Rules for submitting diploma theses and documents for diploma exams
The deadlines for submitting theses have been specified in §42 section 6 of Study
Regulations and are as follows:
● Until the end of January - full-time studies ending in the winter semester.
● Until the end of June - full-time studies ending in the summer semester.
● Until the end of March - part-time studies ending in the winter semester.
● Until the end of September - part-time studies ending in the summer semester.
The Dean, at the request of the promoter or the student, may postpone the deadline for
submission of the thesis, not more than 3 months in the case of:
● Student's prolonged illness, confirmed by relevant documents.
● The inability to write the thesis in due time for reasons beyond student’s control (SR
§42 section 7).
If the person requesting to postpone thesis submission is the student, he/she must submit
‘an application for extension of the thesis submission deadline’. The application must be
reviewed by the promoter (form available at
Students taking the final exam after completing the final semester of study shall:
1. Check if all student credits confirming achievement of all learning outcomes have
been entered into the e-proto system.
2. Download the thesis into the e-Student 2,0 system.
3. Submit three copies of the thesis, one copy for:
● The promoter,
● The reviewer (at least a week before the thesis defence),
● The Dean (limp binding copy, printed on both sides with of the original of
diploma card – without CD)
4. Submit the following documents at the Dean’s office:
● Statement of intent of independent thesis realization3
● Statement of downloading the thesis
● Application for establishing thesis deadline, which must contain:
Promoter’s confirmation of thesis acceptance and indication of the proposed
defence date and committee make-up.
− Confirmation by the didactics department of defence date and committee
− Additional information on the achievements obtained during the studies (not
compulsory) to be included in the supplement, the information must be
provided by the student in Polish and English - form available at
(student zone/documents/templates of diploma
● Clearance slip - form available at (student
zone/documents/templates of diploma documents).
● 5 photos (4,5x6,5).
● Abridged marriage certificate (married women).
● Proof of payment - as a fee for issuing graduation diploma, the account number is
issued by the Dean’s office (information available at
● Student ID is no longer submitted.
In the event of lost or stolen student ID the student shall provide a relevant declaration to theDean's office or submit it to the examination committee during the final exam. Thedeclaration is enclosed to the student’s files.
A prepared set of documents containing the elements mentioned above should be submitted atleast three working days before the date of the final exam. In case of failure to meet thedeadline for submission of full document set, an authorized employee of the Dean's office hasthe right to change the proposed date of the exam.