Rubric: News Article for X-15s
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Knowledge and Understanding
Shows knowledge of news focus and format
Understands information, ideas, and concepts / Purpose or point of articles is stated with limited clarity
Includes limited information or details, making minor points / Purpose or point of articles is stated with some clarity
Includes some information and details, making major and minor points / Purpose or point of articles is stated with clarity
Includes strong information and key details / Purpose or point of articles is stated with clarity and effectiveness
Includes rich and concise information and details
Thinking and Inquiry
Uses critical thinking skills of analyzing, hypothesizing, and explaining / Shows limited understanding of the issues
Offers a few reasons for opinions / Shows some understanding of the issues
Offers some reasons for opinions / Shows understanding of the issues
Offers convincing reasons for opinions / Shows clarity and insight into the issues
Offers complete and thorough explanations of reasons
Communicates information and ideas through logical organization
Communicates for audience and purpose (oral or written news article) / Limited logical organization shown
Shows limited sense of audience and purpose, with shifts in formal tone, style, or diction
Limited use is made of news article format, with a few component parts / Some effectiveness and clarity in organization shown
Shows some sense of audience and purpose, with moderate use of formal tone, style or diction
Moderate use is made of news article format, with some component parts / Logical and clear organization shown
Shows considerable sense of audience and purpose through consistent in use of formal tone, style, and diction
Effective use is made of news article format, with most component parts / Effective, confident, and clear organization shown
Shows a strong sense of audience and purpose through effective use of tone, style, and diction
Outstanding use is made of news article format, with all component parts
Uses oral or written language conventions
Makes connections between the text and personal knowledge and experience, other texts and world happenings. / Uses required language conventions with limited accuracy, resulting in errors that limit communication
Makes connections between various contexts with limited effectiveness / Uses required language conventions with some accuracy, resulting in some errors that occasionally hinder communication
Makes connections within and between various contexts with some effectiveness / Uses required language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness, resulting in clear communication
Makes connections within and between various contexts with considerable effectiveness. / Uses required language conventions accurately and effectively all of the time, resulting in a virtually error-free document
Makes connections within and between various contexts with a high degree of effectiveness
Rubric: Narrative Writing for X-15s
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4Knowledge/ Understanding
Uses short story form, with a focus on plot and character / Limited development of plot, with a few details to advance thought and action
Limited development of personality of narrator, with a few personality traits / Some development of plot line, providing some relevant details
Personality of narrator is somewhat developed, creating a flat character / Clear development of plot line, providing many relevant details
Personality of narrator is well-developed and rounded / Sophisticated development of plot line, providing relevant and well-developed details
Personality of narrator is fully developed and well-rounded, with complexity and depth
Thinking/ Inquiry
Uses inquiry skills and creative thinking skills, such as planning, selecting strategies, forming conclusions, reflecting and explaining / Shows limited evidence of planning; focused occasionally; limited development of ideas and issues
Attempts to draw a conclusion / Planning is evident; focused at times, some exploration of ideas and issues Conclusion is drawn / Shows effective planning; text is focused, mainly on topic; and ideas and issues are presented in depth
Conclusion completes story effectively / Shows effective and creative planning; text is focused and stays on topic; and offers interesting ideas and developments in issues
Conclusion is satisfying and thought provoking
Uses oral or written language conventions, such as grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure
Communicates for audience and purpose / Shows a limited understanding of audience and purpose, creating shifts in tone, style, or diction
Uses required language conventions with limited accuracy, resulting in errors that limit effectiveness of communication / Shows some understanding of audience and purpose, with some effective use of tone, style and diction
Uses required language conventions with some accuracy, resulting in some errors that occasionally hinder communication / Shows considerable understanding of audience and purpose through consistent in use of tone, style, and diction
Uses required language conventions with considerable accuracy and effectiveness, resulting in clear communication / Shows a thorough understanding of audience and purpose through strong and effective use of tone, style, and diction
Uses required language conventions accurately and competently, creating highly effective communication
Applies knowledge of Freytag’s short story model. / Transfers knowledge of the story triangle to his/her next instalment with limited effectiveness / Transfers knowledge of the story triangle to his/her next instalment with some effectiveness / Transfers knowledge of the story triangle to his/her next instalment with considerable effectiveness / Transfers knowledge of the story triangle to his/her next instalment with a high degree of effectiveness