All tournaments held in WKMHA district will be in accordance with BC Hockey Regulation 3, Tournaments.


The Home Team will be the first team listed on the schedule. The Home Team will be responsible to change sweaters if there is a color conflict. The Home Team should remain on the ice until the visiting team has left.


Games will consist of:

  • a 5 minute warm-up, and
  • 3 – 20 minute periods of stop time with a flood ½ way through second period.
  • If tournament gets behind schedule, the Tournament Committee at their discretion, can and will adjust the remaining ice times and that decision will be final.


Tie games will stand for round robin play. Points will be awarded for round robin play:

  • 2 points for a win
  • 1 point for a tie
  • 0 points for a loss

Pool placements will be determined upon completion of round robin play. In the case of a point tie, the BCAHA 2014-2015 Regulation 5.22 (Tie Breaking Procedure) will apply.


Overtime rules for Tournament Semi-Final and/or Championship games will be as follows:

  • One (1) – 5 minute sudden victory overtime period of 4 skaters on 4 skaters
  • If game is still tied a 5 man shootout will take place
  • If game is still tied after the five man shoot out a sudden victory shootout will take place (not using the previous 5 shooters) until a winner is declared.


Any player penalized for fighting will be suspended for the remainder of the tournament.


Any player receiving a gross misconduct or match penalty will be suspended for the remainder of the tournament.

Your child’s success or lack of success in sports

Does not indicate what kind of parent you are.

But, having an athlete that is



A Great teammate,

Mentally Tough,


andtries their best

IS a direct reflection

Of your Parenting.


In the event Teams are tied for a playoff position after a Round Robin series is completed, the following procedure shall be utilized to determine the placing of the tied teams:

a)IF two (2) teams are tied, the winner of the Round Robin game between those two (2) teams will receive the higher placing. IF three (3) or more teams are tied, the team which has accumulated the most points in the games against the tied teams will receive the highest placing, the team with the next most points in games against the tied teams will receive the next highest placing, and so on.

b)IF any teams remain tied after (a) has been applied, then the Team with the most wins in the round robin series (note that this includes all games in the round robin series and is not limited to games between the tied teams only) will receive the higher placing, and so on.

c)IF any teams remain tied after (a) and (b) have been applied, then the team with the best goal average in games between the tied teams will receive the higher placing, and so on. The goal average of the teams is to be determined by dividing the total number of goals for and against into the total number of goals for, with the team having the highest percentage will be awarded the position.

d)IF any teams remain tied after (a), (b), and (c) have been applied, then the team with the best goal average in the round robin series (note this includes ALL games in the round robin series and is not limited to games between the tied teams only) will receive the higher placing, and so on. The goal average of a team is to be determined by dividing the total number of goals for and against into the total number of goals for, with the Team having the highest percentage will be awarded the higher position.

(ex: Goals for 10, goals against4: percentage is 10/14 = .714)In determining the goal average the maximum goal differential that may be applied in any single game shall be seven.

e)IF any teams remain tied after (a), (b), (c) and (d) the team that received the least minutes in penalties in the round robin games between the tied teams will receive the higher placing, and so on.

f)IF teams are still tied after all previous methods have been applied, then the winner of the playoff position will be decided by the toss of a coin.

GTMHA Hockey Arena User Guide

Dressing Room Etiquette

Players and Coaches (or designated adult) are responsible for ALL behavior in the change rooms. Players are to be supervised at ALL times.

Hockey is to be played on the ice ONLY – not in the change rooms or hallways.

PLEASE respect the facility and refrain from smashing objects with your stick.

Damages will be billed accordingly.

Smoking is NOT PERMITTED in the facility

ALCHOHOL is NOT PERMITTED in the facility

Please vacate the change room as soon as possible after your ice time.

Ensure change room security by keeping the doors locked at all times.

Please remember that the arenas are co-ed facilities. Each arena will have a designated “female” change room. Please respect the rights of all users. Keep the change room doors closed while you are getting prepared and stay out of rooms that are not assigned to your team.

Leave the room as cleanor cleaner than you found it. Pick up after yourselves. ALL garbage is to be placed in the garbage cans.