Attribute / Does not meet expectations / Meets expectations / Exceeds expectations
Overall quality of science / □ Reasoning is incorrect, incoherent, or flawed
□ Objectives are poorly defined
□ Demonstrates rudimentary critical thinking skills
□ Demonstrates poor understanding of theoretical concepts
□ Demonstrates poor understanding of subject & associated literature
□ Demonstrates limited originality
□ Displays limited creativity/insight
□ Methodological plans unclear or not sufficiently thought out
□ Statistical plans unclear or not sufficiently thought out
□ Insufficiently independent for this stage in student career
□ Little potential for success of research / □ Reasoning is coherent & clear
□ Objectives are clear
□ Demonstrates average critical thinking skills
□ Demonstrates understanding of theoretical concepts
□ Demonstrates understanding of subject & associated literature
□ Demonstrates originality
□ Displays creativity/insight
□ Methodological plans are adequate
□ Statistical plans are adequate
□ Sufficiently independent for this stage in student career
□ Good potential for success of research / □ Reasoning is superior
□ Objectives are well defined
□ Demonstrates mature critical thinking skills
□ Demonstrates mastery of theoretical concepts
□ Demonstrates mastery of subject & associated literature
□ Demonstrates exceptional originality
□ Displays exceptional creativity/insight
□ Methodological plans are meticulous
□ Statistical plans are excellent
□ Extremely independent for this stage in student career
□ Excellent potential for success of research
Contribution to the discipline / □ Limited potential for discovery
□ Limited expansion upon previous research
□ Limited theoretical or applied significance
□ Limited publication potential
□ Unaware of broader implications / □ Some potential for discovery
□ Builds upon previous research
□ Reasonable theoretical or applied significance
□ Reasonable publication potential
□ Somewhat aware of broader implications / □ Exceptional potential for discovery
□ Greatly extends previous research
□ Exceptional theoretical or applied significance
□ Exceptional publication potential
□ Demonstrated awareness of broader implications
Quality of communication / □ Demonstrates poor oral communication skills
□ Demonstrates poor responses to queries/questions
□ Writing is weak
□ Numerous grammatical and spelling errors apparent
□ Organization is poor
□ Documentation is poor / □ Demonstrates reasonable oral communication skills
□ Demonstrates adequate responses to queries/questions
□ Writing is adequate
□ Some grammatical and spelling errors apparent
□ Organization is logical
□ Documentation is adequate / □ Demonstrates excellent oral communication skills
□ Demonstrates excellent responses to queries/questions
□ Writing is publication quality
□ Virtually no grammatical or spelling errors apparent
□ Organization is excellent
□ Documentation is excellent
Overall assessment / □ Does not meet expectations / □ Meets expectations / □ Exceeds expectations
Constructive comments for student: