Running data quality reports for RCRAInfo CME data
Reports should be run on a regular basis to compare with data the RCRAInfo user intended to enter. The following data quality reports are very useful to review incomplete, missing, late or incorrectly entered CME data.
CME data quality reports should be run monthly, prior to RCRAInfo CME data being copied and sent to public web sites. EPA copies data from RCRAInfo to IDEA/OTIS/ECHO on the 19th day of Jan., Apr., Jul., and Oct., otherwise the 9th day of month is used.
1. Evaluation Counts
Purpose: To find evaluations entered with incorrect evaluation type or responsible agency.
Use: RCRARep - Select Counts, click Evaluations, click View. Look for any data with an evaluation type or responsible agency that your agency does not enter.
2. Evaluations with Found Violation of Undetermined
Purpose: To find evaluations entered with Undetermined selected for Found Violation question.
Use: RCRARep-Select‘Select Detail’, click Evaluations, click Continue 3 times, click state or EPA for Eval Responsible Agency, click Undetermined for Violations Found, click Continue.
3. No Inspector
Purpose: To find evaluations with no responsible person selected, for evaluations dated after a specified date.
Use: RCRAInfo – Click BART, click My Queries,select‘NDH - No Inspector’ in Existing Queries, click View. Click Back to Post Query. Change '30-SEP-2009' to today’s date. Change NY to your activity location. If you want EPA evaluations, change S to E. Click Continue, click Run your Query.
1. Violations not RTC-Returned to Compliance
Purpose: To find all violations not RTC-Returned to Compliance
Use: RCRARep- Select‘Select Detail’, click Violations, click Continue 3 times, click state or EPA for Viol Responsible Agency, click No for RTC'd,click Continue.
2. Orphan Violations
Purpose: To find all violations not linked to an evaluation.
Use: RCRARep – SelectQ/C, click Orphan violations. This report’s output lists both state and EPA violations.
3. CM & E Scheduled Return to Compliance (RTC) Tickler Report
Purpose: To find all violations that have a Scheduled RTC date entered, and that are not RTC.
Use: RCRAInfo - Click CM&E under National and Implementer Reports, scroll down to Violation heading, click CM & E Scheduled Return to Compliance (RTC) Tickler Report,select your state for Activity Performed In,click state or EPA for Enforcement Agency,click Summary and Detail for Include Detail Listing, click Submit.
4. Violations with No Citations
Purpose: To find V3 Violations not linkedto a citation.
Use: RCRARep – SelectQ/C, click V3 Violations Lacking Citations. This report’s output lists both state and EPA violations.
Enforcement Actions
1. Orphan Enforcements
Purpose: To find all enforcements not linked to a violation. Some enforcement types are allowed to be orphans.
Use: RCRAInfo-Click CM&E under National and Implementer Reports, click Region 6's Enforcement Orphans Report, type your User ID and Password, select your state for Enforcement Location, click state or EPA for Enforcement Agency, and click Submit Report.
2. No Penalty
Purpose: This report findsenforcements with no penalty.
Use: RCRARep - Select‘Select Detail’, click Enforcements, click Continue 3 times, select "No Penalty" for Penalties/Payments, select 210, 220, 240, 310,320, and 340 for Enforcement types (only enf types used are shown in drop-down list), click State or EPA for Enf Responsible Agency, click Continue. It is suggested an Enforcement Date from be added, depending on how complete your penalty data entry has been in past.
3. Incomplete payments
Purpose: This report finds all penalties that do not have all payments made.[1]
Use: RCRARep - Select‘Select Detail’, click Penalties/Payments, click Continue 3 times, click “(FMP) Penalty Payments Remain” for Penalties/Payments, click State or EPA for Enf Responsible Agency, click Continue. It is suggested an Enforcement Date from be added, depending on how complete your payment data entry has been in past.
4. Technical Requirements
Purpose: To find all enforcements that have incomplete MilestoneTechnical Requirements, i.e.milestones with a Scheduled Date entered but no Actual or Defaulted Date.
Use: RCRAInfo - Click CM&E under National and Implementer Reports, click CM&E Tickler Report for Technical Requirements, select your state for Activity Performed In,select Past Due Technical Requirements for Date Range, click Submit. This report’s output lists both state and EPA enforcementswith Milestone Technical Requirements.
5. Enforcement Counts
Purpose: To find enforcements entered with incorrect enforcement type or responsible agency.
Use: RCRARep- SelectCounts, click Enforcement Actions, then View. Look for any data with an enforcement type or responsible agency that your agency does not enter.
6. No Enforcer
Purpose: To find enforcements with no responsible person selected, for enforcements dated after a specified date.
Use: RCRAInfo – Click BART, click My Queries, select‘NDH - No Enforcer’ in Existing Queries, click View. Click Back to Post Query. Change '30-SEP-2009' to today’s date. Change NY to your activity location. If you want EPA evaluations, change S to E. Click Continue, click Run your Query.
Significant Non-Compliers (SNC)
Brenda Sixbury's demonstration of proper data entry for SNCs should be viewed by staff entering CME data for SNCs.
Requirements to Address a SNC:
- The latest SNY evaluation must have a day zero date matching the date of a non follow-up[2]evaluation.
- This non follow-up evaluation must be linked to one or more violation(s).
- One or more formal enforcements must be linked to all these violation(s),
- and must be linked to the latest SNY evaluation using the *'Does this enforcement action address the following SNC determination(s)?' box.
For more detail, see the Significant Non-Compliers (SNCs) section in RCRAInfo on-line help.
1. Unaddressed SNCs with subsequent formal enforcement actions, not linked to the latest SNY evaluation
Purpose: If a link is missing in item d above, a SNC will be unaddressed, not addressed. This report helps find sites with these missing links.
Use: RCRARep – SelectQ/C click “Unaddressed SNCs ...", "EPA Unaddressed SNCs ..." or "State Unaddressed SNCs ...".You should decide whether a particular enforcement action was for violation(s) that caused the SNC'ness before checking the box* on the RCRAInfo enforcement screen.
2. No SNN
Purpose: To find SNCs that no longer have open violations.
Use: RCRARep – SelectQ/C, click “SNY, no later SNN by same agency, and all violations RTCed”. This report’s output lists both state and EPA handlers.On the Report Options screen, I usually leave Drill-Down Handlers and click Continue, and then go into each site one at a time and click the C, M, & E button/report.
Handlers with the extract flag off, i.e. not released to Public
1. Purpose: Handlersnot released to Public do not go to the ECHO or Envirofacts web sites.
Use: RCRARep-SelectAdvance Search, click Comprehensive,
click Nofor Release Handler to Public:, and click Continue.
Search by data entry person/user
1. RCRARep-
You can review data that was entered or updated by a particular user using the 'Search on Last- updated Date/Person', under Advance Search.
Data Stewards who receive errors from
check Error Tracking System (ETS) for open errors
go to FRS
select ETS Main Menu
select Error Tracking Report
Select your State, Open for Processing Status, RCRAInfo for System, and Data Type of Enforcement, Inspection, Violation, and any other data you are responsible for (i.e., Facility Identification).
click Find button
Can I access the Office of Environmental Information’s Error Tracking System (ETS)?
Yes – anyone who handles EPA error notifications may access ETS. To apply for access, go to and click the “New User Registration Request” link toward the bottom of the page. Fill out the form, selecting “IECP Data Steward” for “What Is Your FRS User Category?” and “Compliance and Enforcement” for “In which EPA Program do you participate in the Error Correction Process?”. If you are not able to access the system within a week (log in is at the same address noted just above), contact Allison Donohue (), who will check with OEI on your registration status. To view a list of error notifications that were routed to your state and program, click Error Tracking Report, then select “IDEA” for Error Source, your state for State, and the appropriate national system for System (AFS, PCS/ICIS, or RCRAInfo). To narrow your search to only unresolved error notifications, select “Under Review” for Processing Status.
2/26/10 v1.11
[1] RCRAInfo has a report that finds payments with scheduled dates that have no actual or defaulted date. Use of this for DQ requires data entry users to always add scheduled dates.
[2] Follow-up inspections are: A) Case Development Inspection (CDI), B) Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE), or
C) Sampling Inspection (SPL).