Present: Rob RichardsonDavid Gregory Mary Barnard Phyllis Curson Peter Markham Ben Conway (from item 10)

Chris Lacey (Clerk)Margaret Dewsbury (County and Dist/Cllr)

Darrin Sore (PCSO)

The meeting opened at 7.40pm.

1.Election of Chairman Rob Richardson was elected as Chairman and signed the acceptance of office.

2.Apologies for absence Bruce Fleming (Holiday)

3.Election of Vice-Chairman Bruce Fleming was elected as Vice-Chairman.

4.Declarations of interest None.

5.MinutesThe minutes of the ParishCouncil Meeting held on 7 January 2016 were approved by the Councillors and signed by the Chairman.

6.Progress Reports

a)Highways. The Parish Council has been successful in its bid for three gateway to village signs which are to be positionedat High Green, Hethersett Road and Hall Road.The Parish Council has paid £300 towards the cost. The Clerk will act the Parish Council contact for any advice on the design and placement of the signs. The Clerk had met with the Highways engineer to examine the state of the roads in Hall Road, Burdock Lane, Landlow Lane and the Watton Road/Landlow Lane intersection. Highways had filled in potholes and had undertaken work on grips.

b)War Memorial. David Gregory had obtained one quotation for the repairs to the War Memorial but was having difficulties in obtainingfurther quotations. Margaret Dewsbury advised that Saffron had withdrawn their grant funding but South Norfolk Council may be able to assist with some funding. There is a ward fund of £200 available. David Gregory will correspond with Margaret Dewsbury in respect of grant funding.

The Meeting was adjourned at 7.52pm to hear the PCSO report.

Darrin Sore (PCSO) reported that there had been three crimes reported in the period May 2015 to April 2016. There had been thirteen personal injury collisions recorded by the police in the last three calendar years, two of which had been categorised as serious.In a written email dated 31 March 2016, Bruce Fleming had reported that equipment had been stolen from his garage. Fly tipping was becoming a major problem in the village. South Norfolk Councilwas hoping to get a conviction on one of the recent cases.

The Meeting reconvened at 8.00pm

c)Cricket Club project.Councillors had agreed in principle that a grant of £3000 could be made available to the Cricket Club for the installation of ladies toilets providing the Club provided detailed plans and three quotations for the work. The Cricket Club had advised that this project may come under the umbrella of the Village Hall Management Committee and that a separate “Pavilion Account” may be set up for future pavilion improvements. The Clerk will advise Councillors of progress being made on the Cricket Club’s projects.

d)Litter Pick. Mary Barnard reported that there had been another successful litter pick.


a)New Footpaths. Councillors had no objections to the proposals set out by Birketts in their letter of 2 March 2016. The proposed footpaths are in the Hethersett Parish.

8. Planning

a) Rob Richardson, Bruce Fleming and Mary Barnard were appointed as members of the planning sub-committee.

b) Streamlining the planning process – From 15th February 2016 site notices will only be posted if there is a statutory requirement to do so. South Norfolk Planning will continue to notify all neighbours adjacent to the boundary of the site or opposite the site if it relates to any front alterations. The case officer will decide if any other neighbours are affected by the alterations and will notify accordingly.

9. Finance

a)Councillors approved the 2015/2016 accounts.It was noted that the Allotment tenant had not paid the annual rent by 31 March 2016.

b)Mr B Luton, the Internal Auditor had approved the 2015/2016 accounts.

c)Councillors approved the 2015/2016 Annual Statement of Accounts and Annual Governance Statement.

d)The Parish Council had deposited £10,165.45 in the Julian Hodge Bank 90 Day Notice Deposit Account.

e)Councillors noted that from 2017, smaller authorities would appoint auditors through a sector led body or opt out of such arrangements and appoint auditors locally. Councillors agreed not to opt out of the sector led body procurement.

f)Councillorsreviewed and agreed the Parish Council’s Risk Assessment.

g)Councillorsreviewed and agreed the Parish Council’s Assets Register.

h)Councillors resolved to take out insurance with Aon UK Ltd as this was a cheaper option than staying with Zurich Municipal. Councillors agreed to authorise the following payments from the parish council accounts: Clerk salary and expenses (2015/16) - £1085.09, NALC (2016 subscription)- £81.58, Great Melton Cricket Club (donation) - £40.00, Aon UK Ltd (2015/2016 Insurance) - £336.53, PCC (donation) - £400.00, B Luton (Internal Audit fee) - £20.00. Councillors agreed to enter a three year long term agreement with Aon UK Ltd.

i)Councillors resolved to apply for Transparency Code funding.

  1. Items reported

a)David Gregory reported that he had treated the brambles and nettles at the village seat and notice board site and that a second lot of treatment was required.

b)Peter Markham reported that there were three potholes near the war memorial, four potholes in Pockthorpe Road and on in Landlow Lane.

c)Phyllis Curson reported that the police had been proactive in dealing with bikers at the gravel pits.

d)Councillors were concerned that South Norfolk Council was granting planning in villages that were part of the Great Norwich Area as the City Council had not provided sufficient housing supply.

11.Future date The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 29thSeptember 2016 at 7.30pm in the Great Melton Village Pavilion.

12. CloseThe Meeting closed at 08.50pm