Runfurther Committee Meeting 11.3.2017 Old Sun Inn, Haworth. 4.30 pm
Present: Nick Ham, Chris Davies, Dick Scroop, Karen Nash
Apologies: Andy Robinson
Minutes of the last meeting- accepted as an accurate record.
Matter’s Arising: none that will not come under items below.
- NH has submitted confirmation statement to Co. House. Directors of RF also updated.
- Issues with online corporation tax continue. Kevin Hoult (auditor) advised letter requesting exemption. NH has drafted. CD checked. Action NH to send to tax authorities. Also DS to check through old correspondence.
- Invoices sent to Si at Beta designs £250 x2 for Injinji and Ultimate Direction.
- Balance of account £1262 (before the £500 from Si and the £100 from Brett today) Brett has been thanked for his on-going generosity.
- Romneys Mint Cake has agreed to provide two boxes for each event again. Action KN to collect.
- Pete Bland- agreed to continue although at reduced amount(£600 of vouchers) plus hopefully the end of year rewards in lieu of cash.
- Concern that we are over dependant on Si Berry and also whether or not he can afford/ sustain this. Action NH to discuss by phone. Our bank balance is good, if we make a suplus on the year we may have to pay tax and we only need about £200 a year to operate RF.
- New / extra sponsors. Difficult as most say no and others would clash with PBland. NH suggested 9Bar Action KN to try to obtain a name via V Mousey or C Sharpe and then contact them.
- Discussion re what extra we can do beyond display boards, website and facebook.
- Today postcards were given to many finishers with sticker on back – you have done the 1st race now join etc. Many still did not really know about RF.
- CD suggested postcards given out at registration- even if we have to man this. This means we will need to print more. CD also feels reverse side of cards is wasted at present and it was agreed to put RF registration form there. Make it clear it was free to join in, and take the opportunity to amend date of RR. Agreed RF should pay for this as we have money in the bank. Action KNrewrite the registration form for the reverse and email to NH. NH to contact Si and organise the date change on front of cards and production of more cards. Invoice to RF.
- NH still gets questions re tattoo and feels RF logo still not very recognised. Suggested tech T shirts with the logo on (which was the idea last year). Possibly get PBland to agree cost as last year and we then pay the extra to get tech not cotton and the design/ colours that we want. Action KN to discuss with Jon Broxap in the next few months.
- Articles in FRA mag and Trail mag. Agreed this was to continue and that we would share the burden. Action KN to find deadline for FRA(31 March) and ask AR details of Trail Mag.
- DS informed us there are slightly fewer this year but certainly enough for each event to get 2 vouchers, 6 socks and then 2 bottles/ handies or similar. There will not be enough prizes for top 5 in each age and category (but still do certificates). KN suggested that much nearer the time DS contacts Si and asks what he is likely to bring to AGM. Often these just go to who is in the room but they/ some could be allocated to winners if known in advance. Action DS later
Next Meeting ?