Child Labor in Cocoa Industry Advocacy Proposal
What is an advocate? In your own words
Title of Proposal:
Who are you advocating for?
Who will be listening to this proposal? Who do you need to help you make this idea happen? (Example: Cocoa companies, state representatives etc.)
What is the ultimate goal of your proposal?
What are some steps toward achieving your goal? / 1.
Why should you advocate for this cause?
Additional Information?
Menu of Presentation Choices
Mode of Representation / Choices Examples
Present through Art / -Billboard poster sharing idea
-Information board on Idea
-Photograph with information
Present through Writing / -Letter to person who can help
-Newspaper article on idea
-Opinion essay on idea
Present through speaking / -Video sharing proposal
-Speech to a group of people sharing idea
-Power point presentation sharing idea

Rubric Grading Advocacy Proposal

Criteria / 1-Emerging / 2-Met / 3-Advanced
Problem Identified: What is the problem you are trying to solve? / Unclear of what problem is being solved. / Clear on what problem is being solved. / Detailed explanation of problem presented.
Audience Identified: Who are you needing to hear your proposal? / Unclear who the proposal is directed to. / Clear on who the proposal is meant for. / Detailed description of who the proposal is meant for.
Content of Proposal: Do you have clear steps to solve the problem? / Unclear steps on how to solve the problem. / Clear and easily followed steps to solve identified problem. / Extremely detailed steps on how to solve the identified problem. Easy to understand how the problem will be solved if support is provided.
Creativity of Presentation: Do you present your idea creatively? / No presentation menu choice is chosen and only proposal form is turned in. / Presentation menu choice is completed along with proposal. / Presentation menu choice is successfully completed along with proposal form.
Supported by Evidence: Was your proposal supported by evidence from the research done? / No evidence about problem and/or solution is shared. / Evidence is shared about both the problem and solution. / Compelling evidence is shared about the problem and solution. Evidence is used to convince presentation audience.
Characteristics of an Advocate: Does your proposal contain the characteristics of an advocate? / Not shown in proposal or presentation. / Shown in presentation and proposal. / Highly evident in presentation and proposal.

Characteristics of an Advocate

  1. Fact Finders: They thoroughly research issues and try to deal objectively with their own related prejudices and preferences.
  2. Individualists: They avoid getting caught up in group thinking and make their own decisions based on the information. They are polite but committed.
  3. Good Listeners:They hear what others are saying and communicate their understanding of what is being said and felt.
  4. People who Persevere: They are determined advocates. They are polite while remaining firmly committed to the cause.
  5. Reasonable: They understand the limitations of time, talent, and treasure and use good judgment when faced with these limitations.
  6. Credible: They understand the need for being trustworthy, honest, and sensitive to all involved.
  7. Passionate: They feel deeply about their cause and are willing not only speak to others about it, but they are also willing to act to promote it.
  8. Communicators: They are able to clearly and persuasively articulate their point of view.