Seasonal Affective Disorder

Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias.Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor.

Online Resources

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  1. American Family Physician: Seasonal Affective Disorders - An in depth, clinical discussion of this disorder.
  2. Ayurveda Regime for Winter Depression - Details treatment by this Asian Indian holistic discipline.
  3. Brighten Your Life - An online book by a psychiatrist about bright light therapy for depression and sleep.
  4. Center for Environmental Therapeutics - Non-profit organization dedicated to education and research on treatments for SAD, nonseasonal depression and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Includes forum, FAQ and self-assessment tool.
  5. Clinical Trials: Seasonal Affective Disorder - Solicits volunteers for current NIMH studies.
  6. Here to Help: Seasonal Affective Disorder - Fact sheet includes suggested treatments, and advice on buying a lightbox.
  7. Mayo Clinic: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - Describes symptoms, screening and treatment options.
  8. Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes - Discusses negative ions as an alternative therapy to depression.
  9. Norman E. Rosenthal - Pioneering research psychiatrist presents articles, personal comments, and mentions of his books.
  10. Overcoming SAD - An interview with researcher Norman Rosenthal, MD.
  11. Seasonal Affective Disorder Association - Information and membership details for a UK based organization.
  12. Seasonal Affective Disorder: Winter Depression - Discusses the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. Covers related mood and sleep problems.
  13. Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms - An international organization promoting research, professional development and clinical applications, with details of meetings and membership.
  14. Talk Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder? - Discusses research study of cognitive behavioral therapy's effect on this disorder. (
  15. Anyone Got a Light? - Discusses phototherapy as a replacement for diminished light. (BBC) (December 04, 2003)
  16. Seasonal Affective Disorder: Let the Sun Shine In When its Dark Outside - A article by a physician. (January 03, 2000)
  17. Seasonal Depression can Accompany Summer Sun. Ivry, Sara. The New York Times. Retrieved September 6, 2008
  18. Lurie, Stephen J.; et al. (November 2006). "Seasonal Afective Disorder". American Family Physician74 (9): 1521–4. PMID17111890.
  19. Friedman, Richard A. [1] “Brought on by Darkness, Disorder Needs Light”. New York Times’’, 2007-12-18.
  20. MedlinePlus Overviewseasonalaffectivedisorder
  21. Terman, M.; Terman, J.S. (2006). "Controlled Trial of Naturalistic Dawn Simulation and Negative Air Ionization for Seasonal Affective Disorder". American Journal of Psychiatry163 (12): 2126–2133. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.163.12.2126. PMID17151164. 17151164.
  22. "Properly Timed Light, Melatonin Lift Winter Depression by Syncing Rhythms" (Science Update). National Institute of Mental Health. 2006-05-01. Retrieved 2009-08-30.
  23. Rose, Phil Fox (2 November 2010). "SAD That DST is Ending--Dealing with the shortening days and the end of daylight-saving time". Busted Halo. Retrieved 3 November 2010.
  24. Lam, RW; Levitt AJ, Levitan RD, Enns MW, Morehouse R, Michalak EE, Tam EM (2006). "The Can-SAD Study: a randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of light therapy and fluoxetine in patients with winter seasonal affective disorder". American Journal of Psychiatry163 (5): 805–812. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.163.5.805. PMID16648320.
  25. Avery, D H; Eder DN, Bolte MA, Hellekson CJ, Dunner DL, Vitiello MV, Prinz PN (2001). "Dawn simulation and bright light in the treatment of SAD: a controlled study". Biological Psychiatry50 (3): 205–216. doi:10.1016/S0006-3223(01)01200-8. PMID11513820.
  26. Modell, Jack; Rosenthal NE, Harriett AE, Krishen A, Asgharian A, Foster VJ, Metz A, Rockett CB, Wightman DS (2005). "Seasonal affective disorder and its prevention by anticipatory treatment with bupropion XL Biological Psychiatry". Biological Psychiatry58 (8): 658–667. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2005.07.021. PMID16271314.
  27. Naish, John (2008-11-08). "Breakthroughs tips and trends: November 7th - Times Online". London: Retrieved 2008-11-10.
  28. Howland, RH (2009). "Somatic therapies for seasonal affective disorder". J PsychosocNursMent Health Serv47 (1): 17–20. doi:10.3928/02793695-20090101-07. PMID19227105.
  29. Beck, Melinda. (December 1, 2009) "Bright Ideas for Treating the Winter Blues". (Section title: "Exercise outdoors") The Wall Street Journal.
  30. Terman, M; Terman, JS (1995). "Treatment of seasonal affective disorder with a high-output negative ionizer". Journal of alternative and complementary medicine1 (1): 87–92. doi:10.1089/acm.1995.1.87. PMID9395604.
  31. "Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Low Mood State and Lowered Intellectual Ability in Elderly" 2006
  32. Lansdowne, AT; Provost, SC (1998). "Vitamin D3 enhances mood in healthy subjects during winter". Psychopharmacology135 (4): 319–23. doi:10.1007/s002130050517. PMID9539254.
  33. GlothFm, 3rd; Alam, W; Hollis, B (1999). "Vitamin D vs broad spectrum phototherapy in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder". The journal of nutrition, health & aging3 (1): 5–7. PMID10888476.
  34. "Vitamin D May Not Be The Answer To Feeling SAD" Mar 2009
  35. Magnusson, Andres; Axelsson, Johann; Karlsson, Mikael M.; Oskarsson, Högni (February 2000). "Lack of Seasonal Mood Change in the Icelandic Population: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study". Am J Psychiatry157 (2): 234–8. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.157.2.234. PMID10671392.
  36. Magnússon A, Axelsson J (1993). "The prevalence of seasonal affective disorder is low among descendants of Icelandic emigrants in Canada". Arch. Gen. Psychiatry50 (12): 947–51. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1993.01820240031004. PMID8250680.
  37. Seasonal Affective Disorder and Latitude
  38. – One in five suffers from SAD
  39. Elsevier – Dark Days: Winter Depression (Dutch)
  40. "First drug for seasonal depression". FDA Consumer (U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)) 40 (5): 7. 2006. PMID17328102.

Academic Search Premiere Articles

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  1. Işman, ÇağlaAyhan, NeslihanToyran, and NimetÜnayGündoğan. "Exposure To Continuous Darkness Leads To Atypical Symptoms Of Seasonal Affective Disorder In Rats." Turkish Journal Of Medical Sciences 40.2 (2010): 271-277. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  2. Enggasser, Justin L., and Michael A. Young. "Cognitive Vulnerability To Depression In Seasonal Affective Disorder: Predicting Mood And Cognitive Symptoms In Individuals With Seasonal Vegetative Changes." Cognitive Therapy & Research 31.1 (2007): 3-21. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  3. PETER BJERREGAARD, et al. "The Prevalence Of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) In Greenland Is Related To Latitude." Nordic Journal Of Psychiatry 63.4 (2009): 331-335. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  4. Tsukasa Sasaki, et al. "Sensitivity To Seasonal Changes In Panic Disorder Patients." Psychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences 60.3 (2006): 379-383. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  5. Westrin, Åsa, and Raymond W. Lam. "Long-Term And Preventative Treatment For Seasonal Affective Disorder." CNS Drugs 21.11 (2007): 901-909. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  6. Provencio, Ignacio. "The Hidden Organ In Our Eyes." Scientific American 304.5 (2011): 54-59. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  7. Tonello, G. "Seasonal Affective Disorder: Lighting Research And Environmental Psychology." Lighting Research & Technology 40.2 (2008): 103-110. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  8. REA, MARK S., and MARIANA G. FIGUEIRO. "What Is "Healthy Lighting?." International Journal Of High Speed Electronics & Systems 20.2 (2011): 321-342. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  9. S. W. Lockley, et al. "Lux Vs. Wavelength In Light Treatment Of Seasonal Affective Disorder." ActaPsychiatricaScandinavica 120.3 (2009): 203-212. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  10. Raymond W. Lam, et al. "Quality Of Life In Patients With Seasonal Affective Disorder: Summer Vs Winter Scores." Canadian Journal Of Psychiatry 50.5 (2005): 292-295. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  11. Raymond W. Lam, et al. "A Controlled Trial Of The Litebook Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Light Therapy Device For Treatment Of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)." BMC Psychiatry 7.(2007): 38-8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  12. Moscovici, L. "Bright Light Therapy For Seasonal Affective Disorder In Israel (Latitude 32.6°N): A Single Case Placebo-Controlled Study." ActaPsychiatricaScandinavica 114.3 (2006): 216-218. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  13. Roger M. Lane, et al. "A Placebo-Controlled Study Of Sertraline In The Treatment Of Outpatients With Seasonal Affective Disorder." Psychopharmacology 171.4 (2004): 390-397. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  14. Peiser, Benny. "Seasonal Affective Disorder And Exercise Treatment: A Review." Biological Rhythm Research 40.1 (2009): 85-97. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  15. Williams, Nerys. "10 Tips On … Seasonal Affective Disorder." Practice Nurse 32.6 (2006): 24-27. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  16. Miller, Alan L. "Epidemiology, Etiology, And Natural Treatment Of Seasonal Affective Disorder." Alternative Medicine Review 10.1 (2005): 5-13. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  17. Wolfgang Schobersberger, et al. "Bright Light Therapy: Minimizing Light Induced Side Effects With An Innovative Light Setup." International Journal Of Psychiatry In Clinical Practice 14.4 (2010): 309-312. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  18. Zimmer, Carl. "The Brain." Discover 33.1 (2012): 12-13. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  19. Tsai Shih-Jen, et al. "Do Seasons Have An Influence On The Incidence Of Depression? The Use Of An Internet Search Engine Query Data As A Proxy Of Human Affect." Plos ONE 5.10 (2010): 1-7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  20. "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy May Be An Option For Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder." Harvard Mental Health Letter 26.8 (2010): 7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  21. Meesters, Y., and M. Waslander. "Burnout And Light Treatment." Stress & Health: Journal Of The International Society For The Investigation Of Stress 26.1 (2010): 13-20. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  22. Magnusson, Andres, and Diane Boivin. "Seasonal Affective Disorder: An Overview." Chronobiology International: The Journal Of Biological & Medical Rhythm Research 20.2 (2003): 189. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  23. H Merskey, et al. "Seasonal Affective Disorder In An Arctic Community." ActaPsychiatricaScandinavica 105.5 (2002): 378-384. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  24. "Depression: Often Overlooked But Important For Men." Harvard Men's Health Watch 14.10 (2010): 3-7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  25. "A SAD Story: Seasonal Affective Disorder." Harvard Health Letter 33.3 (2008): 4-5. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  26. Sarris, Jerome, and David J. Kavanagh. "Kava And St. John's Wort: Current Evidence For Use In Mood And Anxiety Disorders." Journal Of Alternative & Complementary Medicine 15.8 (2009): 827-836. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  27. Wirz-Justice, Anna, Kurt Kräuchi, and Peter Graw. "An Underlying Circannual Rhythm In Seasonal Affective Disorder?." Chronobiology International: The Journal Of Biological & Medical Rhythm Research 18.2 (2001): 309. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  28. Laskoski, Janine. "Is Bright Light Therapy Effective For Improving Depressive Symptoms In Adults With Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?." Internet Journal Of Academic Physician Assistants 7.2 (2010): 8. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.
  29. "New Treatment Options For Seasonal Affective Disorder." Harvard Mental Health Letter 25.5 (2008): 6-7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.

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