EPQ Overview Timeline - One Year

Weeks / Activities
1 – 4 / Initial teaching addressing thinking skills, research skills, argument structure, case-studies of stimulus material, outline of the structure of the project and requirements of the specific units.
5 – 6 / Initial work on project proposals. Students research possible topic areas and produce a first draft of the project proposal form. Tutor-assessors are appointed to students once topic areas have been selected.
7 / Half term
8 / Refining project proposals. Negotiation of project title with tutor-assessors. Proposal forms submitted by students and signed by the tutor-assessor and the centre project proposal-checker.
8 / Introduction of the activity log. Students make their first entries.
8 - 12 / Research leading up to production of a first-draft of the research section of the project, for review and feedback by tutor-assessor.
Teaching of research methods (referencing, source evaluation etc) continues in tandem with project work.
End of term one
1 - 4 / Work on the first-draft of the development and realization section of the project.
Teaching of developmental techniques (argument / counter-argument, data analysis, performance or creative techniques) continues.
Entry of candidates for the award prior to the March deadline.
5 – 6 / Topping and tailing of project. Production of abstract, introduction, conclusions and a full evaluation of the project process. Updating of the references and bibliography. Submission of full draft of project to tutor-assessor for review and feedback.
7 / Half term
8 – 10 / Editing and re-drafting following feedback from tutor-assessor.
9 - 10 / Preparation and rehearsal for presentation

This timeline is based on a three-term model, with submission of the project for the May deadline leading to summer award. It is assumes a short period of time early in the third term for centre marking and internal moderation of projects, but if term-dates make this impossible, this final phase would need to be brought forward to the end of the second term.

11 - 12 / Presentations. Students submit completed projects for internal assessment. Submissions should include:
·  Candidate authentication statement (signed by student and supervisor).
·  Project outcome (including project proposal form and activity log).
·  Evidence of oral presentation (oral presentation mark record sheet plus PowerPoint slides, 6 per page).
End of term 2
1 - 3 / Complete internal assessment of projects, add mark record sheet to student project.
3 / Internal moderation of projects by centre project co-ordinator.
3 / Submission of marks online. Print off and sign a copy of the mark entry sheet. Submit requested sample of projects (including top and bottom mark projects) to external moderator by May deadline