JUNE 2010

  1. The league shall be administered by a committee comprising of; Chairman, Vice –chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary and 6 other committee members. Any neglect of duty or failure to attend two consecutive committee meetings without tendering a reasonable excuse, could result in the offending member being removed from office, to be replaced by a new member elected at the discretion of the league committee, who may co-opt a member to facilitate the running of the league. The number of members from one team will be limited to three.
  1. The league secretary is responsible for the organisation of the league matches only. The competition secretary is responsible for the organisation of the singles, doubles, team Cup competitions and any other team knock out competition.
  1. The number of games played in each match and the format i.e. singles or doubles will be as decided by the committee and will take in to account the number of players signed on by the teams in the league.
  1. All team matches will be played at the times and on the dates designated by the committee, except at the discretion of the committee. Singles and doubles matches may be played BEFORE the designated day at the discretion of the competition secretary.
  1. Team matches to start by designated times. Failure to provide a player at the time required will result in the loss of that game and each subsequent game at five minute intervals up to a maximum of fifteen minutes at which time the all match may be claimed.
  1. Singles, doubles, and 5 a side matches have a scratch time thirty minutes after the designated start time after which the match may be claimed if a player or team has not turned up.
  1. Matches are to be played on standard pool tables and in an area considered suitable for pool league matches. The committee reserve the right to bar teams from entering the league if the table or playing area are considered not to meet league standards.
  1. All players must be registered members of The Runcorn Pool League and must be registered with one team only, A non registered player being used, or falsification of any signature could result in the entire team being suspended sine die.
  1. Players in the doubles and five a side competition do not have to be from the same team.
  1. The home team nominates their player first. The away team will referee the odd number games, and the home team the evens, except by agreement with the opposing captains. In certain circumstances the league may appoint neutral referees if this is considered in the interest of the game.
  1. Referees are in sole charge of the game. Any decision regarding fouls etc. made by the referee are considered final at the time. If a team wishes to protest a refereeing decision, it will have to be submitted in writing immediately after that game, along with a £10 protest fee. This fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld. Any persons involved in the protest will be required to attend the next committee meeting or the protest may be rejected. Please be aware that where there is a difference of opinion over events and no independent witness, a protest may be rejected. It is expected that referees will have a good knowledge of the current rules and seek advice from the committee if unsure of any situation.
  1. Choice of start of game is determined by the toss of a coin, the referee to give choice to the opposing player. In games with neutral referees, there will be alternate break and nomination of players.
  1. All questions relating to qualification of players, behaviour, interpretation of the rules, disputes or protests shall be referred to the committee whose decision shall be final.
  1. A minimum of five committee members will be required to make a decision and no member can vote in issues involving their team. In exceptional circumstances, league members may need to be co-opted onto the committee to ensure a fair decision is made.
  1. Results of all matches must be phoned to the appropriate person by the time designated. The result sheet must be handed in at the designated location or to a committee member by the time designated. Failure to comply may result in points deduction or elimination if a knock-out competition at the discretion of the secretary.
  1. All league and competition fees are to be paid before the start of the competition.
  1. All players must be registered by the cut off point as determined by the committee. No new registrations will be allowed after this deadline except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the committee.
  1. Players will only be allowed to change teams in very exceptional circumstances, and then at the discretion of the committee.
  1. Any team for any reason unable to fulfil their fixtures because of insufficient players must inform the league secretary.
  1. Any team who may have difficulty fulfilling a fixture on the required date must inform the league secretary in good time. Circumstances may allow the game to be played at a later date.
  1. Should a team drop out of the league, their complete record will be expunged.
  1. As an acknowledgment of their services, committee members are excused payment for entry into league competitions. This applies to honorary members.
  1. Promotion and relegation between the divisions will be decided by the committee.
  1. In the doubles competition , a player cannot play on their own
  1. All proposals for the A.G.M. must be submitted in writing/ e-mail at least one week before the meeting. This includes any proposed changes to playing rules.
  1. Playing rules shall be those as designated by the committee.
  1. The points awarded for games will be decided by the committee. Should teams finish level on points then the team which has won the most individual games will take precedence. Should teams have identical records, a play of will take place to decide promotion or relegation issues.
  1. Anything arising which is not covered by these regulations shall be dealt with by the committee whose decision may be deemed final.