Meeting Summary

Thursday, 09 January 2014, 16:00


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Kristina Mackinnon (OCHA-Chair)

Emece Csete (Shelter cluster)
Vicki O'Donnell (WASH, Education, Nutrition)
Emily Gilbert (DFID)
Erica Frank (Protection Cluster)
Phyo Wai Kyan (CCCM Cluster)
Lisa Guppy (ERL Cluster)

Joseph Addawe (OCHA)

Brenda Eriksen (OCHA)

Luis Hernando (OCHA)
Fredrick Hanga (Child Protect Cluster)
Angie Lee (WFP)
Rodolfo Losada (FSCA Cluster)

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Action Points:

·  OCHA will meet bilaterally with cluster IMOs as feedback on the 3W process (identify problems, suggestions, ect).

·  Clusters are encouraged to include “completed” activities in the 3W (for mapping in the field)

·  Clusters to ensure template has “implementing partner” column - this is what gets mapped

·  Shelter cluster will review with Red Cross Societies the naming standard

·  Clusters are encouraged to share any type of gap analysis that they have in the dropbox to share as examples.

·  Clusters are encouraged to share data in the dropbox

(1) 3W

OCHA reviewed the assumptions made during the cleaning process especially:

1.  Status – if no status or dates are provided it is assumed ad “ongoing”

2.  Standardization of acronyms or organizations – clusters suggested a link on the 3W maps to a list of acronyms used

3.  Location – try to maintain the government standard

(2) Displaced Figures

·  Challenges with displaced figures

o  The displace number provided by the Government is still 4 million. OCHA is still using the official figures

o  The DTM only includes people in evacuation centres, so people who are living with family/friends/rentals/ etc

o  There is no tool/ system to collect this data

o  Not all areas are collecting this information so it could pose challenges to providing an overall view.

o  Traditionally the Family Access Card system could be used to identify some displaced people but this is not in effect everywhere yet

o  Clusters want more realistic displaced figures and are starting to talk to the various counter parts on how to get this number

o  Possible credibility issues to the responses in the future (donors perspective that number is not decreasing)

·  There is the suggestion that clusters bring this up with their government counterparts.

(3) Gap Analyis

·  Clusters recognize that the concept of gap analysis varies greatly and are encouraged to share examples in the dropbox.

·  Questions were raised regarding about “barocs” and how to map them. There is no standardization and is based on local knowledge.

·  UNICEF asked if anyone has any has GIS for loan for surveys with Government partners.

(4) Data Sharing

·  OCHA encouraged clusters to share data. Even if you think that it may not be pertinent to other clusters it is important to share as they may be looking/requesting it

·  Can place in dropbox and will then get uploaded to COD FOD Registry if it can be made public, if not it can remain there (i.e. isolated areas from Department of health)

(5) SMS Project

·  OCHA reported that the SMS feature to alert people of meeting is still in testing stage. When you create or edit a meeting, locate the “team” you can add the people you want it to go out to. When you press “save” it will send an SMS to the people on the list as long as they have their phone number in the HRInfo.

(6) AOB

·  The PDNA training has started in Cebu. Surveys will continue for a while.

·  The monitoring matrix will include all of the 6 vulnerable groups (in columns) instead of dropdown boxes as previously agreed, to facilitate compilation and an improved design in Feb.

Next IMWG meeting: 16 Thursday, Jan, 16:00.

Roxa IMWG Minutes

8 January 2014

1) Given the large amount of staff turnover after the holidays, we thought it would be a good idea to review the 3W reporting procedures. All clusters operating in Region VI, should be reporting their activities to their cluster IM focal points (likely) based in Manila. No organizations should be reporting their activities to OCHA directly in Roxas. The information is compiled by the clusters at the Manila level and shared with OCHA. OCHA compiles the data from the different clusters every Monday and provides the consolidated dataset on the dropbox and on A number of products are created by OCHA (and the clusters) from this data which are also updated on If you believe that information you've submitted is no reflected in the final database or products, its best to follow up with your cluster IM focal point in Manila. OCHA can facilitate as needed.

In response to queries from Guiuan, I'd also clarify that the operational maps that OCHA produces from Manila show only ONGOING activities and labels those activities with the IMPLEMENTING PARTNER who does them.

2) - Just a reminder that this inter-agency website remains the repository for all contacts, meetings, assessments, and visual products for the Yolanda response. IMOs in Roxas should continue to encourage all their cluster members to ensure their contact information is up-to-date and included on the site. Equally important is getting people off the list when they leave Roxas or the country. Likewise, please ensure that your cluster meetings are reflected on the meeting schedule. (although this did not seem to help attendance of the IMWG meeting!). As always if you have any questions feel free to come to OCHA.

3) Most of the IM activity has centered around the 3W and Coming up soon is the "Monitoring Framework" as part of the SRP. Cluster leads and IMOs in Manila have been meeting to finalize outcome indicators (which will be reported against in April) and output indicators which will be reported against by 22 Jan. Attached is the monitoring framework (nearly but not quite finalized) and a draft reporting template for the output indicators to be used in January. If IMOs in Reg VI have strong opinions about this, they should contact their counterparts in Manila. The clusters have suggested and agreed to report against each indicator at the municipal level and disaggregated by sex and by seven different vulnerable groups. Any queries should be directed towards your colleagues in Manila, but OCHA can facilitate or answer questions about the overall process.

4) OCHA is in possession of data from DSWD-NHTO which essentially shows who is receiving 4P assistance. The original data is at the individual level. OCHA has removed personal information and aggregated to the household level. The resulting dataset lists the estimated monthly income, designation as "poor" or "non-poor", and whether 4P assistance is provided for each household. OCHA has mapped the percentage of all families receiving 4P assistance, per municipality. The map for Region VI can be found here: OCHA has also created a list for Region 8 which lists the average income and number of families designated as "poor" yet NOT covered under 4P. Of course a ton of analysis can be done using this data. Not only from a cash programming perspective but from a vulnerability one as well. If you'd like more information about this data please contact OCHA.

5) Lastly, OCHA is tinkering with the ability to send SMS message using contacts on One application could be to automatically send messages to IMOs, 30 minutes before the IMWG meeting(!) If this is something that you think could be useful, contact OCHA for more info.

6) We'd like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Ms. Aileen Oliveros who will be replacing Gemma Asis as the Information Management Analyst in Roxas. Her contacts are on the contact database, naturally.

Meeting Minutes IMWG

9th January 2014, Tacloban City, Philippines


Dinesh (IOM)
Naoko (UNICEF)
Salla (UNDP)
Sean(World Vision)
Sandra(FSAC) / LungWaiMan(FSAC)
Ikenna(Logistics Cluster)
Taraneh(Logistics Cluster)
Kamille Ruiz(World Vision / Dominik(Nutrition Cluster)
Kelly(Protection Cluster)
Mehwish (OCHA),

1. Introduction & highlights from last meeting

OCHA explained the two points raised in the last IMWG meeting:

1.  Barangay dataset: OCHA will not attempt to create/update the new barangay dataset. However, it could be used for localised mapping products. It was informed that census data is only linked to COD data and hence should not be used with new barangay data. OCHA can try to come up with some solution for improving the dataset and making it consistent.

2.  No build zones: OCHA has no data on “no build zones” in the region which is a more localised data that can be available with the municipal government. There are multiple non official versions of data available. Shelter Cluster has the list of no dwell zones.

3.  Location of bunkhouses: It was added by IOM that the authorised list for locations of bunkhouses can be shared by the end of this month. At present, the data set is not finalised yet due to confusion in reporting of number of bunkhouses per location.

2. 3W data flow and data cleaning

The process of data collection, processing and flow from the field level to Manila level was explained and the flow diagram was shared among the participants for better understanding. Moreover, the steps of 3W cleaning process were explained emphasizing the clusters to maintain 3W data of their respective partners. It was explained that OCHA would not compile 3W data coming directly from partners of various clusters.

3. reminder

The IMO’s were reminded to get registered on HR info website if not registered already, update respective meeting calendars and contact lists in order to get emails from IMWG.

4. Monitoring framework (at municipal level)

Most of the cluster partners find the reporting frequency and geographical level of reporting as complicated for Monitoring framework. Some examples are below:

1.  CCCM believes that it will create 2-3 more forms per indicator for people to provide.

2.  Protection had set-up SRP-reporting and “Extended Reporting” that helps them answer to DFID and give full cluster picture. But they are struggling with extended version.

3.  DSWD’s capacity is limited and likely cannot report especially in the tight timeframe

However for Nutrition it’s not expected to be a big challenge since they have 4W data linked to indicators data.

Action: OCHA to follow-up with Manila to seek clarity.

Response from Manila to question on reporting against SRP: After follow-up with OCHA Manila, it’s hereby confirmed that clusters would only report against the SRP. For operational purposes the clusters should be trying to capture the activities of actors outside the appeal to ensure there is no overlap in delivery.

5. SMS testing from

It was informed that OCHA plans to initiate a SMS notification services for IMO’s registered on the website for reminders, invitations to the meeting and other quick messages. OCHA plans to test with the IMWG Manila meeting today.

6. Displaced Figures (and Local Data)

The protection cluster has found that more reliable data on displaced figures is available with MSWDs as they work in their priority municipalities to develop Municipal Protection Profiles (affected, displaced, dead, etc.). A general question of whether OCHA should be trying to collect such data from the municipal governments. OCHA raised the challenge/concern of how to use these numbers without becoming out-of-sync with the national governments’ numbers and creating confusion and misunderstanding.

DILG may have better data than national government as it’s closely working with all the LGU’s in the country. This could be another angle to consider although it was noted that some DILG offices do not get much data due to opposing political allegiances.

One of the suggestions is to assist and strengthen the data analysis and data collection procedures of the government by providing IM & data trainings. Multiple organisations such as UNDP, IOM and Protection Cluster are already doing such activities.

Action: OCHA will review internal capacity and investigate possibility to conduct IM trainings for government.

7. Sitrep Reporting Frequency

OCHA was requested to reduce the frequency of Sitreps from twice a week as it puts lot of burden on IMO’s to perform other productive tasks like to collect information from local governments.

Action: OCHA will follow-up on the query about Sit Rep (and other reporting) frequencies.

8. GAP Analysis

There are multiple types of gap analysis such as:

1.  Capacity or Responders / Operational

a.  At a more local level;

b.  Example: planned in past versus what is happening now;

2.  National / Strategic:

a.  What we are doing, what is government doing, what is the remaining GAP

3.  Activity GAP:

a.  Example: Completed in the past versus the current On-going (At beginning there was blanket feeding. But now are all these same people being provided with Livelihood solutions?)

4.  Funding GAPs

It was suggested that GAP Analysis becomes easier with household assessments completed.

Action: OCHA needs to compile different gap analysis templates into one location. OCHA will also aim to develop narrative guidance about standard gap analysis products (as they have done on the 3W Products guidance document).

9. ACAPS Secondary Data Reviews

Secondary data review by ACAPS has been shared with cluster coordinators at Manila and after finalization will be shared with the IMO’s and on the HR info website.

If the IMOs would like to review and comment, they will need to connect to their respective cluster coordinator to get a copy and learn the respective internal-cluster deadline to comment.

10. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Maps

The 4P (Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program) maps developed by OCHA which reflect the pre disaster 4P assisted communities were shared among the participants. The maps are also available on the HR info website.

The data has been approved to be shared once OCHA has anonymized it.

Action: OCHA to share anonymized 4Ps data when ready.

11. Administrative Coordination.

Logistics Cluster requested for admin support in terms of accommodation and office space for it’s partners.

Action: OCHA will follow up on the request.

Response from Jesper Lund (OCHA HoO Tacloban): He will raise it with the Heads-of-Offices for discussions.

Next IMWG meeting will be held on Thursday, 16th Jan, 2014 Thursday @ 12pm.


Andrej verity
Mehwish Ali
MichaelArunga / IMO UNOCHA Manila
IMO UNOCHA Tacloban /

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