Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E)
Application (DUE April 30, 2014, email )
Thank you for your interest in the Rutgers University Research Experience for Teachers in Engineering (RU RET-E) program! The goals of RU RET-E (pronounced “Are you ready?”) are to: (1) engage middle and high school math and science teachers in innovative “green” engineering research during the summer, and to (2) support teachers as they integrate their research experiences into their academic year classrooms. The overarching theme of the research projects is “Green Technology” with a focus on engaging our community in understanding and contributing to the Green Revolution from an engineering perspective.
RU RET-E provides a paid (~$6000) six-week summer (July 2nd - August 8th) research experience to in-service teachers (“fellows”). It is suggested that two from each school apply during the same year if possible, i.e. as a pair (two math teachers, one-math and one-science teacher, or two science teachers from the same school). However, applicants must submit individual applications. The fellows will engage in the same research as a team, and develop classroom lessons based on their summer research experience. 80% of fellows’ time will be spent in an engineering lab under the guidance and direction of faculty and graduate students. The remaining time will include professional development activities; such as, a weekly journal club to review relevant literature. Fellows will present their work at an end-of-summer symposium to the Rutgers community, administrators from the fellows’ school districts, family, and friends. Periodically throughout the summer, fellows will work with Graduate School of Education faculty to develop classroom lessons. Lessons will outline objectives, materials, previous knowledge, and links to Core Standards. Each fellow will also be asked to link a portion of the lesson to the SGO deliverable. Lastly, RU RET-E will support fellows during the academic year to include discussing their RET summer experience and sharing their classroom lesson with colleagues, implementing lessons in the classroom, revising lessons as needed, posting lessons on-line to be widely disseminated, and presenting at regional conferences.
Program Dates: June 29, 2014 – August8, 2014
Application/Acceptance Timeline:
Applications will be accepted through April30, 2014
Review process will commence on or about May 1, 2014.
Fellows will be notified by e-mail.
All participants must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents.
Priority will be given to teachers who apply in pairs.
Please note that teachers must apply in pairs. Applications are due April30, 2014 by 5:00 pm. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us via email . Again, thank you for your interest and we look forward to receiving your application!
Applicant Information
Full Legal Name: (Last, First) / []Co-Applicant’s Name
(Please note teachers must apply in pairs) / []
E-mail address / []
Mailing Address of the applicant
(Street/City/State/Zip) / []
Home phone
(include area code) / []
Cell Phone
(include area code) / []
The best way to reach you is by
(select the best answer) / []Email
[] Phone
School Information
School Name / []School District / []
E-mail address / []
Address of the School
(Street/City/State/Zip) / []
(include area code) / []
(include area code) / []
The best way to reach you is by
(select the best answer) / [] Email
[] Phone
Applicant Biographical Information
Grades Taught(Please list all of the grades that you have taught and/or currently teach) / []
Courses Taught
(Please list all of the courses that youhavetaught and/or teaching) / []
Number of YearsTeaching / []
Areas of Certification
(Please separate by commas) / []
Undergraduate Institution
(The undergraduate institution you last attended) / []
Undergraduate Major(s), Degree, and Year Earned
(Please list undergraduate major(s), degree, and year earned) / []
Graduate Institution
(type “n/a” if no graduate school) / []
Graduate Major(s), Degree(s), and Year(s) Earned
(Please list undergraduate major(s), degree, and year earned) / []
Please indicate your level of computer experience below.
No Experience / Novice / ExperiencedMicrosoft PowerPoint / Microsoft PowerPoint
No Experience / Microsoft PowerPoint Novice / Microsoft PowerPoint Experienced
Microsoft Excel / Microsoft Excel
No Experience / Microsoft Excel
Novice / Microsoft Excel Experienced
MatLab / MatLab
No Experience / MatLab
Novice / MatLab
Maple / Maple
No Experience / Maple
Novice / Maple
For each application/language below, indicate No Experience, Novice, or Experienced.
1. Your personal statement should address why you are interested in participating in the RU RET-E program with emphasis in Green Energy Technology.
(MINIMUM 150 words/MAXIMUM 1500 words)
(Type or paste your response here. Adjust the size of the box as needed.)2. Do you believe participating in RU RET-E will benefit your teaching? Why or why not?
(MINIMUM 150 words/MAXIMUM 800 words)
(Type or paste your response here. Adjust the size of the box as needed.)3. Have you developed student growth objectives for your math or science class in the past? If so, describe one of the documentscreated, i.e. the subject matter and objectives defined.
(MINIMUM 150 words/MAXIMUM 1500 words)
(Type or paste your response here. Adjust the size of the box as needed.)4. Do you have experience with, or have you ever taught math or science to a special needs classroom? Do you have plans to teach a special needs class?
(MINIMUM 150 words/MAXIMUM 800 words)
(Type or paste your response here. Adjust the size of the box as needed.)5. Would you be willing to incorporate lessons developed as part of the RU RET-E program into your classroom? Would you be willing to align these lessons with SGOs? If so, how would you do so? (Include dates of class incorporation and possible areas of class implementation.)
(MINIMUM 150 words/MAXIMUM 1000 words)
(Type or paste your response here. Adjust the size of the box as needed.)End of Application
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