Rubric for Projects
Content Knowledge / Poor 5 pts.The section is lacking in elements required. There are many gaps in information presented. Confusing. / Fair 10 pts.
Does not have all of the relevant information of the section. There is not enough information presented. Information is presented in an unorganized fashion and may be hard to understand. / Good 15 pts.
Section includes all relevant information; however, it is not well-organized or easily understood. / Exceeds 20 pts.
The section includes all information relevant to the topic. The section is creative, clear and concise. The student added information above what was taught in class.
Work quality/effort / Poor
Work is done with little effort, quality is not what the learner is capable of. It is evident that the work was rushed and little time was spent on the final product. Work is incomplete. / Fair
Work is done with fair effort, but the quality is still not what the learner is capable of. It is evident that the work was rushed. / Good
The work was done with good effort that shows what the learner is capable of. It is evident that time was put into this poster and presentation. / Exceeds
The work done exceeds all expectations and shows that the learner is proud of his/her work. The effort that was put into this task is the best it can be by the learner.
Creativity / Poor
Lacks original artwork. Not students own drawing/writing. Not good use of space on poster. Messy. Lacks color, texture. / Fair
Not very appealing. Limited use of creative materials. Not alot of color/shapes/design. Most of the drawings/writing is the student's own. / Good
Contains students own writing and drawing.Lots of colors, shapes, and appealing design. Shows the student spent time creating an artistic piece. / Exceeds
Eye catching. Great use of colors, texture, shapes, and spacing on poster. Artwork is the students own & is neat. Writing is easy to read. Shows the student can express ideas through art.
Format/presentation / Poor
not on required poster board and/or submitted late. Pieces/items falling or hanging off. / Fair
poster board is damaged, poorly presented. Poster was possibly submitted later than original due date. Some items possibly falling off. / Good
Poster is correct size, clean and neatly displayed. No items falling off. Submitted on due date. / Exceeds
Poster is of exceptional quality and presentation. Nothing hanging or falling off. Submitted on time.
Cooperation / Poor
Students did not work well together and only one of the group members did the work. / Fair
All students worked well together but did not put forth the best collective effort on the poster / Good
All students worked together to complete the project and divided the tasks equally but had noticeable mistakes. / Exceeds
All students put forth a collaborative effort and shared the amount of work necessary to complete the poster.