Developing character relationships through character feelings, thoughts and actions


Day 1:

Quick discussion: If you are doing a read aloud use that as a topic, otherwise discuss with the class ways to know a character in a story. Example I would use: In the story Joey Pigza they say he is wired. What clues do you get from the book to know what the character is like? You will hopefully be getting answers like, what he does (actions), what he says (thoughts of characters), or how he feels (feelings).

Explain that to figure out what a character is like they can look for 3 clues. (Students can take notes if you feel it is necessary.

1. The actions of the character – My example: Joey stares at a picture where he is being very still.

2. The spoken words the character says and what others say about the character – My example: Joey says he wishes he could be as still as he was in that picture.

3. The thoughts and feelings of the character – My example: How does Joey feel when he looks at that picture? Sad that he can’t do the things he wants to do because he can’t stop himself.

Reinforce discussion using Discovery Streaming: Discovering Language Arts: Fiction – Developing Character Through Courage (6:07)

Tell students to think about what we have discussed while watching the movie and try to pick out things that are said that we already talked about. What were the character’s actions? How did he feel? What did he say? What did others say to him? What can you infer from the characters actions, feelings and thoughts?

Day 2:

Review 3 clues for understanding developing character relationships.

Students act out ‘milk’ scenario.

Characters: Fred, Lunch Monitor, Mr. Mayhan (principal), students at lunch table (3)

-Act out Actions – Discuss what the rest of the class saw

-Act out Spoken Words – Discuss what the class heard

-Act out Relationships – Discuss and infer about Fred’s relationships with the other students, the principal, and lunch monitor.

Day 3:

As a class, watch Introducing Rose and Her Father the Talent Scout. In pairs the students fill in the graphic organizer about the characters in the story. Students write Rose and Father under characters. As they watch the video students will be writing in: character’s actions, spoken words, thoughts/emotions, and then their relationship to each other. Watch the video a second time for those that need the reinforcement.

Have students share what they wrote and add what they missed.

Day 4:

Using scenarios, students come up with the actions, spoken words, thoughts and feelings in a skit form. Monitor to make sure students are adding all parts to their skits. Have them label the parts of characterization and share their skits if time.

Day 5:


Day 6: Reteach or if you have extra time.

W.A.T.E.R.ville game