Associated Student Government

RSO Financial Affairs Meeting Minutes

January 28, 2016

I.  Call To Order (5:00)

II.  Roll Call

Macarena Arce

Proxy Spencer Bone

Shelby Cormack

Stephanie Galen

Sean Kincade

Paige Ooton

Tim Robinson

Proxy Adam Jones

Jacob Stansell

Emery Steinweg

Amy Stumpf

Ray Todd

III.  Approval of the Minutes

IV.  Appeals

a.  Korean Student Association

-  1st round

o  Approved 9-0

-  2nd round

o  Approved 9-0

V.  Old Business

a.  The Wildlife Society

-  Approved 9-0

b.  Simple Truth

-  Approved 9-0

c.  The Higher Education Organization

-  Approved 9-0

d.  Space and Planetary Association for Collaboration and Education (SPACE) Hogs_event

-  Approved 9-0

e.  Black Graduate Student Association

-  Approved 9-0

f.  Association of Ceramic Enthusiasts

-  Approved 9-0

g.  Contemporary Sculpture Society

-  Approved 9-0

h.  Art Educators’ Association

-  Approved 9-0

i.  Board of Advocates

-  Approved 9-0

j.  Sports Analytics Club

-  Approved 9-0

VI.  New Business

a.  Association of Graduate Student Artists

-  Approved 9-0

b.  Tau Beta Sigma

-  Reduced to $1000

-  Approved 9-0

c.  American Marketing Association

-  Approved 9-0

d.  Graduate Students in English

-  Asked to attend next meeting to answer questions about content and educational value

-  Approved 9-0

e.  Nontraditional Premed Student Organization

-  Cut gratuity

-  Reduced quantity of food to 79 to match attendance

-  Confirm guest speaker info

-  Approved 9-0

f.  Space and Planetary Association for Collaboration and Education (SPACE) Hogs

-  Approved 9-0

g.  The Cardinal Society_Dr. Gold

-  Make sure alcohol will not be present at the event

-  Approved 9-0

h.  Printmaking Club

-  Late

-  Encouraged to resubmit

-  Failed to approved 9-0

i.  Russia-Eurasia Student Organization

-  Cut decorations

-  Cut snow machine (decoration purposes)

-  Provide clarity on room reservation fee

-  Approved 9-0

j.  The Cardinal Society_Dr. Baxter

-  Approved 9-0

k.  The Isely-Baerg Entomology Club

-  Approved 9-0

l.  Alpha Phi Sigma- Iota Rho

-  Ask why they would not qualify to pay the student registration fee

-  Reduced to $1000 limit

-  Approved 9-0

m.  Biology Graduate Student Association

-  Very exclusive

-  Not enough info to support educational value

-  Student to non-student ratio was 1:1

-  Failed to approve 9-0

VII.  Other

VIII.  Announcements

XI.  Adjournment(5:55)