Rule Review Meeting – October 10, 2017

ITEM #1 – Personnel Resources Board (PRB) Filings

Staff note: The proposed rule amendment to WAC 357-52-225 adds email as an option to file with the PRB. The other amendments are housekeeping in nature.

We are proposing permanent adoption at the November 9, 2017 director’s meeting with an effective date of December 18, 2017.


WAC 357-52-225 For purposes of this chapter, how must ((written)) documents be filed with the board? (1) Filing ((generally. Papers that must be filed with the board)) by mail: Appeal requests are considered ((to be)) filed ((only)) when ((the papers are actually)) received in the board's office in Olympia, Washington.

(2) Filing by ((telephone facsimile.)) fax:

(a) ((Written documents filed with the board by telephone facsimile)) Documents by fax are considered ((received)) filed when a legible copy of the documents ((is reproduced on the board's telephone facsimile equipment in the board's office)) are received. If transmission begins after ((customary)) office hours, ((which are)) 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, the documents will be deemed filed on the next business day.

(b) ((Any document filed with the board by telephone facsimile should be preceded by)) Documents by fax must have a cover page identifying the addressee; the ((party)) person making the transmission, including the address, telephone and ((telephone facsimile)) fax number ((of such party)); the appeal to which the documents ((relates; the date of transmission; and the total number of pages included in the transmission)) are related to.

(c) The ((party)) person attempting to file ((papers by telephone facsimile)) by fax bears the risk that the ((papers)) documents will not be timely received or legibly printed, regardless of the cause. If the ((telephone facsimile)) fax is not legible, it will not be considered ((as if it had never been)) sent.

(d) The original of any documents filed by ((telephone facsimile)) fax should be mailed to the board within twenty-four hours of the time that the ((telephone facsimile)) fax was sent.

(((e) The filing of papers by electronic mail ("email") is not authorized without the express prior approval of the board, and only under such circumstances as the board allows.)) (3) Filing by electronic mail (email): If the documents are sent after office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays, the documents will be deemed filed on the next business day.

The original of any documents filed by email should be mailed to the board within twenty-four hours of the time that the email was sent.

ITEM #2 – Uniformed Service Shared Leave Pool (USSLP)

The proposed new rule clarifies employees who qualify to receive shared leave from the USSLP must first use all of their compensatory time, recognition leave, personal holiday, accrued vacation leave and paid military leave before receiving shared leave from the pool.

We will be requesting a special director’s meeting (date to be determined) to propose permanent adoption with the Foster Parent Shared Leave Pool rules with an effective date of February 16, 2018.


WAC 357-31-687 Must employees use their own leave before receiving shared leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool? Employees who qualify for shared leave under WAC 357-31-665 must first use all accrued compensatory time, recognition leave as described in WAC 357-31-565, personal holiday, accrued vacation leave, and paid military leave allowed under RCW 38.40.060 before receiving shared leave from the uniformed service shared leave pool.

ITEM #3 – Veterans’ In-state Service Shared Leave Pool (VISSLP)

The proposed new rule clarifies that employees who qualify to receive shared leave from the VISSLP must first use all of their accrued compensatory time, recognition leave, personal holiday, sick leave, vacation leave before receiving shared leave from the pool.

We will be requesting a special director’s meeting (date to be determined) to propose permanent adoption with the Foster Parent Shared Leave Pool rules with an effective date of February 16, 2018.


WAC 357-31-797 Must employees use their own leave before receiving shared leave from the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool? Employees who qualify for shared leave under WAC 357-31-775 must first use all accrued compensatory time, recognition leave as described in WAC 357-31-565, personal holiday, sick leave, and vacation leave before receiving shared leave from the veterans' in-state service shared leave pool.