Holy Name Finance Council
Meeting Agenda: May 12, 2016
Opening Prayer – Fr. Jim led us in the Our Father for our graduates and their families.
Attendance: Bill Clark, Ron Bodensteiner, Don Baumler, Chris Grapes, Pam Rochford, Jane Marshall, Bernice Holthaus, Bonnie Patrick, Fr. Jim Brokman, Kathy Wenthold (secretary) Absent: Ken Scholbrock
- Approval of minutes / agenda – After a couple of minor changes to the minutes, Patrick moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting with a second from Holthaus. Motion carried. After a few additions to the agenda, Marshall moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Patrick. Motion carried.
- Approval of finance statements – Finances for FY16 are currently running ahead of FY15. Our revenues are up and expenses, to date, are slightly lower than last year. Baumler moved to approve the financial statements with a second by Grapes. Motion carried.
- Cluster Reports
- Finance Report - The cluster council reviewed the FY16 budget and calculated the FY17 budget. Holy Name will pay an additional 3.5K to the cluster over the course of the year. This amount will replace the end of year payment we are currently paying in the same amount to cover cluster faith formation expenses. Grapes moved to approve the cluster budget with a second by Marshall. Motion carried.
- Cluster Pastoral Council– The council reviewed the previous year and upcoming year budget. They also discussed faith formation and excellent attendance at Ash Wednesday services. The weekend of May 21-22 we will hold nominations for parish elections and will hold the election the following weekend.
- Cluster Faith Formation Commission– The first adoration in Clermont during Lent went well. Sumner ended classes early due to the demolition of the FF building. Children’s Liturgy of the Word started up in West Union but is now done for the summer. Baccalaureate Mass and breakfasts were held the weekend of May 15th. Catechism and cookout for Confirmation will be held June 5th, a teacher meeting for Confirmation will be held May 22nd and VBS is scheduled for the week of August 15-19.
- Liturgy Committee– The Easter season closed out with Pentecost on May 15th. Tenebrae service was down this year due to the ISU tournament game. 1st Communion was held as a cluster for the first time this year. Agnus Dei was well attended and the Pilgrimage was well attended.
- Social Justice – No Report
- Building / Grounds– The KC’s are asking for up to $800 to be paid by the Parish for a new commercial refrigerator in the center. Motion to cover whatever expenses will not be covered by other church organizations was made by Holthaus with a second by Marshall. Motion carried.
Roof Project – Bids were received from B&B and Aaron Grimes. The bid from B&B came in at $21,900 and the bid from Grimes was $21,400. If, after more inspection, the steeple needs to be done, as well, it will cost roughly an additional $1,500. Fr. noted that the roof is a critical project right now. Motion by Marshall was made to accept the bid from Grimes to repair the roof. We will also ask him to look at the steeple and make a recommendation. Patrick second the motion. Motion carried.
Fire Alarms – Midwest Alarm Systems and Walvatne provided estimates on the cost of a new fire alarm system. When all work is done, the total cost would run roughly $20,000. No action was taken.
Stained Glass Windows – A 3 foot section from the landing to the choir loft has been removed for repair. A company will come in June to inspect all the windows.
Carpet – The carpeting on the stairs at the front of the church are in need of repair. We will re-visit after the windows are painted.
Vacuum – There have been some problems with our vacuums. We will be monitoring them to determine whether or not they will need to be replaced.
Organ – Dobson Pipe Organ Builders tuned the organ. They also submitted a report indicating that the organ is in need of roughly $25K in repairs over time. Father would like to ask them for a proposal to complete the work over a 5 year time span. He will ask for a timeline and update the council at the August meeting.
Copy Machine – The copy machine in the office is beginning to fail. Advance Systems will be coming at the end of May with proposals for a new copier. Clark also suggested we contact Marco for an estimate. - Parish Life – The Rosary Society has agreed to contribute $800 towards the refrigerator in the Parish Center. June 11th is the mobile food pantry. CDA Christmas quilts are done. Last Sunday in May is the KC/CDA breakfast. Both organizations are sponsoring an essay contest for scholarships for graduating seniors. The Goodwill truck is being sponsored by the KC’s the weekend of May 15th.
- Parish Elections - The weekend of the 22nd of May is nomination Sunday. We will replace Bonnie Patrick on Finance Council. The following week is election Sunday for nominees who agree to serve.
- Stewardship Initiatives – This Fall we will be inviting individuals to serve in ministry at the Church. Individuals who currently serve in this capacity will make short presentations at Mass for four consecutive Sundays to encourage stewardship.
- Mass Times – A recommendation was made that we switch Mass Times with Clermont on Sunday mornings for half of every year. This will need to be discussed with the Clermont Parish Community before we proceed with further discussion.
- Evaluations – Copies of Father Jim’s evaluations and subsequent action items will be placed in the back of the church.
- New Parish Budget- After working to set the budget for FY17, a motion to approve the budget was made by Marshall with a second by Grapes. Motion carried.
- Meeting adjourned at 9:17pm.
Closing Prayer
2016-17 meeting schedule will be presented at the August 11th meeting.