King Saud University
College of medicine
Department of family and community medicine
Curriculum vitae
Name: Dr. Yousef Abdullah Ibrahim Al Turki
Date of birth: 1386
Nationality: Saudi
Socialy: married and had 6 children
Contact addresss:
Department of family and community medicine, college of medicine, king Saud University.
Telephone: 4671942 28054 Riyadh 11437
E mail:
Current work:
-Associate professor of family medicine, college of medicine, King Saud university: started 9/4/1430 (5/4/2009) till now
Assistant professor of family medicine, College of medicine, King Saud University: started 1/5/1426 till 9/4/1430
-Consultant family medicine in king Khalid university hospital: started 7/8/1420 till now.
Highest Degree: Arab board of family Medicine
Date of certificate: 1416/1996
Current Specialization: family medicine
Clinical interest: consultation skills
Health education
DM, obesity, hypertension and other C.V risk factor
Common health problems in family medicine.
Academic commitments:
Teaching undergraduate medical students-
- Teaching postgraduate residents in Saudi Board of Family Medicine.
Professional and organization membership:
-member of national committee for chronic disease in primary care center, ministry of health.
- Member of the consultant committee who reviewed the scientific content of health education programme "Salamatic" for Saudi Arabia and other gulf countries
- Coordinator of heath education counsel in university teaching hospital. King Saud University.
- Medical director of primary care clinics in King Khalid university hospital
Recent research:
1 -Al Turki Y. Smoking Habits among medical students in central Saudi Arabia. Saudi med J 2006;27(5):700-703.
2- Al Turki Y. patient satisfaction toward health education at hospital based primary care clinics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Emirate Medical journal 2006;24(3):223-225.
3- Al Turki Y. Overweight and obesity among university students, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Middle East Journal of Family Medicine 2007;5(2).
4- Al Turki Y. Erectile Dysfunction among diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia: A Hospital- Based Primary Care Study. Journal of Family and Community Medicine 2007; 14(1):19-23.
5- Al Turki Y. Life Styles Related to Coronary artery disease in Saudi male older than 12 years of age. Journal of the Saudi Heart Association 2007; 19(2):99-103.
6- Al Turki Y. Awareness of avian influenza (bird flue) among attendees of a primary healthcare clinic in Riyadh. (letter) Ann Saudi Med2006;26(3):245-7.
7- Al Turki Y. Overweight and obesity among attendees of primary care clinics in a university hospital.(letter) Ann Saudi Med 2007;27(6):459-460.
8- Al Turki Y, Al Rowais N. Prevalence of smoking among female medical students in the college of medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J 2008;29(2):311-312
9- Al Turki A, Al Fraih Y, Jalaly J, Al Maghlouth I, Al Rashoudi F, Al Otaibi A, etal. Knowledge and attitudes towards cardiopulmonary resuscitation among university students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J 2008,29(9):1306-1309.
10- Al Rowais N, Al Turki Y. Morbidity pattern among males attending the primary care clinics at a university hospital in central Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J 2008;29(12):447-448.
النشاط العلمي في خدمة المجتمع: صدر منها ما يلي
· نصائح وتوجيهات إلى الأسرة المسلمة
· السلوك الصحي في ضوء الإسلام
· الطبيب المسلم تميز وسمات
· منافع المرض
· نصائح صحية إلى حجاج بيت الله الحرام والمعتمرين
· نصائح صحية إلى المرأة
· وقفات صحية مع الشباب
· وقفات إيمانية مع صحة القلوب
· دليل الأسرة عن الأمراض في المجتمع
· نبض الحب إلى ولدي
· كيف تستثمر طاقاتك؟