German 101 – Beginning German (Dual Credit) Office Hours:

Fall 2017 MW: 9 – 10/noon - 2

Mrs. Heather Rogers Tues. 9 – 10/noon – 1

Wagoner Hall 152 Fri. noon - 2

Course Objective:

Welcome to Beginning German! In this course you will be introduced to the fundamentals of the German language, with the primary focus on developing the four language skills in a cultural context. Successful completion of this course will enable you to communicate in German about everyday topics, for example, family, recreation, shopping, and your daily routine, using basic elements of German grammar. You will also be introduced to topics that will help you understand European culture.

Required Texts:

Dengler, Rusch, Sieber, Scherling. Netzwerk A1. Kursbuch. Langenscheidt, 2011.

Dengler, Rusch, Sieber, Schmitz, Scherling. Netzwerk A1. Arbeitsbuch. Langenscheidt, 2012.

German/English Dictionary

Recommended Text:

Cecile Zorach, Charlotte Melin: English Grammar for Students of German. *

ISBN: 13:978-0-934034-43-2

Course Syllabus:

Week One: August 14 - 18

Monday: Intro /Kapitel 1: Greetings/Cognates (KB 8 – 10)

Tuesday: Wie und wer, Verben, Personalpronomen (KB 10 – 11)

Wednesday: Wie heißen Sie?/woher/Verben und Personalpronomen (KB12 -13)

Friday: Wortstellung (KB 14, 15, 17) -- Quiz

Week Two: August 21 - 25

Monday: Film/Kultur /Wortstellung (KB 16)

Tuesday: Kapitel 2 Nomen, Geschlecht und Plural (KB 18-21)

Wednesday: Wortstellung/ Ja und Nein-Fragen (KB 22-23)

Friday: haben und sein: starke Verben (KB 24 – 25, 27) Quiz

Week Three: August 28 – September 1

Monday: Kapitel 2 Film/Kultur – Wiederholung für die Prüfung

Tuesday: Prüfung Kapitel 1 und 2

Wednesday: Kapitel 3: Bestimmte Artikel (Nom) – (KB 28 – 30)

Friday: Unbestimmte Artikel (Nom) – (KB 31 -32)

*Consider purchasing this helpful resource at

Week Four: September 4 - 8

Monday: Labor Day (Tag der Arbeiter) – Extended Weekend

Tuesday: Extended Weekend

Wednesday: Imperativ (Sie) (KB 33-34)

Friday: Geschlecht und Artikel (KB 35 – 36)

Week Five: September 11 - 15

Monday: Quiz/Kapitel 4 – Akkusativ (KB 42-43)

Tuesday: Akkusativ; Adverbien (Zeit) und Wortstellung (KB 44, 46)

Wednesday: Akkusativ; mögen (KB 45, 47)

Friday: Berufe rund ums Essen (KB 48 – 49)

Week Six: September 18 - 22

Monday: Wiederholung Kapitel 4/ (KB 49, 51)/Wiederholung für die Prüfung

Tuesday: Prüfung K 3 und 4

Wednesday: Kapitel 5: Zeitangaben (KB 52-54)

Friday: Possessivartikel (KB 55-56)

Week Seven: September 25 - 29

Monday: Modalverben, Wortstellung (KB 59-61)

Tuesday: Quiz/Kapitel 6: Datumsangaben (KB 62 -64)

Wednesday: Trennbare und untrennbare Präfixe (KB 65)

Friday: für + Akkusativ; Akkusativ Personalpronomen

Week Eight: October 2 - 6

Monday: Präteritum von haben und sein/Wiederholung (KB 71-75)

Tuesday: Wiederholung

Wednesday: Prüfung Kapitel 5 - 6

Friday: Vorbereitung auf die mündliche Prüfung (mit Partner)

Week Nine: October 9 – 13***

Monday: Fall Break (Herbstferien)

Wednesday: Kapitel 7/Dativ – Präpositionen und Artikel (KB 76-78)

Thursday: Class! Mündliche Prüfung mit Partner

Friday: Mündliche Prüfung mit Partner

Week Ten: October 16 – 20

Monday: Possessivartikel im Akkusativ (KB 80-81;85)

Tuesday: KB 82 - 83

Wednesday: Wiederholung

Friday: Quiz/Kapitel 8 – Adjektive (KB 86-87)

Week Eleven: October 23 - 27

Monday: in + Akkusativ (KB 88-89)

Tuesday: Wechselpräpositionen (Dativ) (KB 90-91; 95)

Wednesday: Wiederholung (KB 92-93; 106-107)

Friday: Prüfung K7 und 8

Week Twelve: October 30 – November 3

Monday: Kapitel 9 Perfekt - regelmäßige Verben (KB 96-98)

Tuesday: Perfekt – unregelmäßige Verben (KB 99; 105)

Wednesday: Koordinierende Konjunktionen (und, oder, aber) (KB 100-101)

Friday: Perfekt (KB 102-103) Quiz

Week Thirteen: November 6 - 10

Monday: Kapitel 9 Der Film/Wiederholung (KB 104-105)

Tuesday: Kapitel 10: Welch-/Dies- (KB 110 – 112)

Wednesday: Perfekt mit trennbaren Präfixen (KB 113)

Friday: Dativ Verben und Personalpronomen (KB 114-115)

Week Fourteen: November 13 - 17

Monday: Wiederholung (KB 116-117)

Tuesday: Prüfung K9 und 10

Wednesday: Kapitel 11: Imperativ du/ihr (KB 120-123)

Friday: Modalverben – Wiederholung (KB 124-125)

Week Fifteen: November 20 - 24

Thanksgiving Break (die ganze Woche!)

Week Sixteen: November 27 – December 1

Monday: Modalverben – Wiederholung (KB 126-127)

Tuesday: Kapitel 11/Der Film – Wiederholung (KB 128-129)

Wednesday: Wiederholung (KB 130-132)

Friday: Quiz/Kapitel 12: Pronomen „man“ (KB 133-134)

Week Seventeen: December 4 - 8

Monday: Fragewörter; Zeitadverbien (KB 135-137)

Tuesday: Kapitel 12 Kurz und Klar; Wiederholung (KB 139)

Wednesday: Wiederholung

Friday: Prüfung K 11 und 12

Week Eighteen: December 11 - 15

Monday: Vorbereitung auf die mündliche Abschlussprüfung

Tuesday: Mündliche Abschlussprüfung

Wednesday: Mündliche Abschlussprüfung

Friday: Kleine Schriftliche Abschlussprüfung

Week Nineteen: December 18 – 21 Finals Week

Course Policies and Information:

Homework/Preparation: Homework will be assigned after nearly every class and will be due at the beginning of the following class period. Each completed homework assignment will be worth two points, unless otherwise specified. At times there may be multiple activities (including Kursbuch preparation, Youtube tutorials, Arbeitsbuch exercises) assigned, in which case the point value will be higher. Completing and submitting homework on time is a crucial component to being successful in German class. You will be expected to learn the new vocabulary and keep current with vocabulary from past chapters. After all, learning a language is cumulative. All handouts, assignments, and Youtube links will be posted on Blackboard. You are expected to check Blackboard after each class day to see what is due for the following class period.

Quizzes will be given after each chapter and will consist primarily of vocabulary and grammar exercises. The point value of the quizzes should be 10 points.

Tests will be given at the end of every two chapters covered. Tests will usually not exceed 50 points. Emphasis on the tests will be vocabulary, grammar, listening exercises and cultural topics. Make-ups for both tests and quizzes will have a higher difficulty level. You can avoid a make-up test by taking the test early, if you know you will be absent on test- or quiz- day. No make-ups will be given for unexcused absences.

Oral Exams will be given two times each semester, one at or around midterm (to be completed with a partner) and one that will serve as the final exam (consisting of a short interview with the instructor).

Grading Scale: A 93%-100%+ C+ 79 – 78%

A- 92 – 90% C 77 – 73%

B+ 89 – 88% C- 72 – 70%

B 87 – 83% D* 69% - 0

B- 82 – 80%

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated will be dealt with accordingly. No credit will be given for material that has been plagiarized. Please consult the Academic Dishonesty policy in the Student Handbook. Use of electronic translators also constitutes plagiarism; therefore no credit will be given for work completed with a translation program. Additionally, it is not permissible to have friends (German or otherwise), previous instructors, family members, or any other person not specifically pre-approved by the instructor, correct, edit, or otherwise alter any work that you submit for academic credit.

Other information: This class meets four days a week (MTWF). Attendance and participation on all four days is essential. This is a class for dual credit and is therefore taught at an accelerated pace. Tuesdays will be considered a regular class day.

Absences will be counted at 10 minutes after the hour, a tardy at 5 minutes after the hour.

Laptops/Electronics: Laptops must be turned off and closed during class time, unless otherwise specified. Cell phones must be turned off and stowed in your backpack during class time, unless we use them for a specific activity. If you cannot abide by this rule, you must “check” your cell phone at the teacher’s desk when entering the class and reclaim it as you leave.

Your final grade will include daily homework/preparation, quizzes, chapter tests, two oral exams, and a short writing at the end of the semester.

Blackboard: Please check Blackboard regularly for posted assignments, announcements, reminders, and resources. It is your responsibility to check the site in plenty of time for the next class period.

Please plan to keep a notebook and folder for this class. Language learning is cumulative; it helps to stay organized and to continue to review.

Final Thoughts on Learning German: You are ultimately responsible for the amount of learning that you acquire from this class. You will be taught college-level German 1 –– whether you achieve first-year college proficiency is completely up to you. The successful learner spends time outside of class preparing for the next lesson and going over vocabulary in order to be able to participate in activities that we will be doing in class.

Importance of Diversity and Inclusion: Ball State University aspires to be a university that attracts and retains a diverse faculty, staff, and student body. We are committed to ensuring that all members of the community are welcome, through valuing the various experiences and worldviews represented at Ball State and among those we serve. We promote a culture of respect and civil discourse as expressed in our Beneficence Pledge and through university resources found at