RTOG 0630 IGRT credentialing spreadsheet
RTOG 0630
Spreadsheet for IGRT Credentialing Data Collection for Anonymized Patient
RTOG Inst#:______
Date / Tr # / IGRT technique* / Isocenter shiftx (mm)** / Isocenter shift
y (mm)** / Isocenter shift
z (mm)** / Couch Rotation θx (◦)** / Couch rotation θy (◦)** / Couch rotation θx (◦)** / IGRT time pt*** / Was a repositioning made pre-rx? ****
* An institution should have a primary means of IGRT.
KVCB = KV Cone Beam CT scan
MVCB = MV Cone Beam CT scan
KVCT = KV Fan Beam CT scan (e.g., in-room diagnostic CT)
MVCT = MV Fan Beam CT scan (e.g., Tomotherapy)
MVorth = MV orthogonal images
KVorth = KV orthogonal images
However, an institution may use a backup system for IGRT if necessary – for example if an institution’s KVCB is not working one day, they may use MVorth. Portal imaging with radiographic film (MVForth) can be used for backup only.
Provide some additional information for your imaging technique that will help to estimate imaging dose:
kV, mAs, MU# used: ______
CT scanning angles: ______
Other: ______
** Record positive or negative numbers according to the followings:
With the patient lying in the conventional (supine) position with head towards gantry:
x axis = right-left (or medial-lateral), positive: from left to right
y axis = superior-inferior (or caudal-rostral), positive: from inferior to superior
z axis = anterior-posterior (or ventral-dorsal), positive: from posterior to anterior
θx variance (degrees) = rotation around the x axis (i.e. pitch), positive: counter-clockwise
θy variance (degrees) = rotation around the y axis (i.e. roll), positive: counter-clockwise
θz variance (degrees) = rotation around the z axis (i.e. yaw), positive: counter-clockwise
*** When the Images were obtained relative to treatment.
A = Prior to treatment -- Immediately after immobilizing patient using marks on mask – no prior imaging;
B = Re-imaging -- Prior to treatment but after a previous positioning and/or imaging procedure.
C = Post-treatment imaging.
Note that, although only “A” is required normally, “B” or “C” may be requested when the repositioning shift is ≥ 2 cm in any direction. For the 5-day pre-treatment images required for IGRT credentialing, both “A” and “B” or “C” for at least two days should be submitted.
****If a repositioning was made and the shift was ≥ 2 cm in any direction, either Re-imaging or Post-treatment imaging should be obtained (thus the patient will have two IGRT datasets for that day’s treatment).