APPENDIX3: How to fill out the application form

We have provided this copy of the application form to help you prepare your application. It cannot be submitted as an application. You must do that online at

Where you are asked to select from a list in this version, you will be asked to select from a dropdown box in the online application.

Have you completed and submitted your 'register of Interest' form?
Click here to register your interest
Have you read the Reef Trust 3 Grant Application Guidelines and its appendices?
The guidelines and appendices contain important information about the requirements of the grants that will help you with your application. If you need clarification on anything in the guidelines, contact your extension officer or grants administration.
Have you and all partners in your project completed Smartcane BMP self-assessment?
Smartcane BMP will help you identify what aspects of your operation might be improved regarding waterqualitywithout affecting productivity.This is an eligibility requirement. If any participants have not done this, you won't be able to progress your application.
If a single farm :
  • Y/N (if single farm)
If a multi-farm:
  • Y/N Primary applicant multi-farm
  • Y/N Partner 1
  • Y/N Partner 2
  • Y/N Partner 3

Have you (and all partners if a multi-farm application), completed the practice benchmarking with your WTSIP Extension Officer?
This is an eligibility requirement. It will also help you develop your project and avoid having one that may not result in a practice change. This information is used in assessment and if not provided will mean that your application cannot be processed.
For more information see Appendix 4: Priority Practices, Benchmarking and Practice Change
Are you involved in other applications?
Is the land you manage for this application, part of another project application in this round of funding?
If yes, are you the primary applicant for more than one project
  • Yes (If yes, a note will come up re: ineligible)
  • No

Do you have a "Landholder Identification number (LHID)?
If you have previously applied for a grant, you will have a landholder ID number. If not, a new one will be given to you. Your WTSIP Extension Officer will help you get this. Save this number as it is used throughout the grants process. If you are not using an extension officer contact
LHID: ……………….
Primary Applicant Details
Street Address
Postal address
Preferred phone number
Name of Business Entity applying for a grant
ABN of business entity applying for project
Grant category
Is this project for:
  • A single farm/single grower
  • Multi-farms/two or more growers or a contractor and growers, who are collectively managing the project
  • A district-wide project managed by a supporting organisation
If a district-wide project, please contact grants administration to discuss.
Other applicants in a multi-farm project
How many partner applicants are in the project, other than yourself as the primary applicant? ………………….
Partner 1
Email address
Preferred phone number
Business Entity applying for project
ABN of business entity applying for project
Partner 2
Email address
Preferred phone number
Business Entity applying for project
ABN of business entity applying for project
Partner 3
Email address
Preferred phone number
Business Entity applying for project
ABN of business entity applying for project
6. Location
  • Select your catchment from drop down list
  • Daintree
  • Mossman
  • Barron (Upper & Lower)
  • Mulgrave
  • Russell
  • Johnstone
  • Tully
  • Murray
  • Herbert

7. Grants History
Have you received a previous grant through WTSIP, Terrain NRM, Project Catalyst or other reef program, including the Reef Trust Reverse Tenders, or do you have a current one?
  • Yes If yes, what year or Round were they in and what was funded
  • No
Year or round / What was funded
Priority Practices
From the ‘Priority Practice’ column, select which practice changeyour project will be achieving directly with the funding.You can select more than one if your project has more than one component.
Priority practice Code / Priority Practice / Wet Tropics Priority Ranking
6.5 / Nutrient application based on 6ES using site-specific information (e.g. yield history, yield-mapping and mapping or fixing yield constraints), used for variable-rate fertilising within blocks. / 1
6.4 / Nutrient application based on 6ES using site specific information (e.g. yield history, yield-mapping and mapping or fixing yield constraints) / 1
2.1 / All machines including harvesters and haul-outs operate on the same wheel spacing. Can include:
  • Matching row widths to harvester and haulouts (at ≥ 1.8m).
  • GPS on Harvesting fleet or farm machinery if transitioning to ≥ 1.8m
  • Includes widening of equipment if transitioning to ≥ 1.8m
/ 1
10.2 / Banding of residual herbicides & directed /shielded spraying of knockdowns / 1
17.4 / Integrated farm drainage. / 2
5.4 / Zero tillage for planting (conditions apply) / 2
4.7 / Zero tillage legumes /cover crop (direct-drilled through the trash) / 2
4.6 / Zonal tilled legume /cover crop: (non-PTO powered) / 4
5.3 / Zonal tillage - planting: non-PTO powered / 4
15.4 / Irrigation scheduling / 5
7.4 / Sub-surface fertiliser placement / 6
17.3 / Sediment/ nutrient traps / 9
4.6 / Zonal tillage - legumes: PTO powered / 9
5.3 / Zonal tillage - planting: PTO powered / 9

*Ranking: 1 is highest priority

Note: Projects involving a move to controlled traffic will have a contractual obligation for plantings on the project properties for 2018 and 2019, to be at 1.8m or greater.

It is recommended that you confirm for yourself that your proposal will result in a practice change. Use the Practice Change template in Appendix 4 to check what you are applying for against your current practice.

Describe the project in detail. (Max 2500 characters)
Describe your project, providing enough technical and farm-specific detail to enable assessors to clearly understand exactly what you intend doing and why. It is recommended that you include:
  • Exactly what you will purchase with the grant funding.
  • How, when and where it will be used or implemented.
  • How the project fits with the results of your benchmarking and Smartcane BMP assessment.
  • How the project will changehow you assess the amount of inputs you use.

How does the project fit into the long term management for your farm: (Max 2500 characters)
Outline your long-term plan. What have you achieved so far and how does this new project fit into your plan?If possible, indicate how the soiltypes on your farmcan affect waterquality and how this has influenced your choice of this project.
Project Budget
The budget justifies the money requested, but also allows comparisons of specifications, suitability andvalue for money of equipment or works. Quality budget information is highly beneficial to your application.
Your budget items should directly relate to the priority practices and codes previously selected. Check that the priority practice codes in your budget are the same as those you selected for the project. In the online application form you will select these for your budget from a drop-down box.
Priority-practice code(from Priority practices table) / Budget Item / Your contribution / Funds sought
(GST exc.) / Total project amount
(GST exc.)
Cash / In-kind
Totals: exc. GST
Totals: inc.GST

The online budget template willautomatically calculate and add GST and calculate the totals in the shaded cells. All figures that you supply in the unshaded cells are GST exclusive.

Notes regarding the budget

A good budget is very informative for the assessment panel. Please refer to this link Appendix 5: Important Budget Informationfor instruction on developing a quality budget.

Attach electronic copies of quotes
A quote is required for the purchase,construction or modification of equipment by a supplier or contractor.It needs to be itemised to satisfy the budget requirements above.Be aware of the time that the quote is valid for and when you will know if your application has been successful. Funding will not be provided for a difference between quoted price and invoiced price from a supplier.
Instructions on how to attach a quote to the online application are provided.
Project area
Please provide your own best estimate of the project area. This is the area of cane cropping land that yourproject will be implemented on and is usedas a cross-check for the area determined from the project mapping.Your mill-maps may be the best source of information for this.
  • If a single farm project, there will be one figure for the total area.
……… ha
  • If a multi-farm project, will need a figure for each co-applicant eg:
  • Primary applicant Name Landholder ID …… ha
  • Partner 1 Name Landholder ID …… ha
  • Partner 2 Name Landholder ID …… ha
  • Partner 3 Name Landholder ID …… ha
And a total project area for all properties …… ha.
Project Plan
In the table provided, set out the activities you are going to undertake in sequence, to enable timely completion of the project. Ensure you plan sufficient time to gain your Smartcane BMP Accreditation by project completion. This is your own timetable, for your own use, not contracted dates that you have to abide by. It will be useful for your progress and final reports.
Activity Description / Your own expected completion date for tasks.
Before-photos are required for assessment and reporting. It is up to you to determine the quality of photographic evidence you provide in support of your project. Before photos are required for projects involving:
  • Equipment used for a current practice being replaced by equipment for a new practice.
  • Modifications to equipment.
  • Used equipment being purchased for use ‘as is’ or prior to modification.
  • Earthworks, drainage, remediation of other in-field conditions.
Before-photos are not required where a new practice is being implemented and there is no existing equipment (e.g. GPS), but any photos than can help justify a project are very helpful to your application.
Attach photos: as per instructions.
If you have not provided a before photo, what is the reason?
If a before-photo is not provided and no reason is given, you will not be able to progress with the online application.
14. Drawings, diagrams and designs
Someapplications e.g.drainage/earthworks or fixing soil constraints, will benefit from maps, drawings or other information that show where the works are, what they will involve and some specifications.
For related information, see Appendix 7:Advice for Drainage Projects. This is general advice only. It is up to you to supplyinformation to thestandard of quality that you wish your application to be judged on.
Attach maps, etc. here as per instructions:
Risk Assessment (Multi-farm & district-scale projects only).
Please identify any risks that might prevent the project from being successfully delivered on time and on budget, and explain how you will manage the risk.
Risk / Consequence / Time of highest risk / How you will manage the risk
Have you completed project mapping with your WTSIP Extension Officer?
It is a requirement of the application that you meet with a WTSIP Extension Officer to map your project area. This is different to the provision of your estimate of the project area previouslyprovided.
Please take your farm mill maps along with you.
Would you like to give permission for information relating to your application to be copied to your WTSIP Extension Officer? Please indicate which.
  • Your online application
  • The letter of notification of your assessment result
  • Your project agreement

Application submitted by the primary applicant
This is part of your checking of your application and indicates that you personally are happy with what is being submitted.
I acknowledge that this application is submitted by me the primary applicant, and not an Extension Officer or other third party
Tick the box provided.

Check and save your application.

  • In the online application, the last page is a summary of the response you have given. Please check these carefully. Also check that your application is consistent with other information provided for assessment particularly the benchmarking and mapping undertaken with your WTSIP Extension Officer.


  • From this page, you will also be able to save your application to your own files and to print a copy.