Associated Student Government
RSO Financial Affairs Meeting Minutes
January 28, 2016
I. Call To Order (5:00)
II. Roll Call
Macarena Arce
- Proxy Spencer Bone
Shelby Cormack
Stephanie Galen
Sean Kincade
Paige Ooton
Tim Robinson
- Proxy Adam Jones
Jacob Stansell
Emery Steinweg
Amy Stumpf
Ray Todd
III. Approval of the Minutes
IV. Appeals
a. Korean Student Association
- 1st round
o Approved 9-0
- 2nd round
o Approved 9-0
V. Old Business
a. The Wildlife Society
- Approved 9-0
b. Simple Truth
- Approved 9-0
c. The Higher Education Organization
- Approved 9-0
d. Space and Planetary Association for Collaboration and Education (SPACE) Hogs_event
- Approved 9-0
e. Black Graduate Student Association
- Approved 9-0
f. Association of Ceramic Enthusiasts
- Approved 9-0
g. Contemporary Sculpture Society
- Approved 9-0
h. Art Educators’ Association
- Approved 9-0
i. Board of Advocates
- Approved 9-0
j. Sports Analytics Club
- Approved 9-0
VI. New Business
a. Association of Graduate Student Artists
- Approved 9-0
b. Tau Beta Sigma
- Reduced to $1000
- Approved 9-0
c. American Marketing Association
- Approved 9-0
d. Graduate Students in English
- Asked to attend next meeting to answer questions about content and educational value
- Approved 9-0
e. Nontraditional Premed Student Organization
- Cut gratuity
- Reduced quantity of food to 79 to match attendance
- Confirm guest speaker info
- Approved 9-0
f. Space and Planetary Association for Collaboration and Education (SPACE) Hogs
- Approved 9-0
g. The Cardinal Society_Dr. Gold
- Make sure alcohol will not be present at the event
- Approved 9-0
h. Printmaking Club
- Late
- Encouraged to resubmit
- Failed to approved 9-0
i. Russia-Eurasia Student Organization
- Cut decorations
- Cut snow machine (decoration purposes)
- Provide clarity on room reservation fee
- Approved 9-0
j. The Cardinal Society_Dr. Baxter
- Approved 9-0
k. The Isely-Baerg Entomology Club
- Approved 9-0
l. Alpha Phi Sigma- Iota Rho
- Ask why they would not qualify to pay the student registration fee
- Reduced to $1000 limit
- Approved 9-0
m. Biology Graduate Student Association
- Very exclusive
- Not enough info to support educational value
- Student to non-student ratio was 1:1
- Failed to approve 9-0
VII. Other
VIII. Announcements
XI. Adjournment(5:55)