Functional Area: General Ledger / Run Assign Commitment Item to G/L Accounts Report
This program generates an alphanumerically sorted list of assignments of commitment items to G/L accounts.
Perform this procedure when you need an alphabetical listing of G/L accounts with commitment items, G/L accounts without commitment items, or commitment items without G/L accounts is needed.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
- Select Accounting Public Sector Management Funds Management Information Systems Master Data Indexes Commitment Items to go to the Assign Commitment Items to G/L Accounts screen.
Helpful Hints
- The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
- On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
- The University of Cincinnati will only use numeric commitment items.
Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Run Assign Commitment Item to G/L Accounts Report
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Assign Commitment Items to G/L Accounts
2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Company code / Required / Organizational unit within Financial Accounting
G/L account / Optional / Code identifying the account in the general ledger where this item will post; Collection of balance sheet and profit and loss statement accounts; Includes Balance Sheet Accounts (1), Liabilities (2), Fund Balance Accounts (3), Revenue Sources (4), Expense Accounts (5), GAAP Only Accounts (6), Budget Reserves (7), Transfer Accounts (8) and CO Secondary Postings (9)
Authorization group / Optional / Access for a user to perform specific transactions and to display information; Authorizations are assigned to user log-on IDs.
Freely Definable
Field status group / Optional / Code used to determine the screen layout for document entry
G029 (Revenue Accounts)
3. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want / Then
The report to display both the G/L accounts and commitment items / Select to the right of G/L accounts with commit items ;.
The report to display G/L accounts information without commitment item information / Select to the right of G/L accts w/o commitment items.
4. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
FM area / Required / Organizational unit which plans, controls and monitors funds and commitment budgets
Commitment item / Optional / Code identifying the account in Funds Management where this item will post; Collection of balance sheet and profit and loss statement accounts; Includes Assets (1), Liabilities (2), Fund Balance Accounts (3), Revenue Sources (4), Expense Accounts (5), GAAP Only Accounts (6), Budget Reserves (7), Transfer Accounts (8) and CO Secondary Postings (9). Most map directly 1-1 to G/L accounts.
Financial transaction / Optional / Designator specifying which financial transactions are normally associated with the referenced master data item
30 (Post revenue, expenditure, etc)
Item category / Optional / Determines classification of material; For example, stock material, consumed material, etc.; Classification determines which fields and screens are required. In LIS, defines how purchase of an item is controlled.
3 (Expenditures)
Postable / Optional / Commitment item category specifies whether the commitment item concerned can or cannot be posted to
2 Postable
5. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want The Report To / Then
Display commitment items without G/L accounts information / Select to the right of Cmmt items w/o G/L accounts ;.
Display according to your selection in Step 3. / ---
6. / Click .
Assign Commitment Items to G/L Accounts (2)
7. / Perform any of the following:
If You Want To / Then
Sort a column in ascending order / Click .
Sort a column in descending order / Click .
Filter / Click .
Sum / Click .
Send the report to a text file (i.e. Word) / Select ListExportLocal fileRich text format.
Save list in file / Click .
Change the layout of the report (add/remove columns or change the order of the columns) / Click .
Choose a saved layout / Click .
Save a new/changed layout / Click .
/ The screen displayed will vary according to your selection criteria.
Use the drill-down functionality of SAP for more details and the icons to further enhance your report.
8. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
View additional details for a G/L account / Click on the G/L account number in the G/L Acct column. / Step 9
View details for a commitment item / Click on the commitment item number in the Cmmt item column. / Step 12
View the report in Excel format / Select ListExportLocal fileSpreadsheet. / Step 15
Exit this transaction / --- / Step 20
Edit G/L Account Centrally
9. / Review the displayed information.
/ You can click on the tabs to view additional information.
10. / Click .
11. / Return to Step 8.
Display Commitment Item
12. / Review the displayed information.
13. / Click .
14. / Return to Step 8.
Assign Commitment Items to G/L Accounts (3)
15. / Review the displayed information.
16. / Perform one of the following:
If / Then / Go To
You want to save the Excel file / Select FileSave Copy A s… to save the report. / Step 17
You do not want to save the Excel file / Click to return to the Index of Funds screen.
If you want to exit this transaction, Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen and go to Step 1. / Step 2
Save As
17. / Save the worksheet to your hard drive.
/ This work instruction will not provide detailed instruction on how to save the document to your hard drive.
18. / Click to return to the Assign Commitment Items to G/L Accounts screen.
19. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Go To
Continue with this transaction / Step 2
Exit this transaction / Step 20
20. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
21. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / GL_S_KI4_38000036_Run Assn Com Item GL Acct Rpt_R1_BE_02.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/10
Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Run Assign Commitment Item to G/L Accounts Report
You have generated an alphanumerically sorted list of assignments of commitment items to G/L accounts.
Ver: / GL_S_KI4_38000036_Run Assn Com Item GL Acct Rpt_R1_BE_02.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/10