

1. The coursework includes 30 hours of lectures and 60 hours of practical classes (labs) conducted during two semesters. The two-semester physiology course is ended with the Final Exam.

2. The Final Exam will be timed in the schedule of winter semester session.

3. The labs are prepared in a week cycle.

4. The detailed plan of the labs will be placed on the English web page of the Medical University of Lublin

5. Obligatory sources:

- lectures

- labs

- the Textbook of Medical Physiology, A.C. Guyton and J.E. Hall, 13th edition

6. The Coordinator of the course:

Anna Olszewska, MSc, PhD



1. Students are obliged to prepare themselves earlier for each practical classes according to the topics.

2. The lectures are obligatory. In case of an illness an appropriate medical certificate has to be provided. Important causes of other absences (e.g. life circumstances) must be documented as well. Only one unjustified absence is possible during each semester.

3. The labs are obligatory. In the case of the illness a sick leave has to be delivered. Important causes of other absences (e.g. life circumstances) must be documented as well. A sick leave or other documents must be provided not later than within two weeks after the last evidenced day of an absence. If a sick leave or other documents are presented after the required period of two weeks, they will not be accepted and an absence will be registered as an unjustified one. If an absence is unjustified, A Student cannot take a partial test. Only one unjustified absence is possible during each semester.

4. Each Student is obliged to come for the labs on time. Delayed Students can enter the class only if the time of delaying does not exceed 15 minutes from the moment a lab has been started.

5. In the case of absence or delay (more than 15 minutes- see the point above) the Students can take the lab during the same week with another group provided that they receive the permission from the Teacher.

6. In the case of the prolonged illness lasting more than one week the Student will be exempt from taking the labs but the Student is obliged to take the missed quiz. The form of taking the missed quiz depends on an appropriate Teacher. The missed quiz should be taken in a period of time not longer than one month from date of missed lab (except the situation of illness longer than a month). If not the additional points for punctuality and coming with the proper Student Group won’t be added to the Final Score even if an absence is justified.

7. Students are obliged to change shoes and coat while taking the labs at the Department of Physiology.

8. Eating, drinking and using cell phones, “spy- glass”, “spy- pen” or “spy-watch”, during the labs and exams are prohibited.

9. For punctual arriving for a class, attending the labs always with the group to which the Student was signed up and attending the all lectures during the whole year (three conditions) the Students will receive an additional 5% to the final score.

10. For taking only one lab (or more) with the group to which the Student was not signed up, for having only one delaying or one unjustified absence, the Student will not receive extra 5% to the final score.

11. For an outstanding and creative activity during labs a Student can receive 10 extra points at the end of the academic year (i.e. after two passed semesters) according to the decision of the Coordinator taken in an agreement with other Teachers. The activity points are added to the points from quizzes and semi-finals in order to elevate the final number of points.

12. Individual test papers can be obtained following a written request being lodged with and approved by the course coordinator (not later than 7 days after the test).

13. The decision on the student’s final score can be taken by the Coordinator in agreement with the Head of Department.


1. Each Lab will be ended with a small test, except the last labs of both semesters (quiz- 10 questions e.g. 3 true/false, 6 multiple choice, 1 open question). For each correct answer Student will receive one point. The maximal number of points possible to obtain through the whole coursework equals 280 points. An attempt of electronic or mechanical copying, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, during small tests is equal with 0 points. Such an attempt will be immediately reported to the Dean’s Office.

2. The maximal number of points possible to obtain through one semester equals 140. Only a Student who gains at least 84 (60% of the number of 140 points) can pass semester. Students who will obtain less than 84 points (60%) will have to take the written exam in order to pass the semester. The written exam is consisted of ten descriptive questions. Only a Student who gains at least 60% from this corrective exam will pass the semester.


(2) failed – less than 60%

(3) satisfactory – 60-67.5%

(3,5) fairly good – 68-75.5%

(4) good – 76-85.5%

(4,5) better than good – 86-94.5%

(5) very good – 95-100%

3. Only Students who will pass both semesters can take the Final Test.

4. The Final Test will be timed in the schedule of session.

5. All the additional percentages will be added only in the case of obtaining the minimum number of points received through the whole year.

6. THE FINAL EXAM EXEMPTION - the students that will achieve 95% (266 points) or more during the whole coursework of Human Physiology, they will be exempted from the final exam with very good (5) final score.

7. The students that will achieve 80% (224 points) or more during the whole coursework of Human Physiology will be added 5% to the passed Final Exam.


1. The Final Exam is a written exam with multiple choice questions, true/false questions and open questions. The maximal number of points possible to obtain equals 100 points (for each correct multiple choice question and true/false question Student will receive one point; for each correct open question Student will receive 2 points).

Cheating is equal with the failed exam.

2. An attempt of electronic or mechanical copying, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, during the Finals and Retakes is equal with the failed exam. Such an attempt will be immediately reported to the Dean’s Office.

3. Students who failed the Final Exam are obliged to retake the exam.

4. Students who failed Retake I are obliged to take Retake II. The Second Retake has a written form of ten descriptive questions (for each correct question Student will receive 10 points). Only a Student who gains at least 70% from this corrective exam (Retake I or Retake II) will pass the exam.

5. The final scores of the Final Exam are not changeable.

6. The scores of the failed Final Exam and the retake will be confirmed by a signature in the Student Book as two separated scores but not as the mean of these two.

7. An excuse for absence should be submitted to the examiner on the same day of the Final Exam, or in justified circumstances, within three days after the Final Exam.

8. The exam held on other date than the determined date is always has a written form of ten descriptive questions. Only a Student who gains at least 60% (The Final) and 70% (Retakes) from this exam will pass Human Physiology.

9. Individual exam papers can be obtained following a written request being lodged with and approved by the course coordinator (not later than 7 days after the exam).


The scores which the students receive from the Final Test:

(2) failed – less than 60%

(3) satisfactory – 60-67.5%

(3,5) fairly good – 68-75.5%

(4) good – 76-85.5%

(4,5) better than good – 86-94.5%

(5) very good – 95-100%


The scores which the students receive from the Retake Exams:

(2) failed – less than 70%

(3) satisfactory – 70-79.5%

(3,5) fairly good – 80-84.5%

(4) good – 85-89.5%

(4,5) better than good – 90-94.5%

(5) very good – 95-100%

“I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions governing the program. I agree to comply with the rules, regulations and ordinances of the Human Physiology Department.

If I do not comply with any of the rules of the Human Physiology Department, the Medical University of Lublin has the right to take disciplinary action against me.”

“I agree with the use of my index number for sending coded results of tests and exams during Human Physiology course to class representative and putting them on the English web page of Medical University of Lublin”

A readable signature of a Student Date