Name ______

Date ______

Rubric for Pollution Engaged Learning Project

Outcomes / Not Evident / In Progress / Meets / Exceeds / Points
You can identify and explain the causes of your pollution / 3 points Student did not identify and explain the causes of their pollution / 2 points
Student did identify the causes of their pollution, but did not explain them / 1 point Student did identify and explain the causes of their pollution / 0 points
Student did identify and explain the causes of their pollution in detail
You can identify and explain the effects of your pollution / Student did not identify and explain effects of their pollution / Student did identify effects of their pollution, but did not explain them / Student did identify and explain effects of their pollution and explained them / Student did identify effects of their pollution and explained them in detail
You can identify and explain multiple ways of reducing your pollution / Student did not identify and explain ways of reducing their pollution / Student did identify multiple ways of reducing their population but did not explain them / Student did identify and explain multiple ways of reducing their pollution / Student did identify multiple ways of preventing their pollution and explained them in detail
You can report, analyze, and display the results of individual and group investigations / Student did not report, analyze, or display results of investigations / Student reported and analyzed the results but did not analyze them / Student reported, analyzed, and displayed
their results / Student reported, analyzed, and displayed
their results in detail
You gathered your information form a variety of resources / Student didn’t use any resources / Student used 1-2 different resources (internet, books, magazines, experts, etc.) / Student used 3 -4 different resources. / Student used more than 4 different resources.
You actively presented your action plan/information to the community / Student did not present their action plan to the community. / Student did present their action plan to the community.
You actively participated in your groups research / Students did not participate in group research.