Running USA Board Profile and Expectations

Running USA is an organization devoted to the advancement of the growth and success of the running industry. The role of the Running USA Board of Directors, and of each individual Director, is to further that purpose by participating in the fundamental policy decisions of the organization, and in its activities in furtherance of those decisions and purpose.

In doing so, it is essential that all Directors be capable of participating in those decisions and activities, and that they possess the necessary qualities, skills, and experience to perform those functions ably and completely. This profile is a basic description of what is required and desired in a Director.


Running USA represents all facets of the running industry, and the Board should do the same. Thus, Directors should:

●Represent event members, corporate members, and other running organizations

●Concern themselves with the vision and direction of the organization and not the day to day operations by staff

●Represent small, medium, and large category members

●Represent the full diversity of the running industry (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.)


In order to be effective participants in the activities of the Board, Directors should:

●Support Running USA and its goals

●Have a desire to serve the running industry as a whole

●Base their decisions on their best, unbiased assessment of what will best promote the goals and interests of the running industry and Running USA

●Set aside their personal or organizational interests and agendas in favor of industry-wide interests

●Work in a constructive and collaborative manner

●Actively participate in the determination of issues as they arise, by proposing solutions, debating proposals and other options, and voting on the solutions proposed

●State their opinions and arguments openly and respectfully

●Listen to the opinions and arguments of others in the same manner

●Support the decisions of the Board, even if those decisions do not represent their preferred solutions


All Directors should be leaders in the running industry. Given the varied nature of Running USA's activities, the Board should include:

●At least two members skilled and experienced in marketing and promotions

●At least two members skilled and experienced in recruiting and retaining members

●At least one member skilled and experienced in working with industry leaders and organizations, with strong and well developed contacts with those leaders and organizations

●At least one member skilled and experienced in planning and developing quality age group distance running programs and/or events

●At least two members skilled and experienced in financial oversight, compliance, and planning

●At least two members skilled and experienced in establishing and operating philanthropic programs, including planned giving

  • At least one member adept in non-profit revenue streams
  • At least one member who understands the role and conduct of lobbyists
  • At least one member who understands the elite athlete and their development
  • At least one member who comes from a management company background

Participation Requirements

Each Director, in order to satisfy the basic requirements of Board membership, should:

●Attend four meetings per year (two in person, two by telephone conference call)

♦Due to budget constraints, these are currently at the Directors' own cost

●Attend the annual membership meeting held in conjunction with the Annual Conference, also at the Director’s own cost

●Prepare for those meetings by reviewing reports, financial statements, and other documents sent to each Director in advance of the meeting

●Participate in the overview of staff and committee activities and plans

●Participate in the discussion and determination of policy matters

●Participate in the discussion and determination of essential corporate matters

●Participate in the development and review of strategic plans

  • Maintain their membership in Running USA

Supplemental Requirements

The Board has determined that each Director, in order to be a full participant in the activities of Running USA, shall:

●be a member of and participate in the activities of at least one of the following standing committees:

♦Annual Conference

Audit and Finance



♦Governance & Nominations



♦Strategic Planning

●participate in personal philanthropic donations to the organization

Thank you for your interest in Running USA, and for your willingness to support its goals and activities!