Rutland & Melton Cancer Support Group
NEWSLETTER – March 2016
We were entertained by Craig Howat, the Oakham In Bloom’s gardening and plant coordinator during Wednesday evening. Craig delivered a most interesting explanation regarding the work which Oakham in Bloom carry out year around. Their hard work ensures that our townsfolk and visitors are greeted by seasonal flowers and plants.
Craig informed us of the detail and planning which ensure that the plants are purchased at the correct prices – via Wilkinson’s and Ashwell Garden Centre’s special offers! Sometimes the plants and flowers cost just pennies!
Oakham In Bloom is presently working on a project to create a special Memorial Garden at the All Saints Church. Of great interest to users of the bypass is the boat filled with flowers on the roundabout at the Stamford road. The other attraction is the Spitfire guarding the bypass a few hundred yards from the boat of flowers. Then further on, at the final right hand turn into Oakham, is parked a bicycle with a front carrier filled with flora. Although the bike peddled away for awhile last year, thankfully it found its way back and continues to be an excellent talking point for people.
The hard working group is presently engaged in creating a red and gold colour scheme to celebrate the Queen’s birthday as well as a rather splendid peacock in front of the library. Their work with ongoing projects such as the large tubs at the Market Square, the park and the Maltings continues with a high energy!
Craig told us that the Oakham Group was formed in August 1997 and has grown into a successful partnership with residents, youth groups, schools, the Town and County Councils, plus vital support from local businesses. This association ensures that from whatever direction one enters Oakham you are greeted by nature’s gallery of colours. Wandering around Oakham’s busy streets and byways one cannot fail to be cheered to see arrays of flowerbeds.
The second part of Craig’s oration introduced us to his rural wild garden. As he did not want a conventional setting Craig designed from scratch a pasture which would welcome nature in full. Craig and his son created a pond which attracted various insects including blue butterflies, dragon flies, newts and frogs! By allowing the grasses and plants to grow freely a miscellany of birds visited their garden. We were captivated by Craig’s list and photos of feathered visitors – tree creepers, black caps, great tits, both blue and green finches, woodpeckers, blackbirds, wagtails, wrens, starlings, the list seemed endless.
Craig was very proud of his creation and it showed in the pleasurable manner by which he enthralled his avid listeners.
Melton Meeting
A smaller group than usual met on Wednesday as some were on holiday and others not too well. It was nice to welcome Peter from Oakham.Everyone enjoyed the Christmas meal and thanks to Marjorie for all the arrangements as there were one or two last minute changes. Mavis did the meeting and greeting as Margaret was away. Mavis did the raffle, Jane the coffee. Marjorie gave the notices. Much noise and chatter. We then went to the Harboro Hotel for lunch. We always welcome anyone who would like to join us
A message from Marjorie
Over 20 members came on a very chilly evening to hear the delightful talk by Craig Howat on the progress of the Oakham in Bloom plans for the year.
May was busy selling raffle tickets which raised £30 whilst Shelagh and Geoff kindly made and handed round the tea/coffee and Janet served the biscuits.As Kate arranged for Craig to give the talk, Harry gave the vote of thanks. I was very grateful for all this help as Jane M. and I had spent a good part of the day in Uppingham Surgery at the Cancer Health and Wellbeing Awareness Day which was well attended and useful. Dove Cottage Day Hospice, Macmillan Cancer Support, C.A.B., Rutland County Council, Coping with Cancer, NHS E. Leics & Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group were also in attendance.
It is sad to announce that Alan Dearmanlost his battle against cancer on the 12 February. Alan and wife, Margaret, joined us at the Xmas party in Oakham in December. Alan attended the Oakham meeting in September 2014 as our Speaker for the eveninginforming us thathe had been aDr Barnardo’s boy from l950–1959, over many years he had spoken to scores of groups all over the UK raising thousands of pounds for Barnardo’s work in appreciation of their care. Alan’s mother died two days after his birth then he contracted poliotwo years later, was taken into care aged seven andfinally thrived and had his life turned around in Dr Barnardo’s homes. During the 1970’s and 80’s he had become a successful disabled athlete along with many other achievements also receiving numerous awards for his Barnardo work and was very proud to have met royalty.
Alan’s funeral is at3p.m.,29 Februaryat the Grantham Crematorium. All are welcome.
17th March, Phoenix Cinema with Cinema for Rutland is showing “Marvellous” at the Rutland County Museum. The film starts at3p.m., doors opening at2.30p.m. Tea and coffee will be served.Tickets £2, available at the door.Family tickets at £6 also available for a family of four.
An extra committee meeting will be held at2p.m.on7th Marchat Marjorie’s house.
On the9th Marchwe have the Annual General Meeting and, as already suggested, may I ask that you bring a plate of food to share. Drinks will be supplied.
Achange of venue and time will be discussed, amongst other things.
What fish would you need if your shoes wore out? Answer: Soles and eels!
What kind of horse could become head of a City Council?
A Mayor.
What do angry mice send each other at Christmas?
Cross-mouse cards.
“Grandad, are you still growing?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“Because the top of your head is coming through your hair”.
And finally -
Life is mostly froth and bubble but two things stand like stone –
Kindness in another’s trouble
Courage in one’s own.
Take care
The list of speakers for 2016
March AGM
Postage Stamps
Please remember to save your postage stamps for the “Hearing Dogs for the Deaf”. The VAR have volunteered to collect them so please bring any you have to the Oakham meetings and there is a box marked “STAMPS” on the table as you enter the building just inside the door.
Buying on the Internet
We realise that not everyone has a computer but you will no doubt know someone who has. If you can pass on to friends and family that if they are buying goods and go through a site called www.easyfundraising and register naming The Rutland and Melton Cancer Support Group this will raise money for the Group – Amazon and John Lewis are just two companies linked to easyfunding.
Group Meetings
Oakham evening meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7.00pm at Voluntary Action Rutland, Oakham
Melton Mowbray daytime meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month between 10am and 12 noon in an upstairs room at the Samworth Centre in Melton Mowbray.
Items for the Newsletter
If you have any items of interest for the newsletter, please could you let me have them by the 20th of the month.
Contact details are as follows: E-mail:
You are very welcome to attend our meetings and social events to meet old friends and make new ones, or just ring us for a chat!
R & M Group Contact Marjorie 01572 722311 - Jane 01664424595 -Margaret01664568195 - Ida Reed 01572 755987
Parking ticket for Melton - contact Mavis 01664 564860 – Oakham ticket
contact Marjorie 01572 722311 or Val 01572 722842.