Category / Excellent - 4 / Good- 3 / Satisfactory-2 / Needs Improvement-1
Contributions / Often provides useful ideas to solve the water crisis. / Usually provides useful ideas to solve the water crisis. / Sometimes provides useful ideas to solve the water crisis. / Rarely provide useful ideas to solve the water crisis.
Problem Solving (Cognitive) / Actively looks for and suggests solutions to problems. / Refines solutions suggested by others. / Does not suggest or refine solutions but is willing to try out solutions suggested by others. / Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems.
Focus of Task / Consistently stays focused on the main task. / Stays focused on the main task most of the time. / Focused on the main task only at times. / Barely stays focused on the main task.
Cooperative Learning / Actively participate interpersonally and has good communication skills. / Usually participate interpersonally and has good communication. / Sometimes participate interpersonally and has average communication skills. / Rarely participate interpersonally and has weak communication skills.
Category / Excellent - 4 / Good- 3 / Satisfactory-2 / Needs Improvement-1
Time Management / Pupils keep to the allocated time frame for all the missions. / Pupils keep to the allocated time frame for most of the missions. / Pupils keep to the allocated time frame for some of the missions. / Pupils do not keep to the allocated time frame for all the missions.
Clarity of Instructions / All the instructions given are followed. / Most of the instructions given are followed. / Some of the instructions given are followed. / Few of the instructions given are followed.
Research and information gathering / Collects a great deal of information that relates to the topic. / Collects some information-most of which relates to the topic. / Collects some information-some of which relates to the topic. / Collects irrelevant information.
Group Dynamics / Listens and speaks a fair amount. / Listens, but sometimes talks too much. / Usually doing most of the talking-rarely allow others to speak. / Is always talking- allows anyone else to speak.
Punctuality / Hands in all the assignments on time. / Hands in most of the assignments on time. / Hands in most of the assignments late. / Collects irrelevant information.
Fish-Bone/Cause & Effect Diagram
Relevance / All information is relevant. / Most information is relevant. / Some information is relevant. / Information is irrelevant.
Category / Excellent - 4 / Good- 3 / Satisfactory-2 / Needs Improvement-1
Random Trigger
Ability to use the Trigger / Creative and expandable. / Expandable / Expandable to an extent. / Inconclusive.
Language Connection / Language used is very suitable for audience to understand. / Language used is suitable for audience to understand. / Language used is quite suitable for audience to understand. / Language used is very unsuitable for audience to understand.
Creativity / Very Creative / Quite Creative / Relatively Creative / Not Creative