Rubric for Quality Components for

Behavior Intervention Plans

This form can be used by school teams to verify that the completed BIP contains all of the essential components. Use it as a checklist and go through all eight sections of the BIP to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Student Name:______

School: _____ Date of BIP: ______

1. Summary Statement/Hypothesis
There is a summary statement/hypothesis that includes all of the following components:
The antecedents - the immediate triggers of the behavior
Thebehavior of concern-
Is specific and objective – describes student actions that are observable and unambiguous
Is measurable – frequency and/or duration can be counted
The function ofthe behavior -
Is based on analysis of direct and/or indirect measures (The information listed in
questions 1 and 2)
Identifies what the student is trying to achieve (get/obtain or escape/avoid)
Identifies the events, circumstances, and settings associated with the behavior (the environmental, physical, instructional, or interpersonal factors that may influence whether or not the behavior is likely to occur)
If appropriate – secondary functions of the behavior from the direct or indirect
measure(s) are listed (This information can be provided in the additional comments
under question 3)
NEEDS improvement:
2. Behavioral Goal = Replacement Behavior
The behavioral goal IS the replacement behavior and serves the same function as the behavior of concern. It allows the student to achieve (get/obtain or escape/avoid) the SAME need in a more acceptable way. The behavior goal:
Includes a condition (the setting, prompt, support, material, etc) that is in place in
order to elicit the replacement behavior
Includes an observable replacement behavior
Includes a phrase that describes the function of the behavior
Includes how often the desired behavior should occur
Includes a method for measuring the desired behavior
NEEDS improvement:
3. Preventing Strategies
Strategies (supports) to prevent the behavior are described and include:
Strategies that consider the five areas that can be modified to support positive
behaviors – Environmental, Physiological, Emotional, Situational, Curriculum and Instruction
Strategies that are general prevention supports (such as providing choices,
reinforcing alternative acceptable behavior, self-monitoring checklist, or other)
Strategies that are based on the function (e.g., if escape work, then reduce work
stress; if for social attention from peers, then design opportunities for peer
NEEDS improvement:
4. Teaching Strategies
Strategies to increase the occurrence of the appropriate behavior, in order to achieve the same function as the behavior of concern, are described and include:
Strategies that are directly related to function
Strategies that are specificand can be implemented within the building
The “Position Responsible” refers to a job title not a name
NEEDS improvement:
5. Reinforcement Strategies
Reinforcers are actions and/or tangibles that increase the likelihood that the desired behavior will occur, including how it will be earned, how often (frequency) and for how long (duration). The reinforcement strategies:
Identify specific immediate, intermediate and long-term actions and/or tangibles, as applicable
Indicate which staff are responsible for delivering the reinforcers
Identify the student behavior to be reinforced
Identify how often (frequency) the reinforcers will be given
Identify how long (duration) the reinforcers will last, if applicable
NEEDS improvement:
6. Response Strategies
Strategies that describe how to respond when/if the problem behavior occurs are designed to:
Identify specific, observable inappropriate behaviors
Identify these behaviors in a hierarchy
Identify a staff response for each behavior (if physical transport/restraint is not applicable,
that text has been deleted from the BIP form)
Identify the purpose of that response
Reduce the reinforcement that is maintaining the behavior of concern
Minimize damage to the student’s reputation
NEEDS improvement:
7. Training of Plan
Training of the plan includes all of the following components:
Who will attend training
How training will occur
When will training occur
Who will provide training
NEEDS improvement:
8. Evaluation of Intervention
Evaluation of the intervention involves data collection and analysis to determine the effectiveness of the plan. This section:
Indicates the date that the team will review data and evaluate effectiveness
Includes the position responsible for documenting and reporting ongoing data and progress
Summarizes data collected since implementation of the plan – if applicable
Identifies the frequency of ongoing data collection
Indicates the team’s decision to continue, revise, or discontinue BIP
NEEDS improvement:

Form Rev. 01/28/20131