Horizons AB: Lesson 81

Horizons AB: Lesson 81

Horizons AB: Lesson 81

1. buttercopspickhiding bitter down

2. sacks later rocks lamp grabbedafter

3. clocks plan hunt little butter bitter

4. cops down pick sacks hiding leaving

5. grabbed later after plan hunt hiding

6. little leaving clocks sacks later pick

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 81

Pam and the Gold Robber – Part Two

1. A robber had a plan. He was going to sneak into Pam’s ship and take her gold.

2. He did not know that she had hid her gold.

3. She had made the gold into some thing in her shop.

4. The robber got into his little boat. He waited as the sky got dark. He started to go to Pam’s ship.

5. At last he came to the ship. He said, “Now I will go up the side of this ship and sneak into Pam’s shop.”

6. The robber did that. It was dark and still in the shop. The robber said, “Now I will hunt for the gold.”

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 81

1. bitterow batterhow butter brown

2. mom clean show throwpickafter

3. browncleantownpickdownsacks

4. mom down turtletownafterleaving

5. butter bitter batter how town down

6. leaving turtle bittershowthrow

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons A: Lesson 81

Pam and the Gold Robber – Part Three

1. Pam had a shop on her ship. A robber got into her shop to take the gold.

2. He said, “I see sacks and rock and clocks. And I see a big lamp. But I see no gold.”

3. At last, he gave up. Just as he was leaving, two cops came and grabbed him. Later, the cops asked Pam, “Can you show us how you hide the gold?”

4. She said, “If you pick up the big lamp, you will know how I hide the gold.”

5. One cop grabbed the lamp. He said, “I can’t pick up this lamp.”

6. The other cop said, “I know why you can’t pick it up. It’s made of gold. Ho, ho, ho.”

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 82

1. stopped fox sweet throwafterbox

2. turtle brown cake mix baked cash

3. luckback taste batter stopped

4. throw sweet after brown turtles

5. cakeluckcashbacktastebaked

6. batter box mix stoppedthrow brown

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 82

Bitter Butter – Part One

1. A little turtle asked her mom to bake a cake.

2. Her mom said, “We need butter for the batter. So go to the farm and bring back some sweet butter.”

3. She gave the little turtle some cash. As the little turtle got near the farm, a brown fox stopped her.

4. The fox asked her, “What do you plan to do with that cash?” The little turtle told the fox that she needed sweet butter.”

5. The fox said, “You are in luck. I have some sweet butter.” But the butter the fox had was bitter butter.

6. After the little turtle was on her way home, the fox said, “Ho, ho, ho. Now I do not have to throw that bitter butter away.”

Horizons AB: Lesson 83

1. next story somethingtasted box

2. happyvisitturnmixedfunnywaited

3. sold showed realwon’t bitter done

4. funnyhappy story somethingvisit

5. waited show won’t donenextbox

6. mixedtasted turnsoldrealbutter

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 83

Bitter Butter – Part Two

1. The brown fox had sold some bitter butter to the little turtle. Later, the little turtle came home with that butter.

2. Her mom showed her how to make a cake. Her mom said, “You start with a cake batter.”

3. Her mom began to make the batter. She said, “We mix sweet butter into the batter.”

4. But the butter she had was not sweet. It was bitter. And bitter butter won’t make a sweet cake.

5. After the batter was made, the turtles waited while the cake baked. At last it was done.

6. The little turtle asked, “Can I taste that cake?” “Yes,” her mom said, and gave the little turtle some cake. The little turtle tasted the cake and said, “Yuk.”

Horizons AB: Lesson 84

1. wore only next something I’m tiny

2. someone visit I’ve funny drink pay

3. storypondturnreally firstsix

4. wore someone story only visit pond

5. next I’ve turn something funny really

6. I’m drink first pay six someone wore

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 84

Bitter Batter – Part Three

1. The little turtle tasted the cake. Did she like the taste? No. She said, “Mom, this cake is not sweet. It is bitter.”

2. Her mom said, “How can the cake be bitter? The batter has fine things in it.”

3. Her mom tasted the cake and said, “Yuk. That cake is bitter.”

4. Her mom started to think. After a while, she said, “Something bitter has got into the cake batter. I think it was the butter. Bitter butter makes bitter batter.”

5. The little turtle’s mom asked, “Who sold you this butter?”

6. “The brown fox,” the little turtle said. Her mom said, “We will go back and see him. I have something to say to him.”

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 85

1. each mother nearly someone swim

2. beach another dirty something thinking

3. chase visited really someone kids

4. pond drink glad something really chase

5. beach thinking pond dove someone

6. another really nearly each something

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 85

Bitter Butter – Part Four

1. The next day, the mother turtle and the little turtle visited the brown fox. The turtles had a big cake.

2. The mother turtle told the fox, “We have a cake for you, but you have to show us that you like cake.”

3. The fox liked things that were free, so he said, “I like it, I like it.”

4. “You told us you like it,” the mother turtle said, “But you have to show us that you like it.”

5. “How can I do that?” the fox asked?

6. The mother turtle said, “If you eat some cake really fast, we will know that you like it.” “I can do that,” the fox said.”

Horizons AB: Lesson 86

1. babyshopwhybeatonlychop

2. begandoveeasywishsitting I’m

3. nearlywhichworebodydrink

4. visitedchopI’mdrinkbabybegan

5. nearlyshopdovewhichwhyeasy

6. worebeatwishbodysitting I’m

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007

Horizons AB: Lesson 86

Bitter Butter – Part Five

1. The mother turtle gave the fox some cake. He ate it so fast that he didn’t taste how bitter it was. But after he was done, it started to leave a bad taste.

2. “Did you like that?” the mother turtle asked?” “I . . . I . . .” the fox said. “I . . . need something to drink.”

3. The fox ran to the pond and dove in. He began to drink and drink, but the bad bitter taste did not go away.

4. “That cake is bitter,” the fox said at last. The Mom said, “Do you know why?”

5. The fox said, “Oh, it must have been the butter I sold you.” The mother turtle said, “Yes, that bitter butter made me bitter batter.”

6. The fox said, “And that bitter butter gave me a bitter taste.” That was the last time the fox sold someone bitter butter.

Created by Cathy Cowherd 2007