






(An Affiliated College), (NAAC Reaccredited 3.38 CGPA 2011-12)

Vidyanagari, Bhigwan Road, Baramati, Dist. Pune – 413 133, Maharashtra. Website : www.vidyapratishthan.org,

E-mail- ,

Contact No : 02112-243488, 239300, Fax No -02112-243488.


Part A / Plan of Action and Outcome (2011-12) / 01-02
Part B / 01-43 / 02-37
Part C / Outcomes achieved by the end of the year / 41
Part D / Plans of the HEI for the next year(2012-13) / 41



Name of the Institution: Vidya Pratishthan’s Arts, Science & Commerce College, Vidyanagari, Baramati.

Year of report: 2011 – 12

PART A: Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year.

“In pursuit of academic excellence through team spirit “

IQAC has missioned the college in the academic year of NAAC reaccreditation as a focused, performance driven and accountable organization. The year was of intense planning, action, enthusiasm & implementation of innovative, visionary ideas complemented with devoted, systematic hard work. IQAC has played a catalytic role in activating all the fore fronts of the Institution for this grandeur. The Cell has discussed the plan for the NAAC reaccreditation with the Management through a formal meeting presided by the Hon. Principal.

The cell has spearheaded the agenda by setting values and participative deicison making process in all spheres. This has resulted in motivation to make a landmark contribution in this event. It successfully imbibed concerted focus to achieve the objectives, directives & guidelines of the Organization. It was instrumental in reaching the set targets and meet the uplifted expectations of the management, NAAC and the stake holders after the achievement of A grade at the accreditation.

IQAC has heralded this task through meetings with Hon. Principal, Chairmen of the IQAC, Vice- Principals of all faculties, Heads of the Departments, Chairmen of all the committees, Physical Director, librarian, Office Support staff & rectors of hostels, In-charge of messes, students, alumni & also their parents.

IQAC has chalked out annual work plan of the committee through annual calendar, formulation of committees and their activities to focus on vision, mission and the goals of the Institution. It was functional through periodic and regular review of performance for improvement. Documentation of the proceedings of the college was a crucial objective of the cell. The conscious & tireless efforts of everyone has resulted success in all the events leading to introspection & futuristic planning.

Action Plan:

·  To create vibrant and conducive atmosphere for NAAC reaccreditation through constructive planning, implementation and with effective documentation.

·  To plan for the academic year through programs oriented at student excellence, motivation & competence and also faculty development.

·  To strengthen the automation in the library and office.

·  To extend the online admissions to all the courses offered by the college.

·  To design curricula for new courses in the fields of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology.

·  To foster global competence through remedial, bridging courses.

·  To execute Star College Program through Theme labs, hands on – training, certificate courses, objective based field visits, path driving lead lectures.

·  To strengthen industry-academia interactions through research & consultancy.

·  To widen the horizons of research among faculty and students.

·  To upgrade the existing departmental facility through external funding.

·  To enrich the library with e- resources.

·  To capture more avenues of placements & careers.

·  To build a student force globally competent with enlightened moral and social values.

·  To inculcate health consciousness, sportive spirit and participation in events.

·  To play a catalytic role in community strengthening.

·  To nurture and nourish the talent through opportunities, rewards and awards.


1.  Activities reflecting the goals and objectives of the institution:

A clear defined goal is a beginning of any great accomplishment.

The Colleges are the institutes of higher learning and knowledge incubator, once considered as temples of Knowledge, are today visualized as training units producing quality, skilled, responsible work force. This provokes the teachers to equip themselves with innovative, interesting , technology aided teaching methods, latest updates in the subject, practising and motivating through their own research of interdisciplinary approach. Learning through problem solving, equipped with industry demanding skills, supported by strong moral and social values, communication proficiency, competitive spirit will enable to reach the annals of success. The College galvanizes the right attitude, sharpens the intellect, and projects its students with a unique identity in the society.

Education sharpens the intellect, improves the grasping power, develops the faculty of discrimination, strengthens our moral nature, enables us to stand the severest temptations of life and thus protects us from falling into errors.”

The Institution thrives for quality initiative, quality sustenance and enhancement by nurturing four goals,

The Knowledge Goal, The Physical Development Goal, The Moral Goal and The Social Goal.

Activities reflecting these goals are as follows,

I] The Knowledge Goal: “To strengthen the intellectual side of personality.”

The programs organized to foster this goal are Conferences, workshops, seminars, Guest lectures, certificate courses, industry visits, field trips, educational tours, competitions, and hands on trainings. The Star College Program, funded by DBT has enhanced these activities remarkably.

Conferences/ seminars/ workshops/Trainings:

·  3 Day National Conference on “Viruses: Disease Surveillance, Identification and management” by the Dept. of Biotechnology. Dr. G.P.Rao, Principal Scientist, IARI, New Delhi, Dr. V.B. Dattar, Dr. Niranjan Mishra from High Security Animal Disease laboratory, IVRI, Bhopal were the resource persons.

·  One Day Workshop on “Molecular Biology” by Dept. of Zoology.

·  One Day Workshop on “How To Enjoy Calculus” by Dept. of Mathematics

·  One Day Seminar on “New Trends in Sociology” by Dept. of Sociology.

·  One Day Seminar on “Academic Performance Indicators” for Faculty organised by IQAC.

·  One Day Seminar on “ICT” for supporting staff organised by IQAC.

·  “Commerce Fest 2012” by Department of Commerce inaugurated by

Dr. Sudhakar Jadhavar, Dean, faculty of Commerce, University of Pune.

·  Logic – 2012 a workshop on computer programming by B.C.A. department.

·  “Communication skills workshop” of Dept of English by Mrs. Mary Douglas from Australia.

·  Training programs in fermenter handling, bioinoculant production, organic composting and induction program of Department of Microbiology.

·  “Seed Bank” of Department of Botany.

·  Wild life Conservation week by Dept of Zoology through poster presentation, guest lectures, visit to Wildlife reserve.

·  World Environment Day, World Geography day by Dept. Of Geography through poster, project, model presentation.

·  Mathematics year (2011-12) by Department of Mathematics by organizing guest lectures, Quiz and Poster Competition.

·  “Statistics Quiz” by Department of Statistics has seen active participation of 75 students.

·  CHEMIAD competition by Department of Chemistry with participation of 115 students.

·  “Science Quiz” by Science Association for undergraduate students.

·  “Utkrushta granth Vachan spardha” by Library committee. This activity was included as a unique activity by NAAC.

·  Intercollegiate Competition of Kendo ( sword Fighting) for girls was organized by the physical education Dept.

·  Annual Sports fest was conducted by organizing Body Builiding, Rifle shooting, Cross country fencing.

Star College Program:

·  Certificate Courses : (04) The Star College program funded by DBT which has received one year extension was implemented through tailor made, hands –on certificate courses for all undergraduates of Life Sciences.

·  Self sustenance of energy needs through efforts for green Bio-CNG - Production of biogas from mother liquor (Dairy waste)

Guest Lectures: (37)

·  Quality Improvement Program (08) was instrumental in organizing lectures of student orientation in all subjects inviting leading resource persons as speakers with the funding of Pune University.

·  Star College Program: (24) Eminent speakers from various fields spanning interdisciplinary thrust areas of research, entrepreneurship, bioterrorism, patenting, industry processes were invited to motivate the students. These included scientists, C.E.O, Directors, leading entrepreneurs.

·  Department wise lectures: (05) Subject experts from various fields were invited to deliver talks on relevant topics.

Educational Tours, Industry visits, field visits: (25)

The College is instrumental in organising educational tours, field trips, Industry visits through tour committee to make the students to explore the unseen and experience the real time functioning of the Industry which helps to open up new paradigms in the perceptions of science, Technology, Innovation, the heritage of India and its Biodiversity.

·  Life Science departments organise every year tours for student participation at the National events in science .i.e. 99th Indian Science Congress at Bhubaneshwar, Odissa.

·  Educational Visit to World Heritage Biodversity sites.

·  Industry visits to RCF at Raigad, Serum Institute, Pune ,Shreiber Dynamix, Bilt Graphics, Cipla.

·  Research Institutes visits: NCL, NIV, NIO, CCMB, IICT, CDFD, Nimkar Research Institute, Intervet, TIFR, Haffkine, VazeKelkar Research Institute, VSI, and NGRI.

II] Physical Development Goal: “To provide relevant facilities for a good physique.”

The Institution resolutely believes in the physical development of its students along with their intellectual growth. To furnish to the needs for advance of a healthy body, the Institution has an 11 – acre big playground, which has 2 volleyball courts, a basketball court, a kho–kho ground, an eight-lane running track and a football ground.

The Institution also has separate gymnasia for boys and girls, each having 2 badminton courts, 2 table tennis courts, changing rooms with lockers, Yogasana Hall and Fitness Centres with international quality equipments.

The physical director was actively involved in increased student participation in several National and international events covering many sports. He has participation in several conferences with paper presentation, selections and judging events.

The Institution organized the following events to channelize the sporting energies of student players

·  Intercollegiate Kendo Competitions

·  Annual Sports meet –

§  Boxing

§  Rifle shooting

§  Body Building

§  Cross country fencing

§  Kendo

§  Athletics

The College has taken efforts in active participation of students in several sports.

·  Participation in events -

·  National level - 3

·  University level – 12

·  Intercollegiate level -69

A healthy body harbours a healthy mind

·  “Health camp” with Medical Committee, and the Medicos Guild, Baramati. This is availed by all the first year students of all faculties who have taken new admission into the college by and all the hostellers.

·  Nutrition chart of the menu is displayed at all the messes with implementation of common menu of high quality with hygiene highly appreciated by students and parents.

·  Anaemia awareness among girls through haemoglobin testing, medical counselling and iron folic supplements disbursement among hostellers.

III] Moral Goal: “To enable the students to cultivate certain moral values.”

The moral goal of the institute is furnished through programs and activities organized through N.S.S, “Samartha Bharat Abhiyan”, student welfare, extramural committees, Ladies Association. Rallies, Human Chain, cleanliness campaign, Yuva mahostav, day celebration, Shramdan, Visits and Workshops are the outcome of the Efforts.

·  Rally at Medad on account on “Gandhi jayanti, Lalbahadur shastri Jayanti” was participated by 650 students dressed as Great National Leaders, heroes to inspire the general public.

·  “Awareness of Women empowerment” one day workshop was organized by Ladies Association funded by Women & Child welfare dept of Maharashtra with enthusiastic participation by boys.

·  Lecture Series by Extramural Committee, Dr. Babasaheb Jaykar Vyakhyanmala of University Of Pune for 3 days to invoke the soft skills and art of living covering “Life is to laugh”. “Go Green and help save the environment”, “Hobbies as a career”.

·  Yuva mahostav ,Youth day ,N.S.S day celebration”, “Savitribhai Phule Jayanti”

·  Reach the unreached program by visiting Remand home, Baramati on Rakshabandhan.

·  Participation in workshops on “Global values” , “Disaster Management”, “National Youth Week & self Help group”, “AIDS awareness”, “self employment & entrepreneurship”, “Moral Education” organized by UOP.

·  Faculty participation through invited lectures.

·  Annual cultural fest of Vidya Pratishthan where the Senior Faculty of the college lead by the Principal has presented a popular Kawali on National integration, and patriotic group song.

IV] Social Goal: “To activate and foster the sense of obligation, loyalty and spirit of sacrifice for the community among students.”

The social goal is accomplished through activities organized through Samarth Bharath Abhiyan, N.S.S, student welfare, extramural, science association, wall paper committees, and departmental extension activities.

·  Blood Donation Camps were organized in the Institution jointly by National Service Scheme, Medical Committee, VPASCC and Red Cross Society’s Blood Bank, Baramati around 322 students and staff voluntarily donated blood during the camps.

·  NSS Winter camp activities at Medad- Ecotourism, educational facilities and provisions, Disaster Management, Women empowerment, Awareness on Female feticide, Survey of Employment Status, AIDS awareness, Moral Education, Nirmal Gram

·  Motivating Lectures were organized by Invitee Speakers and Faculty.

·  The NSS Units organized other activities related to National Emergency, Literacy Mission, Human Values, “Andha Shraddha Nirmulan”.

·  The College fosters education system as a meritocratic system, where hard work and talent are rewarded. To imbibe the Competence through integrated approach by taking a holistic view, Competitive Exam Committee and the respective Departments conducts State level competitions.

·  Pratibha Intercollegiate State Level Elocution Competition spanning current issues.

·  Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore State Level Elocution Competition

·  5th Mahatma Kabir Intercollegiate State Level Elocution Competition.

·  Health, Blood Group and Hemoglobin check camp for college students.

·  Poster presentation competitions on World Environment Day.

2. New academic programmes initiated (U.G & P.G).