. As we may be holding sessions for your child we ask for a holding fee that will be deducted from your final invoice. The fee payable depends on the amount of time we are holding your child's place for.

1 term £50.00

2 terms £70.00

3 terms (1 year) £100.00

Should you decide not to start with us the holding fee will be retained by Rydal Day Nursery Ltd.

Fully Funded Places

We offer two fully funded places per year and all other sessions are subject to additional costs.


From 9 months to 2 Years Old

Options / Details / Fees
Breakfast Club
8.00-8.30 / £4.00
Core session
8.30 – 12.00 / Includes Drinks & Snacks / £25.00
Core session
1.00-4.00 / Includes Drinks & Snacks / £25.00
Lunch time
12.00 – 1.00 / Includes 2 Course Lunch and 1 hours care / £6.00
Tea time
4.30 – 5.30 / Includes 2 Course Tea and 1 hours care / £8.00
Tea time
extended, 4.30 – 6.00 / Includes 2 course Tea and 1 hour and 30 minutes care / £10.00
Full Day 8.30 – 4.30 / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £49.00
Full Week 8.30 – 4.30 / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £230.00
(discount applied)

2 and 3 Year Old Unfunded

Options / Details / Fees
Breakfast Club
8.00-8.30 / £4.00
Core session
8.30 – 12.00 / Includes Drinks & Snacks / £18.00
Core session
1.00-4.30 / Includes Drinks & Snacks / £18.00
Lunch time
12.00 – 1.00 / Includes 2 Course Lunch and 1 hours care / £6.00
Tea time
4.30 – 5.30 / Includes 2 Course Tea and 1 hours care / £8.00
Tea time
extended, 4.30 – 6.00 / Includes 2 course Tea and 1 hour and 30 minutes care / £10.00
Full Day 8.30 – 4.30 / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £42.00
Full Week 8.30 – 4.30 / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £200.00

3 year old Funded sessions

In receipt of 3 year old funding (eligible from the first term after Third birthday) Existing 15 hours funding either stretched to a maximum of 11.5 hours/week or up to 15 hours if attending term time only (Term time only places are no longer being offered for new children from Sept 2017). Should you be eligible for the additional 15 hours (30 hours) funding this is available stretched to 21 hours/week (this is not available term time only).

Any non-core hours will invoiced at the price specified, as funding does not cover these prices.

3 Year Old (15 Hours Funded) and Additional 15 hours (30 Hours)

Details / Fees
Breakfast Club
8.00-8.30 / £4.00
Core session, 3 hours funding claimed
8.30 – 12.00 / Includes Drinks & Snacks / £6.50
Core session, 3 hours funding claimed
1.00 – 4.30 / Includes Drinks & Snacks / £6.50
Lunch time
12.00 – 1.00 / Includes 2 Course Lunch and 1 hours care / £6.00
Tea time
4.30 – 5.30 / Includes 2 Course Tea and 1 hours care / £8.00
Tea time
extended, 4.30 – 6.00 / Includes 2 course Tea and 1 hour and 30 minutes care / £10.00
Full day, 6 hours funded claimed
8.30-4.30 / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £19.00
Full Day 8.30 – 4.30 (3 Hours Funded) / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £29.00
Full Week 8.30 – 4.30 (Stretched 11.5 Hours Funded) / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £143.00
Full Week 8.30 – 4.30 (30 Hours funding Stretched to 22.5 Hours per week if having Full Week) Term time not available / Includes Drinks & Snacks during the morning and afternoon session and 2 Course lunch and 1 hours care / £100.00

Funding information

We only claim funding in 3 and 6 hour blocks

Families are expected to complete all forms on request and present original documents when asked.

We are keen to offer a service that better meets both the needs of your children & yourselves.

  • Additional one-off sessions are charged at the 2 year old, non funded rate, because we do not receive funding from North Somerset for one off sessions

Nursery Education Grant

‘15 Hours Funding’ (available to all children and families)

  • Children become eligible for the Nursery Education grant the term AFTER their Third birthday. The grant funds your child to attend 570 hours / rolling year. Rydal only claims for those sessions booked, although you can claim up to 15 hours / week when claiming Term time only OR 11.5 hours / week if you want to spread your hours throughout the year.
  • We charge £6.50 for funded sessions which relates to that part of the session NOT covered by the Nursery Education Grant and they are for services that are not linked to the Nursery Education funded place. We only claim 3 hours funding per session or 6 hours per day.

‘Additional 15 Hours Funding (30 Hours)’ – Places are limited

Rydal Day Nursery will only guarantee your child's place when we have received and confirmed your 11 digit activation code and other requested details.

A ‘ 30 hours funding place’ must be requested in writing and is only confirmed in writing by the Director Heather House and once your 11 digit activation code has been verified

If you come out of eligibility and the Grace Period has expired then the additional 15 hours will be charged at an unfunded rate

It is the parents responsibility to update details on the online government portal every 3 months in order to continue to remain eligible for this additional funding.

Rydal only claims hours in 3 or 6 hour blocks. In order to receive the additional hours funding more than 2 full days would need to be attended.


Eligibility- lone parents or two parents working 16 hours a week or earning under £100,000 per year. A parent can earn the equivalent of £120 per week.

Parents employed or on zero hour contracts or self-employed are eligible

Parents must apply on-line on Gov.uk for their eligibility you will then receive a code which must be given to the nursery.

A child can attend up to 3 settings a day

A child can attend a maximum of 10 hours a day at Rydal this currently restricted to 6 hours per day.

Parents will have a half term grace period where they can still receive the funding if they come out of employment.

Voucher schemes will be phased out and Tax free childcare will come into effect. For every £8.00 paid by parents the Government will contribute £2.00

The 15 hours funding will remain universal and be available to all 3 and 4 year olds, it is the additional 15 hours that comes with the criteria.

If a parent is on maternity or paternity leave then their child within a nursery will still receive the 30 hours funding.

Parents can take up to the 30 hours if their child is eligible or they can take any hours between 16 and 30 hours a week (depending on the setting or if they are stretching the funding over the whole year.

To see if you are eligible for support with child care costs please visit

TERM DATES FOR 2017-2018

Rydal Fees September 2017

We will be reviewing our pricing structure in early 2018. 1

Term dates

term 1: Monday 4 September 2017 to Friday 20 October 2017

term 2: Monday 30 October 2017 to Tuesday 19 December 2017

term 3: Thursday 4 January 2018 to Friday 9 February 2018

term 4: Monday 19 February 2018 to Friday 23 March 2018

term 5: Monday 9 April 2018 to Friday 25 May 2018

term 6: Monday 4 June 2018 to Tuesday 24 July 2018

Rydal Fees September 2017

We will be reviewing our pricing structure in early 2018. 1

RYDAL will also be closed for the following dates for all children:

Christmas dates: Friday 22nd December from 4.30pm we are closed and we open again on 2nd January 2018

New Years Day 1st January 2018

Good Friday March 30th 2018

Easter Monday 2nd April 2018

May Bank holiday

Spring Bank holiday

Summer Bank holiday

We may close for 1 INSET day per year for staff training and will notify you of this date later

Rydal Fees September 2017

We will be reviewing our pricing structure in early 2018. 1