Mi vacación “virtual”
Nombre ______Hora ______
Date of presentation: April 27& 28 Date of Potluck Meal: ¡5 de mayo!
You and your partner will be taking a “virtual vacation” to a Hispanic country in order to enjoy the sights, the natural beauty and learn about its culture.
Components of the project:
You will create a google slide (shared with me) presentation of your country with labels of the places that you “visited”; The presentation must include:
Ø a map of your country ______
Ø the capital city ______
Ø the nationality of the people ______
Ø where it is located (norte de, sur de, oeste de, este de) ______
(These are EVERYONE’S first four slides)
Ø a cultural tradition ______
Ø an historical and a contemporary person ______
Ø typical food ______
Ø important geographical features ______
Ø At least 10 pictures of places you “visited” and things you “did” including but not limited to:
Lugares turísticos Parques nacionales
Lugares geográficos La capital/ciudades grandes/la nacionalidad
Museos interesantes Personas/héroes históricos o importantes
Música Comida
Festivales Celebraciones culturales
You must use CHAPTER 8a Vocabulary
Ø Last slide with your bibliografy ______
You will give an oral presentation to the class of the places you “visited” and the experiences you had; Each partner must tell the class a minimum of 15 things that you did/saw/experienced etc. on your virtual vacation. This is the minimum requirement for a satisfactory grade (C).
Transition words to include in your oral presentation:
Primero También Además Luego
Entonces Más tarde Después Finalmente
You must use these sentences in your presentation:
To start your presentation: Nosotros hicimos mucho en el país de ______
¨ Yo fui a, mi pareja fue a
¨ Yo visité, mi pareja visitó
¨ Yo vi, mi pareja vio
¨ Yo me divertí (en) (I had fun at/in), Mi pareja se divirtió
¨ Yo aprendí, mi pareja aprendió
¨ Yo hice una actividad+descripción, mi pareja hizo una actividad+descripción
¨ Fue interesante/espectacular/fabuloso/divertido etc. en (It was interesting,…)
Here are other ideas for your presentation but you may also have your own:
¨ Yo conocí a (I met), mi pareja conoció a
¨ Yo escuché, mi pareja escuchó
¨ Yo buceé, mi pareja buceó
¨ Yo monté a caballo, mi pareja montó a caballo
¨ Yo comí, mi pareja comió
¨ (yo) Lo pasé bien/fabuloso/maravilloso etc. (en)
¨ (mi pareja) lo pasó bien/fabuloso/maravilloso
(You MUST say at least four things about your partner)
Partner grade: Presentación visual: neat, complete, with obvious effort, 2 photographs MAXIMUM per slide; worthy of public view; no spelling mistakes; no ENGLISH AND NO WORDS on screen
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____x2 ______/20 (both will receive the same grade on the slide presentation)
Individual grade
Completion of “pre presentation” fact sheet & citation sheet _____/10
Presentación oral: pronunciation, fluency, memorization
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____x3 ______/30
Project in general: Did you include all aspects of the project requirements? Is your research thorough? Have you mentioned the most important sights to see from your country? Did you make your best effort? Is it obvious that you know what you are talking about?
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____x2 ______/20
In class note taking sheet ______/10
Completion of task of bringing food and/or drink and explaining to the class its significance in your country
Total ______/100
Helpful hints: Use your guía for embellishments: expresiones útiles, adjetivos, verbos, vocabulario; Use your class time wisely; use the rubric to check for thoroughness!
Nombre ______
Teacher Grading check list (do NOT write on this)
Map ______Capital ______Location: ______Nationality______
A cultural tradition ______
An historical person _____
A contemporary person ______
Typical food ______
Important geographical features ______
Lugares turísticos _____ Parques nacionales _____
Lugares geográficos _____ Ciudades grandes _____
Museos interesantes _____ Festivales _____
Música _____ Celebraciones culturales _____
Used the following sentence starters:
***Nosotros hicimos mucho en el país de ______
¨ Yo fui a, mi pareja fue a ______
¨ Yo visité, mi pareja visitó ______
¨ Yo vi, mi pareja vio ______
¨ Yo me divertí (en) (I had fun at/in), Mi pareja se divirtió ______
¨ Yo lo pasé bien en (____); Mi pareja lo pasó bien en (_____)
¨ Yo aprendí, mi pareja aprendió ______
¨ Yo hice una actividad+descripción, mi pareja hizo una actividad+descripción _____
¨ Fue interesante/espectacular/fabuloso/divertido etc. en (It was interesting,…)____
(You MUST say at least four things about your partner)
Here are other ideas for your presentation but you may also have your own:
¨ Yo conocí a (I met), mi pareja conoció a
¨ Yo escuché, mi pareja escuchó
¨ Yo buceé, mi pareja buceó
¨ Yo monté a caballo, mi pareja montó a caballo
¨ Yo comí, mi pareja comió
¨ (yo) Lo pasé bien/fabuloso/maravilloso etc. (en)
¨ (mi pareja) lo pasó bien/fabuloso/maravilloso
(You MUST say at least four things about your partner)
Transition words:
Primero___ También ___ Además ___ Luego ___
Entonces ___ Más tarde ___ Después ___ Finalmente ___
Power Point: neat, complete, with obvious effort; worthy of public view; no spelling mistakes; no ENGLISH; minimal writing on slide (only names)
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____x2 ______/20
Presentación oral: pronunciation, fluency, memorization
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____x3 ______/30
Project in general: Did you include all aspects of the project requirements? Is your research thorough? Have you mentioned the most important sights to see from your country? Did you make your best effort? Is it obvious that you know what you are talking about?
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 _____x3 ______/30
Research Outline Names ______
Country: ______Capital: ______Nationality: ______
Seven of the most interesting spots to visit in our country (Do you have cities, museums, parks?):
- ______
Three things that you would do there as a tourist
- ______
Three things that you would do there as a tourist
- ______
Three things that you would do there as a tourist
- ______
Three things that you would do there as a tourist
- ______
Three things that you would do there as a tourist
- ______
Three things that you would do there as a tourist
- ______
Three things that you would do there as a tourist
Two distinctive cultural traditions (Does this include music/dance, ethnic groups?):
- ______
- ______
Two distinctive foods and one distinctive drink:
- ______
- ______
- ______
Two famous people from this country that you would like to meet. One contemporary (alive) and one from history and why you would like to meet them
- ______
- ______
Finish the following sentences with the information you have obtained:
Yo fui a ______Fue (it was ) ______
Aprendí ______
Conocí a ______
Yo comí ______
Yo vi ______
Yo visité ______
Yo lo pasé ______en ______
Three sources I used for my research were: ______, ______. ______
This paper must be turned in with your project: It is worth 10 points. If you lose this paper, you will lose 10 points.