RuislipGardensPrimary School
Year 3 Curriculum Statement for the Summer Term 2018
The following information is to give you an outline of some of the work your child will be covering during this term. We hope you will actively encourage your child in the work being undertaken so that learning can be both pleasurable and rewarding.
Please note that Sex and Relationship lessons will be taught in the second half of the SummerTerm during the week beginning Monday 4th June 2018. Any parents requiring more details about the content and materials in the lessons should speak to their child’s class teacher.
The Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) policy and practice was agreed by Governors’ in October 2011 following extensive input, guidance and support from a parent’s working party, Parent Forum and the local authority. SRE is an important part of our curriculum, and the lessons that we teach are from a commercially based scheme of work which is taught in many other primary schools. Parents who feel unhappy about their child participating in SRE may exercise their right to withdraw their child from these lessons by putting their wishes in writing to Mr Titeux by Friday 25th May 2018.
The skills and concepts on which we will be concentrating are:-
English: / Power of Reading:Texts:Vajak Paw by SF Said and Leon and The Place Between by Angela Smith
To enjoy a story and discuss its meanings
To explore narrative plot, settings, characters and draw inferences to aid understanding
To empathise with characters and explore their dilemmas
To write newspaper reports based on the narrative
To write a poem with effective language
To retell part of a narrative
Grammar and Punctuation
Using a range of conjunctions
Using perfect tense
Using time connectives
Language of clauses
Speech punctuation
First, second and third person
diagonal joins to the letter -y, joining from the letter –a, joining to the letter –k
writing with a slope, joining to the letter e, joining from the letter –f. / Spelling- spelling bee
-Adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters to words with more than one syllable.
-The i sound spelt Y elsewhere than at the end of words (cycle, type, style)
-The u sound spelt ou (country, about, account, aloud)
-The suffix –ation (preparation, admiration, civilisation)
-The suffix –ly (basically, frantically, dramatically, abruptly, accidently, casually)
-Words with –ure endings (pleasure, enclosure, creature, furniture, ensure, leisure)
-Words with –sion endings (illusion, aggression, cohesion, commission, compassion, comprehension)
-The suffix –ous (poisonous, jealous, obvious, curious, furious, enormous)
-Words spelt- tion, -sion, ssion and –cian (discussion, confession, permission, admission, expansion, passion, musician)
-Words with /K/ sound spelt ch (ache, stomach, technology, technical, mechanic)
-Words with the ‘f/ sound spelt ch (chandelier, chaperone, chic, cliché)
Maths: / Arithmetic
Adding and subtracting using mental strategies
Times tables
Add and subtract multiples of 10
Compare and order fractions with the same denominator
Begin to recognise equivalences of 1/2; add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
Multiply numbers between 10 and 30 by 3, 4 and 5 using the grid method
Multiply 2-digit numbers by 3, 4, 5 and 8 using the grid method
Divide with and without remainders using chunking
Draw and interpret bar charts and pictograms
Compare and measure weights in multiples of 100g
Know how many grams are in a kilogram
Estimate and weigh objects to the nearest 100g
Use reasoning, trial and improvement to solve problems involving more complex addition
Science: / Light
Computing: / Advanced Probot
Use animation in PowerPoint
History: / The Romans
Geography: / Spain - Oviedo
Art: / Still life (drawing/painting)
D.T: / Packaging
R.E: / Sikhism
P.S.H.E.: / Health and wellbeing
Living in the wider world
Celebrating differences
The community
Music: / Pitch and singing games
Spanish: / Around the classroom, numbers, colours, days and months
P.E: / Gymnastics, Tennis and OAA
P.E. Days: / Thursday and Friday
Please make sure that all items of your child’s clothing are clearly labelled. This includes school uniform and P.E. kit and Forest School kit. (Unlabelled clothing causes considerable problems when getting dressed after P.E.)
P.E. Uniform: White T Shirt Forest School KitWellies
Black shorts Tracksuit bottoms
Black tracksuit bottoms (plain)Waterproof coat
Black plimsolls and white socksSocks
May we remind you that children should not wear earrings or any other jewellery on P.E. days.
P.E. kit should remain in school from Monday to Friday and be taken home for washing at the weekend.
The children have been issued with a Home School Book to record their homework details. This must be signed by a parent each week.
English / Maths / TopicYear 3 / Set Mondays
due in Wednesdays / Set Fridays
due in Mondays / As required
We would like all the children to read at least five times per week at home and record this in their home school book. Please help support this initiative by ensuring your children read to you at least 5 times each week. Reading regularly has a huge impact on children’s educational development. Thank you for your support with.
Educational Visits:
Location / Date / Approx. CostBritish Museum / 14th May 2018 / Free