RSU 54 / MSAD 54 Adult and Community Education Teachers
We are pleased to have you join us as a member of the RSU54/MSAD 54 Adult and Community Education Staff. We look forward to a productive and enjoyable semester. This handbook contains a brief summary of our expectations, policies, and procedures. Should you have any questions, suggestions, or need assistance please contact us at the office. 207-474-7553
Maintaining a Positive and Professional Learning Environment
Table of Contents
Course Planning 3
Course Proposals
Course Schedule
Course Pricing
Course Outlines
Books & Supplies
Employment 3
Work Agreements
Pay Periods
Pay Schedule
Instructor Tuition Waiver
Professional Development
Calendar & Scheduling 5
Adult Education School Calendar
School Closing
Substitutes/Guest Speakers
Classroom Procedures 6
First Class Meeting
Attendance Folders
Lesson Plans and Make Up Plan
Student List
Ending Time
Class Schedule
Food and Drink
Substitute Teachers
Technology Use
Cell Phones
Facilities 8
Parking at Skowhegan Area High School
Parking at Satellite Sites
Public Solicitation/Advertising
Nondiscrimination Policy
Emergencies 9
Emergency Exit
Lock Down
Administrative Contacts
Daytime Emergencies
Dialing 9-1-1
Non-emergency Numbers
Conclusion 10
Reservation Clause 10
Course Planning
COURSE PROPOSALS - Teachers who would like to teach a new course in the next session must submit a New Course Proposal to the Adult Education Director according to the schedule below:
Spring classes > deadline November 1st
Fall classes > deadline June 1st
Returning teachers must confirm in writing by the same deadlines above that they would like to teach again the next term.
COURSE SCHEDULE – There is no implied agreement that course assignments will remain the same from session to session. Course assignments are made based on student demand, the availability of funding, and the teacher’s intent to continue teaching.
· Planning and production of the fall session occurs during June.
· Planning and production for the spring schedule occurs in November.
· Planning for summer occurs in April.
COURSE PRICING – Course pricing is based on instructor’s salary, minimum enrollment, and total number of class hours. For Enrichment courses, the goal is to have the course at least 70% self-sustaining.
COURSE SYLLABUS & OUTLINES – Course syllabi and outlines are due in the office by October 1st of the fall session, March 1st of the spring session, and July 15th of the summer session. The syllabus and outline must be submitted to the office electronically and saved in the Syllabi folder in the Teacher Handbook folder in the Adult Education groupshare. All students in the class must also receive a copy of the syllabus with time devoted within the first few classes to review the syllabus with students. At a minimum, the syllabus must contain:
1. Name of the course
2. Teacher’s name, e-mail address, phone number students could use to contact you
3. Course objective
4. Course description
5. Requirements of the course
6. Grading system, method of assessment/evaluation
7. Attendance policy for the class
8. Required book, materials
9. Class outline & schedule
10. Location of the class
11. Make-up plans
Sample syllabi: Accounting, English, Medical Office, GED Prep, Quilting
After deadlines, payroll will be processed only for those teachers who have turned in an updated course syllabus.
BOOKS – Books are stored in the University Course Site Center. The book coordinator will organize books for all classes and will be responsible for circulation of books, including signing out of books for classes, maintaining books, and keeping track of book returns and deposits. Students and teachers can pick up books from the book coordinator on the first night of class.
The teacher coordinates with the Adult Education Secretary to order books using the purchase requisition system. Teachers should allow four to six weeks for books to be ordered.
SUPPLIES – Books, supplies, and any other instructional materials must be ordered using the purchase requisition system – which takes time. If you need books and supplies, order them several weeks in advance. All purchases must be preapproved by the Adult Education Director and Superintendent.
Save all itemized receipts and turn into the Adult Education Office as soon as possible with your name and purpose of purchase attached to the receipt.
All reimbursements, including mileage, must be turned in prior to the end of the fiscal year, which is June 30.
WORK AGREEMENTS -- Please check your work agreement to make sure all the information is accurate. All checks will be issued biweekly.
0-1 year / 2-5 years / 6+ years / DifferentialLiteracy, ABE, ESOL, Adults w/ Disabilities / $18 / $19 / $20 / $2 per hour differential with a valid and current certification, license, degree or other special credential for teaching the class.
High School Completion / $18 / $19 / $20
Adult Transition / $18 / $19 / $20
Workforce Training/Computer / $18 / $19 / $20
Enrichment / $15.50 / $16.50 / $17.00
TIMECARDS –Adult Education staff who are paid by the RSU 54 / MSAD 54 school district use a web-based, employee self-service program for electronic timecard completion and processing. See instruction sheet for more information.
PAY PERIODS -- Time sheets are due according to the district’s pay schedule. For the latest schedule, see the right hand side of your Employee Self Service Page under Resources.
PAY SCHEDULE – Teachers are paid according to the following schedule unless a different agreement has been individually negotiated with the Adult Education Director. Negotiation for a new pay rate must occur prior to the class being priced and advertised.
CERTIFICATION -- Adult Education teachers who teach diploma credit classes must hold current adult education teacher certification in the subject that they teach. GED Preparation teachers must hold certification in one of the core areas (English/language arts, life science, mathematics, physical science, or social studies.) This is true for people who already hold a day school teaching certificate. Obtaining the required certification for the position is the responsibility of the teacher. You must provide the office with a copy of your current teaching certification.
For official information regarding teacher certification, please contact the Maine Department of Education Certification Office at 624-6603 or visit their website at http://www.maine.gov/education/cert/
DIFFERENTIAL – Teachers must request the differential in writing and provide the Adult Education Director with a copy of the current certification, license, or credential.
INSTRUCTOR TUITION WAIVER -- Current Adult and Community Education teachers may take one adult education class valued up to $50 free of charge, except for classes with limited enrollment when the teacher’s enrollment would prevent a paying student from accessing the class.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT – Academic teachers are required to participate in teacher professional development. Non-academic teachers may participate in professional development. Paid professional development time is available according to the schedule below. Teachers may attend additional hours as unpaid time. Teachers who are currently under contract with MSAD 54 who take a professional development or personal day to attend adult education professional development will not be paid by adult education for that time.
Teachers who work…. Will be paid for…
3-6 hours per week 3 hours professional development per year
6-12 hours per week 9 hours professional development per year
12-20 hours per week 12 hours professional development per year
Professional Development Procedures
To qualify for paid professional development, teachers must:
1. Complete a Teacher Self-Assessment annually by Sept. 15th and submit a copy to the Adult Education Director.
2. Identify a professional development goal and develop a professional development plan that directly relates to your position with adult education and submit it to the Adult Education Director.
3. Request prior approval for paid professional development that is related to the plan.
4. Complete a follow up evaluation upon completion of the professional development.
5. Share results of the professional development with co-workers (i.e. at a meeting or as an email posting.)
6. Provide Adult Education Director with copies of certificates and other results of professional development.
For more information about Professional Development, see the Maine Professional Development Calendar, the Maine Adult Education Teacher Self Assessment, the new Professional Development Web Portal http://pdportal.maineadulted.org/
· Postings of professional development news and events.
· The portal is ready to take inquiries from teachers regarding Continuing Education Units (CEH) earned. Staff may access their CEH’s records by going to the portal and submitting an inquiry.
Calendar & Scheduling
CALENDAR – See the Adult Education Calendar for important dates and holidays.
SCHOOL CLOSING -- If RSU54/MSAD 54 schools close during the day because of weather, Adult Education classes are cancelled. Classes with attendance requirements or are tuition-based will be made up within the semester. Make up classes must be completed before the last week of classes.
In the event of an immediate, unanticipated school closing, we will do our best to notify teachers. Please be sure that your attendance folders contain your and your students’ most current phone number and/or the best way to reach you during the day.
When possible, the closing of school due to weather will be announced on WABI-TV5 and WLBZ-TV2, via e-mail, and on our web site at www.msad54.maineadulted.org. Some television stations offers instant text message alerts. See the tv station website for details on how to sign up.
If there is inclement weather, and we have not cancelled school, but you feel it is unsafe to travel, then you can make the decision to cancel your class. Keep a copy of your class roster with you at all times, so you can help notify students if you cancel class.
Any changes to the regular meeting time and place of the class must be pre-approved by the Adult Education Director.
SUBSTITUTES/GUEST SPEAKERS -- Should you be ill or for some other reason be unable to teach your class, please call the Office as soon as possible. In some instances we will attempt to find a substitute teacher and proceed with the class as scheduled. It is therefore essential that you provide the Office with complete lesson plans prior to any absence. We would appreciate your suggestions for possible substitutes, but the Office must make final arrangements for all substitute teachers. The Office must pre-approve all guest speakers, presenters, and visitors in advance.
ADVISING -- Educational and/or career advising services are available to students by appointment. Please contact the Office for more information.
Classroom Procedures
FIRST CLASS MEETING -- Teachers reporting to satellite sites should contact the office prior to their starting date in order to pick up attendance folders and go over procedures with the Director. Books will be distributed through the book coordinator. If a student drops your class, notify the Office as soon as possible. This will provide us with an opportunity to counsel the student and also help us retrieve the book.
Check your roster against your class attendance and reconcile differences with the Adult Education Secretary. Please be sure that everyone who is attending your class is registered to attend.
Please remember your first class is important. Many students may be nervous. The emphasis on the first night should be getting to know each other, helping students to feel comfortable, and orienting them to your class. It is your responsibility to review your syllabus and the student handbook with students on their first day of class.
ATTENDANCE FOLDERS -- Please pick up your attendance folder at the Office before each class and return it after each class. Write in the date of each class meeting at the top of each week. Write the number of hours each student was in attendance. When a student is absent, leave the space blank. Attendance folders are a means of communication between your class and the Office. Please look through your folder before the class begins, as there may be a message for you or your students in the folder. Use the folders to leave us notes. Do not allow students to handle the folders as they may contain confidential information.
Attendance Reminders:
· Each teacher is assigned an attendance folder and a student roster.
· Teachers pick up attendance folders in the office on their way to class. (Ask how to use Google Docs to keep attendance electronically.)
· Mark actual hours of attendance (numbers, not check marks), rounding off to the nearest half hour.
· Maintain current phone numbers for all students, including the best way to contact a student during the day in case we need to call about a cancellation.
· Keep attendance information current. Attendance is due every two weeks according to the District payroll calendar. No attendance, no pay.
· After class, return attendance folders to the office.
· Satellite site teachers should submit attendance according to the payroll schedule. No attendance, no pay.
· Please do not make additional stray marks or notes in attendance folders.
· You may use an electronic attendance sheet and send it via email.
· Occasionally you will receive a computer printout of how your attendance was entered into the computer. Please verify that attendance has been entered correctly by signing “ok as is” or “ok with changes” with the date.
Adult Education does not allow unregistered visitors to attend classes without prior approval; this includes children, spouses, partners and friends.
ATTENDANCE = PAY – Recording accurate and timely attendance is important for many reasons. In the case that all of your students are absent, wait 30 minutes. If no one arrives, you may go home and put one half hour on your timecard. Or you may use your scheduled time for legitimate adult education work (lesson planning, assessments, grading, contacting students, etc.)
LESSON PLANS and MAKE UP PLAN -- Determine a plan with your students for making up cancelled classes. Include this information in your course syllabus which is due within the first few weeks of class.
PUNCTUALITY -- Be on time for all scheduled classes, appointments and meetings. Notify the office if you will be absent. Ask student to arrive no more than five or 10 minutes early, and plan to be here before your students arrive.