RSU #3 Virtual Center General User Guide

Proud recipient of 2013 United States Conference for Adult Literacy (USCAL) Award for program innovation and collaboration!

Before accessing the virtual center: User must….

1.  Have a Minimum of 256 KB (kilobytes) download speed Internet connection. It takes 128KB (kilobytes) to run per avatar.

2.  Have Broadband Internet Connection (Dial up will not work: DSL may work, but could take longer to load).

3.  To be considered having Broadband, you must be at 3 tier....anything less than that is not what we consider Broadband.
On May 4, 2011, The ConnectME Authority approved adopting the FCC’s seven tiers of broadband service as its definition of broadband, with emphasis on the ability to use applications that require lower latency (≤ 100 ms) such as: VoIP communications; VPN connections; streaming media; gaming; and other interactive services.
Basic Broadband Tier 1 768 kbps to 1.5 Mbps
Broadband Tier 2 1.5 Mbps to 3 Mbps
Broadband Tier 3 3 Mbps to 6 Mbps
Broadband Tier 4 6 Mbps to 10 Mbps
Broadband Tier 5 10 Mbps to 25 Mbps
Broadband Tier 6 25 Mbps to 100 Mbps
Broadband Tier 7 Greater than 100 Mbps
The FCC tier system will give the Authority maximum flexibility, allowing newer, faster technologies to be recognized and encouraged.
The minimum upload speed would be 500kbps. NOTE: Many areas in RSU #3 district may have Broadband Internet, but it may be only at a .5 tier level.
If the center does not download on your computer, you may want to test the speed of your Internet, go to and click ONLY on the button that says: begin test. After the test, it will tell you the upload and download speed of your Internet service. DO NOT CLICK ON ANYTHING ELSE, JUST CLOSE OUT OF THE TEST SITE!

4.  Know that any computer that has been built within the past 3-5 years can handle the virtual center. Since the center is created using 3-D technology, only newer computers can operate the system quickly and effectively. Older computers can upload, but the wait time is usually too long to be of practical use to the student.

5.  Have to have the video card to handle the upgraded visual of the center.

6.  Download Unity Web Player to access the Center – This is automatic when first accessing the RSU #3 Virtual Center. When the user clicks on the website below, Unity Web Player will download. Just follow the instructions on the desktop.

7.  Can use a variety of browsers – choose the one that works best for your computer (Firefox, Safari, Bing, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome…)

8.  Close all other applications running on computer, including e-mail and the social media (facebook, twitter, etc)

To Access the virtual center:

1.  Virtual Center is located at:

You also must download Unity 3D player for the center to download. Once you enter this website address, it will direct you to download Unity 3D player! If not, please go to - to download!

2.  There is a quick tutorial for you to go through about accessing and moving around the center found at the log in screen. Just click on the tab saying Instructional Videos.

3.  You will need a user ID/Password to access the center and a user ID/password to access the moodle platform for course work. You will need to request these log-in’s from the RSU #3 Adult Education Office. If you do not have an e-mail address, we will create one for you through the g-mail system.

4.  At the First log-in called the Grid log-in, you will type your user name and password and click the log-in button. You will then enter the Welcome to JIBE log-in, if under the guest ID, you will need to rename your avatar before entering the world, so we can accurately track progress. To re-name, you click in the top/first space where it says guest and re-type in your name or program. Be sure that your password is entered; it usually transfers from the first log-in. Then click the ready to enter or start box on the bottom to access the center. If you have a user log-in, your name will appear and you can just enter the center.

5.  You must enable/allow pop ups and cookies or you will not be able to access the moodle platform on the virtual center. How? In the upper right hand corner of your screen, there will be a pop up enable box for you to click either all the time for this site or only once. Click on all the time. If using the browser, Google Chrome, follow the instructions to allow pop ups at this link:

6.  Remember to clear/empty your cache first. Go to your browser, click on the tools drop down box, go to clear recent history, click on clear now button…then log onto center.

After accessing the virtual center: User must…

1.  Click on picture of avatar that you want to be for the session. (only the choices shown are what you can choose from)

2.  After choosing an avatar, click on the start button.

3.  Click on the color of hair and outfit you want your avatar to be for this session.

4.  Click the button on the lower right hand side of the avatar room to enter JIBE (also known as the Virtual Center) – your avatar will teleport to a field.

5.  In the top left hand side, the various levels of the center will appear. Use the mouse to hover over the level you want to go to and hit enter.

The first level on the left is the Maine Parents Place level, the next one over is the High School (HS) level, the next level is Kennebec Valley Community College (KVCC), the next is Department of Labor (DOL), and the last is the Pegasus Station.

6.  Click once on the level you want to go to, the level screen will appear in the middle of the screen.

7.  To teleport to the level, click on the Travel to…button at the top left hand side. This will bring you to that level.

8.  To teleport to another level, Walk to the Pegasus found at that level. The teleportation screen will pop up in the top left hand side. Click on the next level that you want to go and follow steps 5 – 7 above.

9.  Once inworld, you need to click on your avatar to start any movement within the level.

10. Use mouse, keyboard, or arrow keys on keyboard to move avatar - this will take time to learn and you will walk into walls and other objects – just keep trying! Click on avatar to start walking by using top arrow or on the keyboard by using the W button.

Up arrow key or W button = walk straight ahead

Right arrow key or D button = turn to right

Left arrow key or A button = turn to left

Down arrow key or S button = can walk backward

11. At the level that you currently are in, there will be another Pegasus outside waiting to transport you back to the Station or teleport directly to another level.

12. Use screen icons: lower left – tells who else is in center; lower right – chat ability, lower right – is log out function; teleport directly to other rooms in that level are in the center of screen on top.

Upper right icons: coat hanger icon = teleports avatar to changing room; gear icon = will show user what the mouse controls will do; speaker icon = allows voice chat; world icon = shows map of world in upper left corner – when clicked, can show user the area without moving the avatar.

PEGASUS: when you want to leave the level

13. If you have traveled to the station, please go to the departure board to see what color Pegasus you need to go to for your specific destination – right now, you can go to the Mount View High School, Kennebec Valley Community College, or Department of Labor level, there is no Pegasus for the Department of Health and Human Services yet – we are building more for the future, so this is subject to change!

14. Walk to the Pegasus you choose, and click on the sign next to the Pegasus – you will be transported to the level you have chosen.

15. Explore all levels to find different items and learn to navigate with the avatar:

·  Things to search for in Mount View Level: Sea Serpent, surfing cow, downed cargo plane, Pegasus, pirate ship, do not enter room, how do I get on the roof?

·  Things to search for at Station Level: departure board, Pegasus

·  Things to search for in Kennebec Valley Community College Level: rooms for each class, research material/sources, Pegasus

·  Things to search for in Department of Labor Level: How do I leave without seeing a Pegasus around? The career tests, what are the standards for a 21st Century workforce and where do I find them? Can I reach the White House from here? Where is the lighthouse for the career prep class?

·  Things to search for on Maine Parent Place level – kitchen, TANF sign up, children’s play station, conference rooms…

·  There will be many more things to come, so stayed tuned….

16. For All Questions - please contact the RSU #3 Adult & Community Education Program, 207-568-3426 or . This way we can track questions, prioritize needs, and log progress for issues that arise.

Current classes offered in the center:

We offer Broadband technical assistance and training to all our academic students through our virtual learning center – RSU 3 Adult & Community Education Program

How to use the virtual center tutorial class- tutorial will be sent outside the virtual center to help students learn what is in the center and how to maneuver avatar and keyboard/mouse use

High School level:

·  High School biology – College-prep class -This class is a prerequisite for acceptance into a college health career program. You will learn the basics of cell biology and chemistry and how that relates to human body systems. You will also gain a basic understanding of the Environmental Biology systems we live in and their potential impacts on our health. Students will also gain research, observation and laboratory skills that will prepare them to transition into college level coursework

·  Digital photography class (facilitated with curriculum obtained through Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, MA and our own instructor

·  HiSET preparation class - This will be a 6 week preparatory class to learn about the new high school equivalency test to be administered in Maine. This test takes the place of the GED test. Class begins with orientation and test overview. Continuation of class includes: pre/post assessment in math and reading and preparation for each subject of the HiSET test. There will be an official practice test given for each subject and based on those scores, the instructor will recommend when individuals are ready to schedule each of their official exams. Tutoring will be available based on class and student need. Students are welcome to attend the next round of classes for specific subjects as needed.

·  PLATO lab, which is computer-assisted curriculum in most subject areas. NOTE – the computer that the student is using must be able to access the PLATO curriculum, which must be purchased through the software company first.

·  In the SPICE Family Literacy classroom, there is a class to obtain an English credit, as well as individualized classes for the family literacy participants. There is also an early childhood curriculum obtained from a defunct New York Even Start program, used with their permission in the virtual center with our early childhood instructor. There are also 3 interactive links to reading with your infant, preschooler, and toddler.

·  Technology center: students can access the Internet and a Virtual Technical Center (VTC). This is a virtual school that offers numerous computer classes with certification for computer information employment, but there is cost involved to students. Some examples of classes are: E-Commerce, Quick Start for facebook for business, Ipad application design, Ipad music design, My paint tutorial, Powerpoint presentation tutorial, Microsoft Word Tutorial, Micosoft Excel Tutorial, Google Apps tutorial, Protecting yourself on the Internet, Computer Security, How to build a basic website, Introduction to Wikis, Blogging, Computer Basics, Adobe Photoshop, Search Engines, and others.

Kennebec Valley Community College level (KVCC)

KVCC - college classes - - maximum number of students is set by instructors - first come, first serve!
English 031 - Introduction to College Writing

Math 114 - Technical Math

Psyche 101 - Introduction of Psychology

Engaging Parents and using literacy in the home environment videos: These amazing videos were created by the Title 1 adjunct Early Childhood instructor, Audrey O’Clair, for the Students & Parents In Cooperative Education (SPICE) Family Literacy Program. This is one way for parents to become the first and most influential educator of their children and one tool to gain skills to promote literacy development and guided practice in interactive literacy activities with children. Each presentation is a 5 minute video, which include:

1.  Use of literacy materials in the home;

2.  Use of TV/Video;

3.  Home Language and Learning;

4.  Priority on Learning Together;

5.  Expressive and Receptive Language;

6.  Reading with Children;

7.  Supporting Book/Print Concepts;

8.  Parent-School Communications;

9.  Expectations of Child and Family;

10. Monitoring Progress/Reinforcing Learning;

11. As a Partner with Educational settings;

12. Expectations of child's success in learning;