Supplementary Table 1 Comparison of lung cancer population-based survival.
Author / Type of database, year of diagnosis and patient demographics / Survival / CommentsBossard et al. (2006)21 / Database / French Cancer Registries (13% population coverage) / Relative survival 5-years
Men 12%; women 16% / 4% lost to follow-up
Sex and age prognostic
Year diagnosis / 1987–1999
Eligibility / Not stated
Cases / 19,507; % men and median age not stated
Stage / No data given
Treatment / No data given
Campling et al. (2005)12 / Database / Pennsylvania Cancer Registry / Overall survival 5-years
15% / Black patients had inferior survival to white patients and Veterans when compared with non-Veterans
Year diagnosis / 1995–1999
Eligibility / 22% ‘other pathology’, death certificate only registrations (DCO) excluded. Men only
Cases / 27,936; median age 70 years
Stage / 22% Stage I–II, 43% Stage IV (9% unknown)
Treatment / No data given
Cartman et al. (2002)13 / Database / Northern and Yorkshire Cancer registry / Overall survival 5-years
4% / Use of surgery varied 4% to 17% by district of residence
Year diagnosis / 1986–1994
Eligibility / DCO excluded (6.4%) those managed outside region (1.5%)
Included no pathology (34%)
Cases / 22,645; 67% men
Stage / No data given
Treatment / 11% surgery
Coleman et al. (2004)40 / Database / England and Wales Cancer Registries / Relative survival 5-years
6% / No change since 1980’s.
Inferior survival in men from deprived areas but not women
Year diagnosis / 1996–1999
Eligibility / DCO and date of death=date diagnosis and those lost to follow up(2.3%) excluded
Cases / 107,317; 64% men, age not stated
Stage / No data given
Treatment / No data given
Demeter et al. (2003)14 / Database / Alberta Cancer Registry / Overall survival 2-years
NSCLC 24%,
SCLC 10%
Year diagnosis / 1998
Eligibility / All pathology, no DCO. No medical records excluded (17%)
Cases / 611; 55% men, mean age 88 years
Stage / 21% Stage I–II, 37% Stage IV
Surgery / 18% surgery
Foegle et al. (2005)9 / Database / Bas Rhin Cancer Registry / Relative survival 5-years
16% / Random sample 40% selected for case review but 10% rejected as charts not available
Year diagnosis / 1994–1997
Eligibility / NSCLC only, no DCO
Cases / 695; 87% men median age 63 years
Stage / 41% stage I–II , 35% Stage IV
Surgery / 33% surgery
Fu et al. (2005)8 / Database / SEER, USA; 23% US population covered / Relative survival 5-years for 1988–1999 cohort
14% men, 17% women / Women had superior survival
Year diagnosis / 1975–1999 (2 cohorts 1975–1987 and 1988–1999)
Eligibility / No pathology and DCO excluded
Cases / 228,572; 64% men, median age 66 years
Stage / 18% Stage I–II , 44% Stage IV (9% unknown)
Surgery / 26% surgery
Gadgeelet al. (2001)1 / Database / Detroit SEER Registry (99%) / Relative survival 5 years
for 1986–1998
16% white, 12% black / Whole study period (1975-98) Stage IV
49% black; 45% white
Squamous cell
40% black; 33% white
Year diagnosis / 1973–1998 (two cohorts 1973–1985, 1986–1998)
Eligibility / No pathology and DCO excluded
Cases / 48,318; 66% men median age 66 years (whole series)
Stage / 22% Stage I–II, 48% Stage IV (9% unknown)
Surgery / No data given
Gregor et al. (2001)2 / Database / Scotland / Relative survival 5-years 6% / Inferior survival older age, deprivation, men, not seeing specialist
Year diagnosis / 1995
Eligibility / No pathology included DCO excluded
Cases / 3,855; 61% men, median age 70 years
Stage / 25% Stage I–II, 31% Stage IV (11% unknown)
Surgery / 11% surgery
Jack et al. (2003)23 / Database / Thames Cancer Registry / Relative survival 3-years
11% (8% if DCO included) / Survival range 7–17% in different health authorities; Younger patients, women lived longer but no impact of deprivation
Year diagnosis / 1995–1999
Eligibility / No pathology cases included DCO excluded (19%)
Cases / 32,818, 63% men
Stage / 35% Stage I–II, 30% Stage IV (27% unknown)
Surgery / 7% surgery
Jemal et al. (2004)76a / Database / USA; SEER and NPCR / Relative survival 5-years
Men 13.6%
Women 17.2% / Improved survival for men and women since 1975–1979
Survival 1995–2000 localized 48%, regional 23%, mets 3%
Year diagnosis / 1995–2000
Eligibility / DCO and no pathology excluded
Cases / 75,341 patients
Stage / 16% local, 20% region 53% mets 10% unknown
Surgery / No data given
Laskin et al. (2004)15 / Database / British Columbia Cancer Registry / Overall survival 5 years
4% / Limited stage 8%
Extensive stage 2%
Year diagnosis / 1990 and 1995
Eligibility / SCLC only, DCO excluded
Cases / 614; 55% men, median age 68 years
Stage / 33% limited stage
Surgery / Not applicable
Mennecier et al. (2003)10 [AU: Please confirm this reference is correct]
Lebitasy et al. (2001)16 / Database / Bas Rhin Cancer Registry / Overall survival 2-years
9% (SCLC only)
Year diagnosis / 1993–1994
Eligibility / SCLC only, nomedical records excluded (19%)
Cases / 787; 88% men median age 63 years
Stage / 36% limited stage
Surgery / No data given
Mahmud et al. (2003)72 / Database / Republic of Ireland Cancer Registry 96% ascertainment / Cancer-specific survival
Year diagnosis / 1994–1998
Eligibility / No pathology cases included, DCO excluded (1%)
Cases / 7,286, 66% men, median age 70 years
Stage / Not stated
Surgery / 12% surgery
Makitaro et al. (2002)17 / Database / Northern Finland Prospective Regional audit / Overall survival 5-yrs
12% / Survival improved from 4% 1968–1971
Year diagnosis / 1990–1992
Eligibility / No pathology included, DCO excluded
Cases / 602; 85% men, mean age 68 years
Stage / 23% Stage I–II , 41% Stage IV
Surgery / 20% surgery
McDavid et al. (2003)22 / Database / Kentucky Cancer Registry (100% ascertainment) / Relative survival 3 years
19% women and 14% men / Patients without private insurance had inferior survival
Year diagnosis / 1995–1998
Eligibility / DCO and date of death = date diagnosis excluded (5%)
Cases / 12,477 patients; 62% men
Stage / 21% Stage I–II, 41% Stage IV (12% unknown)
Surgery / 22% surgery
Richardsonet al. (2000)18 / Database / Victoria Cancer Registry / Overall survival 5-years
Year diagnosis / 1993
Eligibility / No pathology included DCO excluded
Cases / 868, 70% men, median age 69
Stage / 23% localized; 37% Stage IV (30% unknown)
Surgery / 23% surgery
Talback et al. (2003) 24 / Database / Swedish Cancer Registry (ascertainment >98%) / Relative survival 5-years
17% / No improvement in survival since 1960s
Year diagnosis / 1994–1996
Eligibility / DCO excluded
Cases / Data not given
Stage / Data not given
Surgery / Data not given
Tsukuma et al. (2006)39 / Database / Japan Cancer Registries / Relative survival 5-years
Year diagnosis / 1993–1996
Eligibility / DCO excluded
Cases / 24,316; 73% men
Stage / Data not given
Surgery / Data not given
Vinod et al. (2004)19
Vinod et al. (2003) 25
Hui et al. (2005)77a / Database / New South Wales Cancer Registry / Overall survival 5-years
7–11% / Compared 3 regions – more rural area less radiotherapy and chemotherapy but no difference in survival. Also no impact of deprivation on stage treatment or survival
Year diagnosis / 1996
Eligibility / No pathology cases included, not clear if DCO excluded
Cases / 761; 50% men, median age 70 years
Stage / 26% Stage I–II 37% Stage IV
Surgery / 19% surgery
Yeole (2005)26
Yeole and Kumar(2004)78a / Database / Mumbai Cancer Registry / Relative survival 5-years 16% / 6% lost to follow up
Muslim patients had reduced hazard of death compared with Hindu patients
Year diagnosis / 1992–1994
Eligibility / No pathology included, DCO excluded
Cases / 1,230; 80% men
Stage / 34% Stage I–II, 26% Stage IV
Surgery / 5% surgery
aReferences for articles not cited in the printed text.
76Jemal A et al. (2004) Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, 1975–2001, with a special feature regarding survival. Cancer101: 3–27
77Hui AC et al. (2005) Socio-economic status and patterns of care in lung cancer. Aust N Z J Public Health29: 372–377
78Yeole BB andKumar AV(2004) Population-based survival from cancers having a poor prognosis in Mumbai (Bombay), India. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev5: 175–182